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James Harrison

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Status Replies posted by James Harrison

  1. The Castle Tours RMWEB trip this year to Didcot will be a two day event to both Didcot and Fawley Hill! Thread appearing soon - places will be limited!

  2. Still working on the Lairg Station Layout and my Steampunk Cake Box - missed the deadline, but ‘c’est la vie’!

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Looking forward to seeing the cakebox finished.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  3. In this unboxing video, I will spend 23 minutes opening a packet of rail joiners

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      What do they come in, a Chinese puzzle box?


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  4. Shame the Peco Bullhead thread has been locked... don't know where to go for my daily stress relief now. :(

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      It was one of those things that reading it you knew nothing good could come of it but it was compelling. I should say like watching a slow-motion car crash or a dog returning to its own vomit.

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  5. “Attention all hands – this is the purser”, “Cabins come fully equipped and if you wish to 'purchase' items from your cabin, the following charges apply :- bathrobe = €50, Kettle = 110, Coffee m/c = €130, Plaid = €80, Cushion = €50 each, Oreiller =€60.” “Items are charged in the currency of the last major port of call.”, “That is all.”

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      So if the ship sinks can you bill the cruise company for lost luggage?


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  6. Nosferatu

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      He dines alone in empty rooms with sweet bouquet of withered blooms,

      His teeth long rotted to the root he sucks the pulp of bruised fruit.

      Gone the bearing and the grace, sad sunken eyes and charmel face,

      He'll dye his hair and paint his nails and rouge the cheeks that aging pales.


      Nosferatu he sleeps the restless sleep of the undead.


      And when he stands before the glass no reflection does he cast,

      This vile disease that taints his line burns the...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. So that's it, I've become thirty...

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      It's easier if you think of it as being the nine-and-twenties.


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  8. Some may have noticed that I now seldom or no longer update my Caledonian loco and carriage threads. I’ve decided to withdraw from posting my obviously mediocre modelling efforts and as I’ve done over the last six months will now just share with a select few good friends through PM’s I shall still chat about general subjects and ask questions as before but my own modelling efforts will now remain private. Steve

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Sorry to hear that; I always rather enjoyed watching them coming together.


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  9. Channel 4 just spend how much on a tent?

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      The instructions on my Primus stove specifically say not to light it in a tent...


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. Today's earworm. Victoria by the Kinks. Top tune but I prefer the Fall's version.!

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Now you've gone put it in my head too. (Not that I'm complaining, I'm quite fond of The Kinks).

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  11. What is this? Somebody's messed with the page layout! I don't like change!

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Ah; that explains it thanks Andy. (Not a whinge by the way).


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  12. 'tis lucky I had the foresight to repair the wheel barrow. I'll be needing that to fill with worthless currency to wheel up to Sainsburys in exchange for a loaf of bread...

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      I understand the French are re-enacting 'Passport to Pimlico' under Le Tranche right now.


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  13. Moonraker - YAY!

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Bond 1) sees somebody bite through a 2'' steel hawser with his teeth, then 2) proceeds to sock said block in the mouth. What is the best he was hoping for? A broken hand?


    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Is astonished by the 1939 lady on the news.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      The 1930s/ 40s.... pah! 1905 is where it is at.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. wee laddie fer a palfry.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      The whole school was in a fever, mostly dysentry and beri-beri, with a few cases of scurvy and black water fever amongst the older boys.


    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  16. Did you know (Best Michael Cain voice here) Did you know that a hot soldering iron can give your fingers a nasty burn if you grab it by the wrong end. Now ask me how I know this.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Wait, you mean it isn't the done thing to pick it up by the hot end?!? That must be where I keep going wrong.


    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  17. Ho hum. I bought a GCR Pollitt 4-4-0 on Monday night, it was delivered today but the seller posted me a very nice Pollitt 4-2-2 instead. Polite email to the seller pointing out their error but saying I'd be happy to keep the single if it suits them...

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Added impetus to get my Parker rake finished! (well, one carriage started and one donor carriage waiting to be started.... which leaves me looking for another pair of Caley carriages to hack up!)

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  18. Ho hum. I bought a GCR Pollitt 4-4-0 on Monday night, it was delivered today but the seller posted me a very nice Pollitt 4-2-2 instead. Polite email to the seller pointing out their error but saying I'd be happy to keep the single if it suits them...

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      And we've sorted it out with the minimum of fuss. A simple case of the boxes getting mixed up, and as it is payday tomorrow I've bought the Single as well as the 4-4-0.


    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  19. Spent two months rehabilitating an old kit to have the paintwork ruined in 5 minutes by the varnish (Humbrol satin clear) going milky. Not best pleased....

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      It won't come off nor will paint cover the blooms... Two months work down the drain, back to the start.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  20. I am now safely home after an outstanding weekend on the WHR, the FR and the WHHR at Porthmadog.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      http://s149.photobucket.com/user/masgtai/library/The 2015 Grand Summer Expedition - a photographic record of the weekend.
  21. Reading Raising Steam. The Ankh-Morpork and Sto Plains Hygenic Railway could be a great idea for a model.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      I'm reading it too. If I were to model it I suspect Harry King's yards would be the bit I chose.


    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  22. Its the 220th anniversary of the Glorious First of June :)

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      And also the 98th anniversary of Jutland.

  23. Well, that was unexpected. An LNER C13 for

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      Ebay on Monday night! It's a scratchbuilt example. When it arrives I shall see what's what with it (I already know it'll need repainting into LNER livery from BR black). I wasn't expecting to get it quite so cheap!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  24. GCR Loughbrough just announced that the proposed new bridge linking the two halves of the railway will be in within the next two years and trains running the complete 18 mile length in 5 years

  25. My old laptop died the day after I finished my dissertation, it had a flair for timing it would seem.

    1. James Harrison

      James Harrison

      I've had:

      - one external hard drive die three days before all my work was due in;

      -One laptop die the week after my dissertation was submitted, and;

      -One laptop die *after* making a digital submission but *before* making the hardcopy submission of the same work, which needed to be handed in with the receipt of submission of the digital copy which was lost when the laptop went bang....

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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