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Mike Bellamy

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Everything posted by Mike Bellamy

  1. Found it - Congratulations on your new appointment - so back to Lincoln but this time at that other place with the funny name that no one can pronounce ! Although it's supposed to be a narrow gauge event, I'm happy for almost anything to be there - with Neil Blair and Andy Young both working on 7mm standard gauge and me buying a few bits second hand (as usual) the 7mmNG might be the minority interest this time Mike .
  2. Great work Chris . . . . For a variety of tools and a couple of different tool boxes, have a look at the etched products from Severn Models - a selection available in 7mm here http://severnmodels.com/epages/eshop1179816.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/eshop1179816/Categories/O_Gauge__7mm_to_1_foot Mike .
  3. Well what a surprise - I didn't see that coming or did I miss something in a previous posting or another topic ? Will you be all unpacked and ready to bring the layout to Mickleover in January . . . . . . !! Good luck with the move - hope all goes well. Mike .
  4. I thought taking this week off work was to get the kitchen finished not play trains - but given a choice, I know what I would rather do. I'm still getting earache about a couple of little unfinished jobs here but more and more gets added to the list so the chance of finishing the kitchen gets further and further away . . . . . . . .
  5. Is that why you are wearing the hat - perhaps its time for a new photo . . . . ?
  6. That reminds me of my first day at work for the Black Horse back in 1972 when I was sent to the enquiries window to serve a customer to find that he had an appointment with the bank manager. As a young kid of 18, I thought I should ask his name - he replied Major General Sir Christopher Welby-Everard !! Much older staff obviously knew him as a former commanding officer of the Lincolnshire Regiment, later a very senior staff officer and his final military role was as the last British officer to command the Nigerian army before independence. I didn't mention my three uneventful years in the Combined Cadet Force at school !! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Welby-Everard http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/obituary-majgen-sir-christopher-welbyeverard-1348775.html Mike .
  7. Harlaxton Road bridge has been hit again . Just seen this on the Grantham Matters local news web site http://www.granthammatters.co.uk/bnridge-closed-again-for-teatime-traffic/ EDIT Better pictures in this link instead http://www.granthammatters.co.uk/another-grantham-bridge-hit-this-morning-2/ .
  8. Help !! Of course it does - what a very comprehensive reply to a simple question. Many thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge with me (and everyone else). Have you ever thought about writing a book . . . . . . . Regards Mike .
  9. Sorry Alan but a Google search didn't help me in finding that - can you advise further on Shippen Cleaner as my patio is a mess although with a lot of moss in the gaps in the block paving, it's probably a power washer I need and then refill with sand again ?? Thanks Mike .
  10. Netherlands, Germany and France - that's almost a world tour. Here in the UK many modellers won't go more than 50 miles (80km)to visit a show . . . . . As always, thanks for sharing your inspirational modelling. .
  11. I guess Paul's doing all he can to catch up on orders and get outstanding jobs out of the way. When I was helping him at Telford we took a few more orders for sound fitted Minerva Pecketts which means that the waiting list for that loco is now 65. He's hoping to receive them early December and by now he should have one of the engineering prototypes to strip down to find out what fits where - I don't think he'll have a Christmas holiday this year . . . ! .
  12. Derek - small world - Dad lived on Edward Street just around the corner from your aunt. I mentioned that my granddad left the railway to run the pub at Tinwell, well that's where I spent the first 6 years of my life until he retired in 1960 and we moved back to Grantham - and ended up on Edward Street again living with my mums parents (Kirkby) for a few months and then moved to Harrowby Road where 55 years later they both still live !! During the war, Barfords made mostly Bren Gun Carriers - the book 'The Rise and Fall of Aveling Barford' quotes the record production of 47 in a month plus 13 other vehicles. Also other specialist machining jobs such as shell fuse caps, cylinder heads for other engines, tank turrets and cooking equipment - all this in addition to building utility rollers for airfield construction and repair. Mum's sister worked at MARCOs through the war - turned her hair grey at the age of about 25. The RAF were at St Vincents House at the junction of Harrowby Road and Bridge End Road just before you go up Somerby Hill. HQ of 5 Group and mentioned in the Dambusters film. Then used by the Americans and after the war as offices for the Air Ministry, then the local council and now a private house again - of course it was first built for Richard Hornsby and his factory features on the layout. Did you see how I got way off topic talking about family and places and brought it back to the model railway again . . . . . . . . . Mike .
  13. Just a brief note to echo all that has already been said. Didn't get chance to introduce myself as everyone was so busy although I did have a quick chat with Barry in the other hall. Dad behaved himself although he did ask where the coal tower was. He remembered walking up the slope from Springfield Road with his father to collect his wages from an office somewhere near the shed - this would have been in the late 1930s early 1940s as my granddad left the railway in 1947 (aged 47) to run the Crown Inn at Tinwell near Stamford. Dad also mentioned that in an air raid a bomb landed in a field very close to the Great North Road bridge and was just a few yards from taking out both the main road and railway line in one hit. Pleased to see the second issue of 'Return to Grantham' was also available. Mike .
  14. You may find some information here - perhaps join the group to ask the question http://o14group.org/ Chelfham is another O.14 L&B layout here http://o14group.org/2014/06/23/chelfham-at-burton-upon-trent/ O.14 'standards' here - several articles from NGIRM have been put into one downloadable file http://o14group.org/category/standards/ O.14 Trackwork here includes detailed description of L&B track http://o14group.org/category/trackwork/ .
  15. Over on another topic, NeilHB has totally dismantled his Terrier ready for a repaint - amazing number of separate parts - just hope he can get it back together again ! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/97585-elsbridge-wharf-1906-neilhbs-layout/page-3&do=findComment&comment=2016932 .
  16. Hopefully my very recent purchase from you has eased the financial pressure a little . . . . . .
  17. Ian As you are overseas you may not have seen all the fuss about a dispute between a Solicitor (mature and married) and a Barrister (young and attractive) when he commented on her appearance in a photo . . . . . http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/34206080/linkedin-sexism-row-charlotte-proudman-says-lawyer-used-site-like-tinder http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/11852887/Lawyer-accused-of-sexism-after-complimenting-barrister-on-stunning-LinkedIn-picture.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3228221/Men-job-offers-propositions-says-female-barrister-centre-LinkedIn-sexism-scandal-describes-professional-networking-site-white-collar-Tinder.html .
  18. Ask them again after Sunday night when it's all over . . . . . . . . . . . .
  19. Yes - see the Google map here - it's only a few hundred yards from the A1 https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8974328,-0.6621642,15.77z?hl=en .
  20. Amazing detail in those tools - I have posted a link to this topic on the Gauge O Guild Forum and so I hope this helps to generate more orders for you - of course it's Guildex at Telford this weekend which would be a very local show for you ! .
  21. Make that two - or possibly three as my Dad (88) wants to come and see the area where he grew up . . . . Make a change to have a different (and happier) reason to visit the old home town as we made the journey far too may times over the summer as mother-in-law was seriously ill and passed away in July. Mike .
  22. Would you like an invitation to the 7mm Narrow Gauge Assn Exhibition at Burton Town Hall, June next year, or the year after, or the year after that . . . . ?? Always on the lookout for quality 7mmNG layouts and I have no doubt that's what this will be. Mike .
  23. Peter David Rae has converted an old Atlas loco into a Hibberd Planet . . . . . . . . Details here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/60529-atlas-plymouth-to-hibberd-planet-conversion/ .
  24. Seconded that advice from Derek - the School is only a few hundred yards from the A1 - only those travelling from the East would need to go under Springfield Road but you would still avoid the town centre - especially as Saturday is Market Day and Watergate Westgate will be closed. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@52.8986147,-0.6562366,16z?hl=en EDIT - got my Westgate and Watergate mixed up - but it is nearly 40 years since I moved away !! .
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