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Everything posted by Ozexpatriate

  1. Even when pipeline oil ends up in people's backyards it doesn't stay in the news cycle for very long. Who's heard of the Exxon Pegasus rupture in Mayflower Arkansas? 5,000 - 7,000 barrels of oil from a ruptured pipeline in a suburban neighborhood. You can google it for the videos and even though this happened only last March, the outrage has long dissipated.
  2. My Way - (performed by) Frank Sinatra I wanted to do "Off we go into the wild blue yonder" but the official title of that song is "The US Air Force". which Tom Lehrer satirically conflated with "Up in the air junior birdman" in his intro to " " which itself parodies the US Army's "The Army Goes Marching Along".
  3. Inevitably ... A Hard Day's Night - The Beatles
  4. She's leaving home after living alone
  5. For Those About to Rock (We Salute You) - AC/DC
  6. 'Twas in the darkest depths of Mordor
  7. Is there a Justin Beiber exclusionary rule? I am hoping so. Sweet Baby James - James Taylor
  8. For anyone looking for references to "Lode Star" in Shakespeare, should anyone need this due to some bizarre set of circumstances. There is Sonnet 116, (Love) is the star to every wandering bark, Julius Caesar (Act III, Scene I) CASSIUS: But I am constant as the northern star, Midsummer Night's Dream (Act I, Scene I) HELENA: Your eyes are lode-stars; and your tongue's sweet air
  9. Yet still not the steadfast northern star appears and I'm not quite ready to say: Now is the winter of our discontent Made glorious summer by this sun of Margate; And all the clouds that lour'd upon our hobby In the deep bösom of the ocean buried. Now are our models run round our layouts; Our wearied typing declaring victory; Our stern alarums changed to merry meetings, Our dreadful rants to delightful measures.
  10. It's In The Way That You Use It - Eric Clapton et al
  11. "Now is the winter of our discontent"? Perhaps a bit over the top - but literally discordant with a lot of RMweb posts regarding Hornby. (Of course it really means things are getting better, which we haven't seen yet.)
  12. The slow roll continues. It's like waiting for a (mechanically) delayed flight at the airport while the airline logistics people scramble to find a replacement aircraft so they don't have to cancel the flight. The gate agents say something like this every half hour or so, "We've just had an update from control and it looks like the flight has been delayed for another 45 minutes." Not so long that you will leave and look for another airline and not so short that you will bug them every ten minutes.
  13. Almost certainly. There were so many experiments in the US - most of which were successful, although the long-haul stuff went to locomotive hauled trains. The Burlington Zephyr (CB&Q - 1934) The UP M-10000 series (UP - 1934) The New Haven Comet (NYNH&H - 1935) The Flying Yankee (MEC - 1935) The Illinois Central Green Diamond (IC - 1936) The North Shore Line Electroliner (CNS&M - 1941) which was an EMU.
  14. Some photographs published on the centennial anniversary of the tragedy here. There is a very detailed overview of the pit on number 4. Number 19 shows a funeral procession - in front of the wagon yard.
  15. Congratulations Chris, that's quite a milestone! (Or in railway speak, should that be milepost?) Either way, well done.
  16. Funny! I had no idea that HM Revenue and Customs was reusing the IRS 501( c )( 3 ) non-profit designation these days,
  17. So no hunting flushers or retrievers then?
  18. I don't know what it is about the internet and pictures of cats and as a personal rule I don't post pictures or links to pictures of cats. But, Google "neko sushi cats". Bizarre. Endearing. Cute (almost cloyingly so). Hilarious too.
  19. Pete, was that required by law in North Carolina? Bass Fishing, NASCAR and (optionally) the Panthers game.
  20. Arrr, Avast there! Me 'elms a lee. Talk like a pirate day. I almost missed it. This ? Or this one?
  21. Indeed. Very nice looking indeed and nice to see these available for N gauge. It's a turnabout for 00 enthusiasts to be jealous, but I am.
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