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Everything posted by 108

  1. Love Is The Drug - Roxy Music
  2. Black Velvet Band - Traditional tune, released by many.
  3. All The Young Dudes - David Bowie
  4. Morning all. Heading to Woking today. I'll be the fool dragging a wheelie bag as I'm between hotels today!
  5. Hard Times (Come Again No More) - B Dylan / Dublin City Ramblers / Emmylou Harris and loads of others.
  6. The Living Years - Mike and the Mechanics Edited to remove copy/paste error. (Fat fingers or too much Merlot? You decide)
  7. William Tell Overture - various orchestras (or should this be in the Favourite Classical Music thread)
  8. I've nipped over to London for a few days. Enjoying the change of pace so far. Currently relaxing on a Southern train to Sutton. Time for some lunch.
  9. Dark End of the Street -Moving Hearts
  10. Lock Up Your Daughters - Slade Edited for dodgy speeling
  11. Love Action - Human League
  12. Bring me sunshine - Morecambe and Wise
  13. And then there was the dyslexic agnostic insomniac who lay awake at night, wondering if there really was a dog.
  14. Dave- Thoughts with you today. Can't think of anything which hasn't been said already. I'll raise a glass tonight. Best wishes. Paul
  15. Goodnight. Although I might not get any sleep for a while. Lightning with almost simultaneous thunder outside.
  16. Happy birthday Dave and hoping that Is is comfortable. Still glorious weather here today. It looks like Paris is feeling the effects of some extreme rain. I'll be finishing early tomorrow and raising a glass to Jock. Have a good evening.
  17. Scorchio here in Skerries too. Beats the usual weather. Roads closed for resurfacing before the bike races.
  18. 80%. Without living in the UK
  19. Can't believe it Dave. Thoughts with you both.
  20. Hi Dom You could try Marks Models in Cork city or Dublin, or Graham's Toymaster in Port Laoise. Both have excellent websites. Can't include links as I'm on site today in Cork, Tralee and Galway. It'll be a long day. Then back to Dublin. Watching heavy rain out the window in Cork currently. Enjoy the day. Best wishes to all.
  21. Thanks for the message. I'm still struggling but I'm sure Jock would have been the first to offer support. He's missed already. P
  22. That says it all Dick. Jocks attitude and fortitude is a lesson to us all. I'm almost at a loss for words. My thoughts are with Jock, Joanna and the family tonight.
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