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Status Updates posted by Modernist

  1. 5 year old daughter, Miranda, has told father Christmas she wants electric train track

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      awww my eldest one asked me for a thomas when she was younger she now has a trackmat with quite a few of daddys locos after begging for the duchess of sutherland.

  2. 5 year old daughter, Miranda, has told father Christmas she was electric train track

  3. is weathering his rocks!

    1. Jon020


      sounds uncomfortable.

  4. Has left his first rock moulds to set

  5. Has just received noch moulds and hydrocal. Now I just need to learn German :-/

  6. It's started snowing. Oh no, I'm carving polystyrene!

  7. has begun weathering his first loco

  8. a nice voigner this evening I think...

  9. has finally received some of the new mk1s

  10. Seems to be a distinct lack of fireworks this bonfire night. Everyone trying to avoid clashing with other bonfires no doubt!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Modernist


      Not sure, they seem to go off every night but nov 5th

    3. John M Upton

      John M Upton

      Oh I don't know, in the distance I can distinctly make out what appears to be a re-enactment of the Battle of Britain only minus the Stukas...

    4. Sylvian Tennant

      Sylvian Tennant

      A men to that, I saw a bonfire in the middle of the no where in North Yorkshire... all I could think of was the "Wicker Man"!

  11. has posted a kyle update in layout topics

  12. has posted update is layout topics

  13. has been driving a black 5... in railworks

  14. my mig rail weathering set seems to have come pre-weathered :-/

  15. have extended my layout on paper

    1. Kris


      Using wood, would have made for a stronger baseboard one would have thought. ;-)

    2. Modernist


      it's okay, it's on a cardboard frame

  16. Been creating inset track by cutting off sleepers. Went surprisingly well

  17. Just chucked another 90 odd quid kernow model centre's way

  18. The person who invented soldering was a three handed fiend

  19. Has just been talking to mr outwell village at the show in holmfirth

  20. will be making the 2 minute walk to the barely publicised huddersfield show in holmfirth

  21. The other half is knitting in the lounge. Think hotel would mind if I bring down my 10 ton fish van kit

  22. Shortly after arriving at the hotel someone left by helicopter! Ver' posh

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Was it something you said?

    2. Modernist


      No, just my presence I think :-/

  23. travelling to worcestershire in autumn sun

  24. Staying at the elms in worcestershire this week. Anywhere I should visit?

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