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Everything posted by it's-er

  1. Well, Heljan's stand at Warley has one on display, for delivery late 2017. I've only seen it in the background of some of the Warley photos folk have posted so far today, but I imagine a number of folk have taken better photos that can be posted here. John
  2. Many thanks for these photos. Is that the GWR 2-8-0 Night Owl in the background of your second photo, and what is the small tank locomotive 'underneath' in your fourth photo?? John
  3. It would be helpful if this thread is now locked by the Moderators, and we could have two new threads for Realtrack announce class 142 Realtrack announce class 156. As it is we have 18 pages of speculation before any announcement, and in a few weeks time we will find it very difficult to source the announcement amongst, by that time, 30 or 40 pages. Please! John Storey
  4. Andy York says on the 'BRM Seen at Warley' thread that Bachmann is at Warley today with deco samples of the Webb coal tank. Some photos, please! John
  5. And you can see a couple of photos of the 3D printed model of the Stirling Single here http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?m=1101318906379&ca=8ff4e781-15b9-4202-a07e-ea1976431a09 John Storey
  6. it's-er

    Bachmann 1F

    "a proper crew" - not sure how we do that at 1/76, but 'Honey, I shrunk the kids' might give some inspiration? John
  7. Ah well - this announcement caught us all by surprise! The other thing I pick up is their comment that "that Warley is not too far away, as is our complete 2017 range launch". So we can expect to know Hornby's 2017 programme in 3 weeks time. Excellent! John
  8. Last year's announcement for 2016 was the SR Merchant Navy, LNER B12, NER Q6, Peckett, and the SR class 71; in coaches GWR Collett corridor stock (announced earlier, but nevertheless was still part of the 2016 package) and the lovely LBSC Maunsell 58' stock; and the LMS coke wagon and SR cattle wagon. At least half of these are already with us, with others due soon. If their 2017 announcement is anything like as good as this, many of us will be very happy indeed! John
  9. Thank you, Tony, for responding so fully at post 12,257 above to my query about your reroofing of the Prototype Models Little Bytham goods shed (on your Little Bytham recreation in miniature). I made this goods shed 35 or 40 years ago (oh dear!), and felt the roof was indeed a bit flat or bland .... but I've never got round to cutting up long strips of thin card, nicking them and gluing them on, row by row. All a bit laborious! Wills sheets aren't big enough, so would have joins difficult to disguise. Your photos show these Barleycorn embossed texture sheets look like a wonderful solution. My thanks! John Storey
  10. It was in time for last year's Warley - will it be the same this year? If so, is just 4 weeks away! John
  11. ......and there are a couple of photos from that link on their Facebook page. Admiittedly not close ups, but that does look like a cute locomotive! John Storey
  12. I hope you don't mind if I ask, but you say at post 12,235 above that you "recently re-roofed the goods shed with embossed slates". I've had the Prototype Models Little Bytham goods shed for many years, and always enjoy such a lovely representation of the prototype. Whose embossed slates did you use, please? John Storey
  13. Are the CADs available for us to see, anywhere online? We often see CAD of forthcoming models, but what about this B4? John
  14. Wow, that is impressive! (Sidecar Racer's video). Without seeing the footage, I couldn't imagine so much damage being done so quickly! John
  15. Did anything else make it to Folkestone? Webb coal tank? Brighton Atlantic? John
  16. Their latest diecast vehicles catalogue - release programme - for October 2016 to January 2017 is now up: available at https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1017/3257/files/OCT_16-JAN_17_low_res.pdf?12675626043022092227 John
  17. Hey folks, this is a thread about Hornby, not the effects of Brexit on the value of the £ Sterling, please! It is clear that the £ has fallen as a result of the vote - it hit a 31 year low against the dollar yesterday, to a level last seen in 1985. Meanwhile our economy is doing rather well - the IMF expects our economy to be the fastest growing of the G7 economies this year. All this from today's financial pages. If you want to know about the effect of Brexit on the value of the £ Sterling, read the financial pages of our press - page 4 of today's business pages of the Daily Teleraph has an excellent Q & A article. But here .... let us keep to modelling! John Storey
  18. On its Facebook page, BRM has first photos of ODs Mk 3 coaches (unpainted) and the Deans Goods, and notes " Look out for more new announcements and releases from Oxford Rail in the next few days." So we don't have long to wait for some news! John
  19. I don't know if this is the Facebook page folk are referring to, but I've just seen BRM''s facebook page with its images of the mark 3 coaches, here https://www.facebook.com/Britishrailwaymodellingmagazine/photos/pb.185729314793450.-2207520000.1475085467./1295403300492707/?type=3&theater I'm sure someone else can give us a link to the 'other' Facebook page, if my link here isn't what people have been seeing! John Storey Ah! newbryford's post at 236 has the same link - it wasn't there when I started my post!
  20. I have just been looking at that photograph, as I have memories of seeing locos with 'funny rooflines' at Cranleigh. My grandparents lived in Cranleigh, and to an 8 or 9 year old from ER territory in Edinburgh, those rooflines looked very odd and old fashioned! The photo you refer to shows H class 31279 and 31543 at Cranleigh, undated (alas!) as you say, and immediately above it there is another photo of H class 31279 at Cranleigh on 8 August 1959. In addition 'The best of Southern steam' by Alan Postlethwaite shows (plate 105) H class 31543 at Cranleigh, also undated. Finally Railway Modeller April 1979 has a photo of H class 31276 at Cranleigh on 4 July 1960 "with set 605 (Maunsell 2-coach plus ex SECR non-corridor 10 compartment strengthening carriage)." This last confirms Trevor's comment at post 174 above. I rather assume these locos would have been allocated to either Guildford or Horsham sheds? John
  21. Have you finished your H class yet? A couple of photos in painted form would be appreciated, especially in view of Hronby's expected announcement or tease tomorrow! John
  22. Bachmann are now showing the Thompson coaches in decorated form on their website http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/details.php?id=323 John
  23. Oxford Diecast usually have a stand at the Great Dorset Steam Fair, being held this weekend. Did they show any new castings on their stand? Does anyone have photos they can post on here? TheSoitherner has already posted photos on the Bachmann thread of their Webb coal tank and SECR Birdcage coaches, which Bachmann had on their stand at the Great Dorset Steam Fair today. John in Edinburgh, so very happy to see photos from those able to attend!
  24. I think that is because Andy has already posted the photographs here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/113613-Bachmann-farish-half-year-product-update/page-1 John
  25. Don't worry! I guess you are suffering from withdrawal symptoms .... and that you aren't the only one to be doing so! In Engine Shed, Hornby have created an effective means of communicating with us - bringing us information about forthcoming models, and teases about as yet unannounced models. I will be very pleased when it resumes in two weeks time! John
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