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Everything posted by it's-er

  1. So on the comments immediately above "The pipes should be copper ... brass unless painted looks very wrong" and "carefully applied paint will address these issues quite readily". What paint colour or colours do folk recommend for this purpose? Also I'm not clear if the pipes on Southern locomotives were usually copper, or whether they were sometimes (often?) body colour, as also suggested above. Some hints from those knowledgeable on Southerm practice would be helpful. John
  2. Agree fully rembrow's comments above. Another major factor is that Oxford is a very lean organisation. I'm sure I read recently that they have 4 or 5 staff (as I recall it, this was a comment by TAFF himself on the Oxofrd Diecast Collectors Facebook page). Consequently their administrative overheads are low. John
  3. We should remember that Oxford have a terrific record in producing product at remarkably reasonable prices. Their cars, vans and lorries at 1/43, 1/76 and 1/148 scales are first class, incorporate wonderful detail, and many of the 1/76 models sell at £4.75. Corgi Trackside were in the same market, but I remember them saying they didn't see much future in it, as the market was small. Oxford have categorically proved that wrong, and are in a sense disruptors. Their products are astonishing value for money, and I suspect they can do the same in the model railway field. I find it interesting that Oxford specifically say they plan to produce models that have been produced previously "but need updating" (see Roy P's quote at post 1039 above). 34theletterbetweenB&D's mention of the Dean Goods certainly fits there! John
  4. For completeness, and to tie the threads together: New photographs of the latest iteration of Hejan's O2 were posted last week on page 326 of the Peterborough North thread here on RMweb at http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/18451-peterborough-north/page-326 and at page 213 of Wright Writes here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/64295-wright-writes/page-213 John
  5. it's-er

    Hornby D16/3

    There are photographs of 4 approval samples of the D16/3 on Hornby's Engine Shed page today, with the comment that they hope to start shipping later this summer. Here's the link http://www.Hornby.com/uk-en/news/the-engine-shed/class-71-and-the-d16/ John
  6. Ben Alder - fascinated by this (your photo above) and in how you have achieved this. But wouldn't it have need easier to start with a Bachmann C class, which has - to my mind - more the right proportions of boiler and smokebox saddle? John
  7. Tony at post 5105 "Anyway, off to finish a J69 before it's too late!". Photographs when it is finished, please! I know your allegiance is to large locomotives, but some of us love small locomotives too! John
  8. "WHAT a pretty engine the J50 is!" Well, each to their own ....... and beauty is in the eye of the beholder! As fas as I am concerned, the J50 is one of the ugliest locomotives ever made! Entirely utilitarian, not a graceful line anywhere! I cannot fathom how Gresley designed such graceful and elegant locomotives as the A3 and A4, and the likes of the O2, and yet also was responsible for the J50! For a lovely 0-6-0T, Hornby could have chosen the J69 to model - that really is a pretty engine! John
  9. Many thanks to Apollo at post 4773 for giving us the full official Ministry of Transport report on the Settle accident 21 Jan 1960. It is astonishing what RMWebbers come up with - the subject has just been mentioned, and within an hour or two we have the official report on the incident. Astonishing, given this was something that happened 55 years ago! The report makes absorbing and interesting reading about the operations of the real railway on a night of inclement weather all those years ago. John
  10. Hmmm! Thanks to Dr Gerbil-Frityers for the photo above. Once this is reduced 76 times, I doubt many of us could tell the difference! John
  11. In those days - pre 1973, when VAT was introduced in the UK - purchase tax was levied on the finished product, but kits were either tax free or subject to a lower rate of purchase tax. Kit building was a way of avoiding tax - you saved on both the manufacturer's assembly costs and on tax. When VAT arrived it applied across the board, so there was no exception or reduction for kits. Some of us remember that kit building cars was reasonably popular in those days - some small manufacturers went out of business as a result of the change of tax treatment. This was a particular circumstance in the past - it is hard to see any return to that situation or those days. John
  12. Now showing on Bachmann's web pages, due in April/May at: http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/prod1.php?prod_selected=branchline&prod=5 John
  13. Photos of these have now appeared on Bachmann's web pages, in SR green, and BR green, crimson and blue, at: http://www.Bachmann.co.uk/prod1.php?prod_selected=branchline&prod=6 They are now due in August/ September. The GWR auto coaches are also shown on this page, due at the same time. John
  14. Hornby put some rather lovely footage of the LNER version of their J15 in action on their Facebook page yesterday, at https://www.facebook.com/officialhornby It's less than a minute, but is great fun and rather charming! John
  15. I'm surprised no one else has picked up a point in Kermow's latest newsletter this weekend that on limited edition news "Chris has been busy working away on the artwork of a 'yet to be announced" Bachmann OO gauge model ....... ooooo!" Well! Presumably a new model Bachmann is announcing on 2 March, of which Kernow will run a specific livery variation as their limited edition. Locomotive? Coach? Wagon? We shall see! John
  16. Bachmann had all three versions of these in decorated form today on their stand at Model Rail Scotland. Very nice indeed they looked - Bachmann always excel, and they are doing so again with these. I didn't get a photo that was worth sharing from my digital compact, but perhaps someone else will be able to oblige?! John
  17. That will be quite difficult because, quite honestly, the joint line is pretty well hidden under the boiler. In many conditions on the track, the joint line is unnoticeable unless 1. light is pointing directly at it, and 2. you are specifically looking for a joint line. We know the J15's boiler is a metal casting, and my feeling/impression is that its running plate is also a metal casting (so a different treatment to that on the K1). From Stevelewis's photos at post 186 above, it looks as if the boiler and running plate are one (metal) casting? Do others confirm that? John
  18. Many thanks to Market65 for his excellent photos of yesterday and today. I tried taking some photos today using my compact digital, and the results are unshareable! I was wanting to show the diminutive J15 dwarfed by a K3 and a J39. Excuse my ignorance, but what are the 2 metal 'prongs' or 'fangs' bolted to the rear buffer beam, and that hang down from it (last photo at post 134)? I noticed them on preproduction versions of Hornby's D16/3 too. What is their purpose? Is the provision of these a GER peculiarity? John
  19. And at Harburn Hobbies here, in reasonable numbers! I've now got one, even though I hadn't preordered. Weather is very dull here this afternoon, but I'm sure someone else will beat me to putting up some photos, so everyone can share the delight in Hornby's recreation of the J15 - it really is exquisite. John
  20. These grain hoppers are due in April/May according to Bachmann's website. Has anyone seen decorated samples yet? (Rescued from page 6 of the Bachmann site here on RMweb! - they are one of Bachmann's 2015 items I'm looking forward to most.) John
  21. Mucklebackit at post 16 above "Release in Aug/Sept according to the latest update on the Bachmann site. If I've got this right, that would make it about 30 months since announcement." I think it is much longer than that - Bachmann announced the SR CCT/PMV in March 2012, so in a month's time that is already 3 years/36 months since announcement. Aug/Sept will make it 41 or 42 months (3 and a half years) since announcement. To my mind it is curious, especially when there is no motor or valve gear to develop. John
  22. Georg Hämel of Auto & Modell, Germany, has now posted his report of the Nurnberg Toy Fair 2015. His reports are always excellent, covering new items from many makers. Here is his report on Oxford Diecast, with 36 photographs of forthcoming models. Although it is labelled OD 1/43, quite a number of the photos are of 1/76 models. Many shown here have not been seen before. These include the Aston Martins and Datsun in 1/43, and the Land Rover Carmichael fire in 1/76. Enjoy! http://www.auto-und-modell.de/pages/aktuell/1600/Spielwarenmesse-2015-Oxford-Diecast-143/ John
  23. Waverley West. Wow! Your second photo at post 480 is terrific! Just perfect. Really looks like Waverley Station, and your lighting really brings the scene to life. Awesome! John
  24. There is a 'what if' layout based on an imaginary line to Kettlewell, pushing up Wharfedale from Grassington. Your proposed site is beyond the top of Wharfedale, where the road runs down to Aysgarth. If you want to do current day, you could recreate the Tour de France, which ran past Bishopdale in July 2014. You will need hundreds of people, however! I think I saw Kettlewell at Model Rail Scotland in Glasgow, either last year or in 2013. The creators - sorry I forget who, because they deserve to be mentioned - have a rather fine model of an imaginary Kettlewell station, with superb background reflecting the skyline of the hills to the east of Kettlewell perfectly. John
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