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allan downes

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Everything posted by allan downes

  1. And I couldn't agree more - totaly stunning model making by a true master of the art. Peter, I take my hat off to you in every respect. Your talents are boundless. Allan.
  2. Try this for corrugated, easy to cut, easy to colour, dead cheap - Slaters Corrugated Sheeting.
  3. Me too Iain, pitting myself against the master isn't just impossible, it's also bxxxdy hard work and if Leyland makes an appearance, I ain't gettin' up ! Catch you after a kip Mate. Cheers. Allan
  4. Ah, terrific little model Iain, your stamp all over it and yes, creativity and to hell with the prototype ! This shot of a steelworks?! - 100% imagination, 100% nothing like a steelworks at all, 100% me...ah, but, just WHAT is a steelworks supposed to look like?! Well certainly not a blast furnace made from an upturned fire cement tub,pipework from Wick's plumbing department, storage tanks from empty aerosol cans, miles of plastic sprue - anything and everything, even the wife's old suspender clips !!! but what else could I call it after all that - Tweeville ?! So, Tweeville with attitude.
  5. So OK, I take that as a yes ! So a little bit of 4mm pipery to kick off with - tanks from biscuit tins, pipework fro anything long skinny and round, or long round and fat !
  6. Iain, fancy a re run on industry ? - I'm getting rather desperate ! Cheers Allan.
  7. RJS, as Iain has already mentioned, all the building plans for Wallingford and various track plans as changed throughout it's time, are well documented in Paul Karau's " Great Western Branch Line Temini" either volume one or volume two - a must read for every GWR fan Cheers. Allan.
  8. Yes, I also built a few 'masters' for kits - Pola, Peco, Tonka Toys for a start, but though they came to nowt at least I did get paid for 'em Iain - and got a full set of Tonka Toys in the bargain for the kids which they trashed in ten minutes, forty five seconds flat ! - indestrucatable, yeh right, they hadn't rekoned on my two little angels and dad's blow torch !
  9. OMG Peter, but that just HAS to take gold - absolutely stunning !!!! Brilliant. Allan.
  10. Well Iain, and having built bxxxxy Wallingford four thousand and ninety eight times !, I would say your interpretation was quite magnificent to say the least. However, what made Wallingford so damned awkward was the 'Klondyke' as the driveres used to call it, a dead end siding that spread right out across the yard to the goods shed but it was the dairy and it's private siding that made it - yes a terrific choice of prototype if ever there was. Pity about the model though !!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway Mate, ever had a go at Fairford or Ashburton ? - everybody else has ! Cheers. Allan.
  11. Yes, no problem Sasquatch, most of the stuff I've put up on here was scanned from Model Rail hence some of the wonky photographs ? Cheers. Allan.
  12. Sasquatch. Could you possibly scan them and put 'em up on here then I'll be forever in your debt, and one step ahead of Robinson ! Thanks mate. Allan.
  13. Oh dear, before I even got a chance to hit the post buttom, Robinson hits me with that, a masterpiece that in my hour of need is all I need - further woe's are me..
  14. Thanks for the comments Jaz, no idea what the tree is, I only supplied the buildings, Mike Mc Donald built the layout. Now then Iain me ol' Mate, nice to see you back. Like me, you're running out of pics to put up - the guys can only put up with just so much cathedral and steelworks and not to mention the awesome modelling that went into building Tetford and it's just as well that Peter hasn't finished Peterborough North or Carlisle yet otherwise we would both be in bother ! And since I'm no longer active that don't help either - oh woe is me.... Mind you, Model Rail have got hundreds of photo's of mine that go right back to when I first started but that would mean a trip to Peterborough to get them back - more woe is me... Cheers. Allan
  15. Think I've found a way of releasing those imprisoned pics - they were in a zipped folder and I think I've unzipped the bxxxxr ! Anyway, here's one of the pics.
  16. Found one million photo's that I've never even seen before, or even new I had, but there they are, as large as life in my files but they won't come out - something about I ain't got permission to use my own pics - Ah, technology, don't you just love it... Anyway, here's a few that they WILL allow and what you've probably seen all before anyway.
  17. Iain. I don't know what I was trying to achieve, but once I achieved whatever it was by 'pooling' super thin cyno onto styrene then blasting it with accelerator - the results were amazing and when painted, more amazing still. So if you ever have to build a whatever, try that! Oh, here's another amazing offer from Downes Industries Inc at no extra cost to the goverment. Take a sheet of Evergreen Boarding - 'novelty' best - brush it downwards with Colron Georgian Medium Oak using a flat brush then while it's still wet, drush it down with white/cream flat emulsion then sit back and watch the reaction - brilliant for a peeling, flaking paint effect;it's also been known to remove warts and nasal hair... Cheers. Allan.
  18. All down to an Exchange & Mart postal course in brain surgery Iain - nowt to it. Cheers. Allan
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