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allan downes

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Everything posted by allan downes

  1. There's no way can I keep up with a Robinson step-by-step so please accept my miserable offerings with humble apologies.Now I'm off to eat worms...
  2. Terrific workmanship, terrific pictures Iain, but just one question though. How do you get the sun to shine in Wales ?! Cheers. Allan.
  3. A very rare and privelaged view of a classical Robinson build. The work of a true artist in transit ! Well done Petra!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheers. Allan.
  4. I was very saddened to learn of Roy Dock's passing, I really never knew as I hadn't seen or spoken to him for years, possibly getting on for 20 years now. Yes, I do remember now, the 'Wool Shop' was indeed named in your honour and, if I remember correctly, Lional had something to do with it, in fact I think it was his suggestion. Anyway, get some pics up mate, your fans await... Cheers. Allan.
  5. That's right, kick a man when he's down, I'm clear out, you're still loaded.Well bring it on mister, a cathedral re-run's on it's way !!!!!!! Cheers. Allan.
  6. TEN THOUSAND HITS, YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Guys, it couldn't have happened to a worse pair by a better bunch of guys!!!! Thanks from me, and no doubt, thanks from Iain. So now what ?!! Allan.
  7. Paul, that's great ! Can you possibly put the article up on here? Many thanks. Allan.
  8. I remember Roy Dock more than well, the only sane member of staff in the Peco Modelarama and an absolute genius to boot. I stood and watched him making rock faces for an Alpen layout once - stunning, ingenius and a lasting memory - he was also a right comedian with a quit wit and didn't suffer fools gladly, well apart from me that is... Yes, a man that leaves a lasting impression. PS. Iain, is he still around as I haven't heard of him for years ? Cheers. Allan.
  9. If this Thread makes 10,000 hits, Robinson has promised to buy everyone a pint - so, come on guys, keep postin' ! Thanks one and all. Allan.
  10. Hi Paul. Being honest here, I must admit that I can never remember a magazine called 'Model Railways' , I always though that it was the Constructor that Cytil Freezer went to after he left the RM. I do remember however now that you mention it the article 'Stuck On Stucco' and, as you say, one of a series of four I wrote for Freezer then I believe he retired and just spent his time with son Nick Freezer wandering around the exhibition circuit where he would home in on you and corner you for hours reminiscing on past glories in the RM ! He was a damn good editor in his time and certainly gave me a free reign and printed everything I sent in word for word, lie for lie ! and it was he that gave me a kick start in the world of commercial railway modelling. No, C J Freezer was an OK guy and the hobby owes a lot to him, may he rest in peace, gone, but not forgotton. Cheers. Allan.
  11. I missed this one Stu, so sorry for the late reply. Obviously while Robinson had to beg to get published I had no problems at all !!! Seriously though, if you had a layout or whatever that you wanted published and the magazine didn't know you then they would ask for photo's then decide whether or not to send out a photographer. On the other hand if they were familliar with your work they would send out a photographer at the first opportunity - but that didn't guarantee publication albeit I was fortunate enough to have very little turned down and when it was, it was because of the wrong content anyway such as an international theme.MR for example photographed two American themed layouts that I built but never used either of them. - and one has to remember that while these magazines rely on regular contributions, they don't need you as much as you, or I as a professional model maker, needed them. After all, it was three or four pages of free advertising every time my work was published and I have everything to thank the magazines for, between them they have helped to keep me in buisiness for the last 40 years. Anyway Stu, it's always worth a try, if you've got something that you're proud of, I'm sure that any magazine would certainly considerate it for publication, a breath of freash air is always welcome I'm sure. Cheers Allan.
  12. I'll give you more on the low down later Iain, right now I've had enough of computer keyboards and am gonna watch a recording of Foyles War with the missus and a fist full of best Scotch Whiskey ! Cheers for now. Allan.
  13. Tell you what happened Iain. The very first atricle I sent in read like a kiddies first year book, so I asked Cyril if I could write the way I felt, the way I saw things so, within a few months, wifeys were starting to read their husbands copy of the modeller and wrote in sending up my ratings. I, or more to the point they, placed me as top author for 3 years running and all this in a model railway mazazine where I didn't know one end of a loco from another - and still don't! Then when Cyril moved and Sydney died, slam!! they shut the door in my face and I haven't been able to run a single article in the RM ever since - I could tell you why, but not on here. Cheers. Allan.
  14. Well Iain, I've never mentioned this before, but Freezer did ask me once what I thought of this " new guy Robinson" and that wasn't really all that long after he had contracted me, so I just said "Who?" and he left it at that!! Anyway,and unlike me, it was your raw talent that got you where you are, not writing volumes of undecipherable garbage for magazines for 40 years with the odd picture or two thrown in to make it look good! Cheers. Allan
  15. I've got mines Iain but not the kind you're thinking about - Colorado, narrow gauge climaxes and baldwins to be sure, and a layout that no mag was the slightest bit interested in despite one of them sending Chris Nevard out to photograph it, not to use it mind you, but to make sure that no one else did either! Magazine wars, I spent years getting mixed up in 'em! banned from the exhibition circuit twice because of it, and any ammount of agro in between that I could have well done without - but the pay was good! Cheers Allan.
  16. Sasquatch, you can invade this thread anytime you like, then maybe we can learn something from it ! Join the fray ! Allan.
  17. Gentlemen one and all, it's been an honour, and still will be, to share the same thread with you guys, this has been the best laugh I've had since the missus fell into the fish pond and I lost my false teeth pretending to dive in the wrong end looking for her - plus I've seen some really stunning modelling and I have a feeling that I'll be seeing a lot more. Gentlemen, I salute you ( as he desperately searches his files for a ruin to end all ruins...) Cheers. Allan.
  18. Thanks Peter,and that roof shot Iain - Awesome at it's most awesomest! Best model of a ruined barn I ever saw was at The York show - the one where I met you and your good lady Peter - it was on a massive O Guage layout, an absolute masterpiece and built by Maggie Gravett - soul destroying and I never built another barn since, ruined or otherwise! Cheers Guys. Allan.
  19. ""A couple of shots of a disreputable farm pond, since Jaz asked (it's all your fault!) complete with tyre...and the horse sheds from Tetfold Farm. Not that I can really follow Allan's work after that tour de force of genius articles ...hat's off to the man!"" Absolute nonesense Iain, and absolutely stunning work - I take MY hat off to YOU !!! - light years ahead of my miserable offerings. Now where's that ruined cathedral........ Cheers. Allan.
  20. Really scarce on ruins and all I could find was these two Black & White shots of ruined/dilapidated structures that were built long before most, if not all, of you good gentlemen can remember !!! Halycon days of poor quality paper, cheap authors rates and jam sandwiches all round ! - remember them Iain ?!
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