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David Bigcheeseplant

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Everything posted by David Bigcheeseplant

  1. Just a final bump from me before I head to the stadium to start setting up in a bit. A few last minute issues to sort out but we are good to go. I have even arranged the Mr. Wippy ice cream can outside the stadium, Say hello to Nicolina if you visit her and get one. David
  2. RAILEX is this weekend, I am just off to set up in a few hours for a full on weekend. Come along and say hello. David
  3. When you see Gordon Gravett at Railex ask why he has a rabbit sitting on the tank top of his terrier!
  4. Due to unforeseen issues Taff Vale Models have had to withdraw from Railex, although Minerva Models who is in the adjacent stand has increased his stand to fill the space. David
  5. Maybe the publicity over the press and radio may get more people to find out more about the hobby and visiting shows or joining clubs. David
  6. I have just returned from Expo EM but echo the sentiments of comments on here. Being an exhibition manager I put on the layout details form please don’t under estimate the insurance value of layout or stock, also we ask for a list of any single item over £1000. Money does not cover the real value of models or layouts but should be high enough for replacement cost. I was a bit shocked at Expo this weekend I was able to walk through the rear loading doors on Friday setting up totally unchallenged when I first arrived, nobody was there either to sign me in or give me a pack or exhibitors badge. I could have easily lifted things off trade stands or layouts and walked out and no one would have noticed, in fact this happens most years at this show, I raised my concern later in the weekend with one of the organisers. We can’t stop people doing things if they are determined enough to carry something out but there are things that can be done to deter people and making a crime less easy to do. David
  7. I am using Masokits etched heads and square shank on Hornby coaches but I am using the Hornby moulding for the body.
  8. I tend to pop layouts of the same scale or gauge in groups. Don't worry Dave Sherton Abbas is the first layout visitors see when they enter the hall!
  9. This is the first year we have offered any kind of non cash payment on the day, we will still be issuing admittance tickets, if using cash or card. in 15 years of Railex at the stadium we have not had issues regarding payment methods. Anyway we are only a few weeks away and just putting the finishing touches to what should be a good show. David
  10. As Railex is only a few weeks away here is another photo of Arun Quay by Gordon Gravett. We have yet to find out the Chiltern Railways timetable for the weekend, as there maybe changes due to on the Saturday the League 2 Playoff Final, and on the Sunday the League 1 Playoff Final, but we will do the best to ensure that our vintage bus links with the arriving trains in the morning and departing trains in the afternoon. David
  11. I will see if it can be photoshopped would you like flowing long blonde hair, and American style white teeth!
  12. We will start to sell tickets at 9.30 and will have two people doing this during the busy times. In previous years the stadium staff have sold the tickets this year we have to do it. But will be from the same place on reception as you come through the main entrance. Tickets will need to be shown as you enter the main hall for RAILEX. We tend to queue people down the side corridor and let them in via additional doors on opening on Saturday morning. David
  13. It looks like it still has the incorrect tall safety valve cover. David
  14. I will find out what time we are opening the cash desks normally we do this well before the show opens so people can then wait either in the cafe or in the balcony over looking the hall. We should have tap and pay card machine so unless people need a receipt which we can either email or send by text unfortunately we can’t print a receipt. this should not really take too long. David
  15. A photo of Trevor Hughes Crowsnest Wharf. As mentioned previously in thread tickets can be brought on debit and credit cards at the Railex front desk for the first time this year. David
  16. Here is the floor plan with names and numbers. Stand No Stand Name Stand No Stand Name 1 Railex Information Point 2 R&DMRC Club Stand 3 R&DMRC Club Second-Hand Sales 4 Tim Horn Lasercut Baseboards 5 Wizard Models Limited 6 Green Scene 7 247 Developments 8 Gramodels 9 ALL Components 10 Roger Carpenter Photographs 11 N Brass Locos 12 D&E Videos - Realtrack Models - DC Kits 12A Legomanbiffo - Superior Sounds 13 Eileen's Emporium 14 Modelu 15 Wild Swan Books Ltd 16 Isinglass Models 17 M.A.R.C. Models 18 Plus Daughters 19 Tools 2000 20 Ian's Trains 21 Cheltenham Model Centre 22 Shawplan Model Products 23 C&L Finescale Track Building Systems Ltd 24 PenBits Model Railways 24A Rumney Models 25 High Level Kits 26 Alan Gibson 27 Sherton Abbas 28 Arun Quay 29 Penfold Priory 30 The ScaleSeven Group 31 Gauge O Guild 32 Central Works 33 Newhurst 34 Crowsnest Wharf 35 The 2mm Scale Association 36 Jerry Clifford 2FS Demo 37 Mini-MSW 'The Banking' 38 Wickwar 39 Llangerisech 40 Bill Hudson Transport Books 41 Golden Arrow Productions 42 Hobby Holidays 43 Roxey Mouldings 44 Taff Vale Models 45 Minerva Model Railways 46 Missenden Abbey Railway Modellers’ Residential Courses 47 Model Railway Developments 48 Severn Models 49 Dart Castings 50 Judith Edge Kits 51 South Eastern Finecast 52 Replica Railways 53 Sunningwell Command Control Ltd 54 Newhaven Harbour 55 London Road Models 56 New Kensal Green 57 Ellesmere 58 Scalefour Society 59 Leysdown 60 Petite Properties Ltd 61 MegaPoints Controllers 62 AMBIS Engineering 63 Pendon Museum 64 Leighton Buzzard (Linslade) 65 Longwood Edge 66 Midland in Bristol 67 Newton Heath Works 68 Cameo Callaton 69 Bottom Works Sidings 70 Dewerstone 71 Lananta Quay
  17. Another photo of the delightful Sherton Abbas by David Stone
  18. Here is another of the cameo layout this time 2mm Cameo Callaton by Mick Simpson.
  19. Here is the floor plan to Railex this this year. So guess who is who. Red are layouts, green trade, yellow society and blue RAILEX/R&DMRC info and club information.
  20. Another photo of New Kensel Green (photo Andy York) and one of the cameo layouts Lananta Quay Broad & Standard gauge exhibited by Nick Salzman that can be seen at Railex.
  21. Another photo of New Kensel Green (photo Andy York) An update on our flyers the local bus route 50 (Saturday only) no longer runs, although we still recommend using our free vintage bus that runs from the railway station car park. David
  22. My Manning Wardle turned up in the post today looks great although the smokebox door wheel is missing! Comparing the model with photos there seems to be a few things that seem different. the wrap over cab seems too narrow and the rear spectacles too close together, I am not sure if there was two widths of cab roof but most photos I have looked at it seems a wider roof was the norm. The smokebox door seems too flat, I think it was mentioned in previous posts. Handrails on the tank sides and round the chimney there seems to be two heights the model has them at the higher level. It seems when brakes were added to all wheels the sandboxes were moved forward to the side of the smokebox. There seem to be a few different chimneys the model has a narrower one although a slightly fatter one seems more common, Locomotives built by Manning Wardle by Fred Harman notes that there were a number of chimney changes over the K class build period. It would be nice it there was an after market add on for the six wheel braked version, and both a more rounded smokebox door and the earlier flush type, plus fatter chimney and a wider etched wrap over cab. This is not a criticism of the model as I think it looks great, but just a few things that I noticed that could be upgraded to make it more accurate to cover more members of the class. David
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