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Everything posted by didcot

  1. I've just stumbled across this and ordered one. I spent a fair bit if my teenage years applying black tar varnish and drinking tea in it.
  2. The speed of collapse is unbelievable and one end literally pivots around the support. Fortunately the outer flat decks stayed up. Trouble is once the forces are out of equilibrium its only going to end badly. Thank goodness it was not during rush hour.
  3. I think the crowds reaction to Crashtappens retirement says it all really and they were behind Sainz.
  4. Lady Stange - Def Leppard
  5. Work on the box is progressing well. My thoughts are turning to the lever frame. The link below shows the 1960 track plan. I believe the numbers next to signal and points relate to the levers. But which is the point and which is the lock? https://signalbox.org/~SBdiagram.php/?id= 669
  6. didcot

    On Cats

    Mia making the most of the spring sunshine in our conservatory.
  7. didcot

    On Cats

    I'm imaging something along the lines of Allo Allo. Fotowsh*t!
  8. didcot

    On Cats

    I'd have told him to go and get a Castle instead!
  9. didcot

    On Cats

    Thank you. Yes tears of joy tonight compared to yesterday.
  10. didcot

    On Cats

    A neighbours cat tried to bring a dead rat through the cat flap. The cat wouldn't let go and the rat was so large it wouldn't go through. It was entertaining for a few minutes.
  11. didcot

    On Cats

    What a difference 24 hour makes. Marble is home and settled himself between us on the sofa. Just got to get vitamin tablets into him twice a day. Thanks to all of you who reacted to the posts and commented.
  12. didcot

    On Cats

    Marble is making slow progress. He's even had a wee and is a bit more active. More blood tests to see how things are going today. Hopefully an update later. I went into the vets this morning to pay the bill to date. I shall be stopping his pocket money for the foreseeable future.
  13. didcot

    On Cats

    They are pumping him full of vitamin K in order to improve his clotting. The count is supposed to be 35, he was at 30 when we took him in yesterday and 8 this morning. His paw was clearly bleeding between Friday and Saturday before he went back in. He's not the brightest cat, but very vocal and affectionate.
  14. didcot

    On Cats

    Marble is still at the vets and we didn't think he would see this evening. He has internal bleeding and his blood isn't clotting. Blood tests show He has somehow ingested rat poison and that's what's causing the low platelet count and internal bleeding. He has had some food and is still purring. We wonder if he got caught in a rat trap that damaged his paw and then ingested the poison. We won't know! But the others are being kept in against their will for the time being.
  15. Horner should be a politician, dodged every awkward question.
  16. I'm struggling to fund any interior pictures of the original Arley Box. Does anyone know of a source?
  17. didcot

    On Cats

    Having not moved overnight Marble ventured out for a pee on our beanbag and then under a nest of tables. He let our an awful sound when we tried to coax him out and flopped on the floor panting. So back in the vets. Temperature is low and he is pale. So an overnight stay with blood tests and a scan.
  18. Didcots sand shed is just outside the shed.
  19. didcot

    On Cats

    Marble isn't that smart bless him. He's had a tablet, but went straight back into the cat basket. His rear paw has bled some since the vet cleaned it up. He's just had some loxicom. Given he is usually always hungry he hasn't touched a thing.
  20. didcot

    On Cats

    Marble didn't come home last night. We make sure they are in at night. Couldn't find him this morning either. I'd just got back from the vets with Pepper when the better half saw Marble in the garden. He was sat looking very sorry for himself and didn't like being picked up. When we got him in we could see his back paw was bleeding, he was covered in dirt and grit. Clearly not himself. We thought he had been hit by a car, he does sit in the road. Back to the vets for a check up. Fortunately he hadn't been hit, but must have caught his paw in something. A weeks course of antibiotics and he has to stay in. Poor chap hasn't even left the cat basket.
  21. On a more positive note my eldest bought himself a signed half size Damon Hill helmet. My favourite driver and even the box has Murray's quote "I've got to stop now as I have a lump in my throat ". He wasn't alone! And he played guitar on a Def Leppard album as well, who happen to be my favourite band. Is it me or was it less political and more about the racing.
  22. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/formula1/68497997 Well he would say that wouldn't he! Where's the brush it under the carpet emoji!
  23. Both parties should have been removed from post whilst the investigation was/is ongoing. It removes them from the environment and prevents them coercing colleagues.
  24. 3 foot deep and 3 4" wide in the shed according to the E Lyons drawing.
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