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Everything posted by raymw

  1. Hi Melmerby, You mentioned a few posts back - What did you find different in Cortana? Best wishes, Ray
  2. raymw

    Dock Green

    obviously, that's why I said stick on some bits of steel....
  3. raymw

    Dock Green

    A length of angle (ali/brass/steel) with a piece of steel or washers glued or screwed on each inside face could be useful, magnets on the inside of van body.
  4. What's changed in Cortana? I find I'm using that much more than I thought, to quickly get to open programs, find drawings, etc. (but not with voice recognition)
  5. I've a feeling that if you have not disabled all the info. they want you to send back to them, that updates, etc., are installed quicker. I've not really noticed any thing different with the 1511 update. I have an intermittant video driver problem (intel, iirc) screen blanks, mainly in firefox. I'd written a more detailed reply, which just got wiped. Had a problem with an update, which took a while to resolve, but everything runs as expected.
  6. It doesn't matter what you collect, if you collect as either a 'fan boy', or as an investment See here -http://www.ted.com/talks/josh_luber_the_secret_sneaker_market_and_why_it_matters
  7. Hi Rod, The triang drums had two tabs on the circumference of the drum, which press fitted, iirc, into the bed of the wagon. I'm not sure, but I may be able to find mine. There may well have been an elastic band over the top of them, and around coupling at each end. The drum was open, the cable being a length of red plastic tube, iirc. Here's another full size image. http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8179/7977221752_c3765af8ee_z.jpg
  8. raymw

    Dock Green

    The plastic syringes I have, afaik, are made of a polypropylene type plastic, and are completely undamaged by the solvent, but the solvent is not stored in them, and they are emptied after each session. Cheap enough, too, https://www.medisupplies.co.uk/Syringes-Needles/Syringes/BD-Discardit-Luer-Slip-Syringes edit to add - the solvent I use is dichloromethane, which is the best I've found for sticking PLA, a plastic used in 3d printing.
  9. raymw

    Dock Green

    Paul explained my lack of vision, so to speak. I didn't realise the model was t'other way round. btw, Chaz, have you tried using a syringe instead of a brush for applying solvent? You can dispense a small amount right into the corners, and much less waste and vapour. However, you need to to be careful not to inject yourself with nasties, The needles are not magnetic, either. The solvent will flow out of the needle without plunger pressure, you just tilt the syringe to regulate the amount deposited.
  10. raymw

    Dock Green

    why are the brakes wrong in the model? fitted to the wrong side?
  11. Hi Rob, you posted b4 my reply, so seems you are almost there - just upgrade/downgrade your w7 pc to w10. If it's any consolation, Bill gates et al owe me about 5 years of my life - timespent upgrading/reinstalling, etc over the past 40 years.
  12. Hi Rob, Perhaps you should search on the web to find a solution. I do not use outlook, nor did I ever use windows live (which is now apparently discontinued). but i had a similar problem as I have I have an hp windows home server, also well past it's sell by date. It will not accept passwords/user names with special characters, '@' etc. But, w10 tries to get you to use your email address, which contains an '@'. It took me a while to sort that out, and can't remember how, so not much help to you, I'm afraid. Fwiw, I have used thunderbird as my client since when it first came out, and have all my emails back to 1998. It's been relatively easy to transfer between various machines and operating systems. I have always ignored the 'free' email services, gmail, hotmail, yahoo and the like. I forward my incoming emails from my various addresses to my isp's mail system, and download them from there.onto my desktop pc. I can access them before downloading by using their webmail system, if I'm away from base. This gives me maximum control, and if it goes wrong, it is my fault. Other people think differently. Sometimes windows tries to be too clever, in order to make it easy for most. For example, Passwords would automatically display capital first letters in some versions, not be case sensitive in others, and they display folder names that do not exist -'e.g. 'my documents', 'my music', etc., but that's the way it is. Best wishes, Ray
  13. Nicely put https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AY4uWLOLKzU (smile when your batteries go flat?)
  14. I use Cutwel most often, generally the throw-away/weldon 6mm shank stuff http://www.cutwel.co.uk/milling/milling-cutters and they have good offers from time to time (for example 3 for 2 today) For some special items, I have used WNT http://www.wnt.com/uk/ These are both (there are others) specialist tooling suppliers, aimed at large scale users, but Cutwel will happily supply one-offs, and are generally helpful. Tracy, Axminster, rdg and the other general tool suppliers, aimed at the hobby user, do not carry a large range of milling cutters, and in my experience the specifications are lacking and the quality can vary, but obviously their stuff is good enough for many folk. Define your question better, or use google/bing, if you want a better answer, because as it stands your question is far too general and price/quality is always a trade off. Best wishes, Ray
  15. A bit of history http://www.theverge.com/2015/11/19/9759874/microsoft-windows-visual-history-30-years
  16. Hi Randall, I hope you are joking. Background sounds should obviously emanate from the background - separate speaker for station, another for woodland bird song, another for traffic, etc. At a tenner a time, and free software/sound files, you can outperform any sound produced in a compromised loco speaker/sound system. If it ain't moving, you don't even need bluetooth - just a cheap mp3 player or three would do that. Best wishes, Ray
  17. I think they have bots that scan the questions, then in response cut and paste standard replies. The bots are only capable of picking out key words, not grammar. Either that, or some sort of reward scheme for answering questions, whether right or wrong, maybe both, and then half of the so called 'Microsoft engineers', are from sunnier climes, so to speak, and are a bit thick..
  18. Land Rover is a car brand, in the same way as Ford, bmw whoever (but better ).
  19. Vauxhall recalling cars http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-34743833
  20. Things have moved around a bit, but I think the new locations make a bit more sense than in w7, once you realise why it is different. File explorer is different for example, and task bar operation, etc., etc.
  21. I've always tended to ignore most of the structures that Windows wants me to use e.g. 'my documents', 'my photos', 'my music' etc, and their associated playback programs,. My 180Gb of photos is stored in a folder named 'rwphotos' (and backed up). I use the Canon 'eos utility' to download raw files from the camera, and place them in a date related 'sub-directory in said folder. Plugging in the camera fires up eos utility. Similar for the Sigma, phone and other cameras. Perhaps you need to reinstall the camera utility software, available for free from the camera maker's web site. I can often more or less remember the date that a photo was taken, at least the recent ones. However, I use Picasa http://picasa.google.com/ to find the more difficult ones. All images are associated to Irfan View, Videos to VLC, web stuff to Firefox, emails to thunderbird, docs to open office, etc. Very little opens in M$ defaults programs. If, for example, I want to open an image in photoshop, or some other editor, then I simply right click and select the program, or set it up to 'send to'. w10, photo related, 'one drive' being changed https://blog.onedrive.com/onedrive_changes/
  22. resistance is futile https://youtu.be/L0unVq-ANl4 a couple of old favourites mashed together.
  23. Not sure if this is what you want - go to task bar at bottom of screen (usually) move mouse to far right (beyond date and time) left click to get to desk top or right click for a bit more flexibility. If you want another instance of your browser, right click on its icon in the task bar and select what you want to do. You need to assign how you want to open data, e.g. photos. Select one of your photos, right click on its icon. select properties (at bottom of menu) then in general tab, about third line down 'opens with' hit change button, and select your program. (fwiw, I've found it generally tries to open stuff with the M$ equivalent prog, and occasionally defaults to that after updates.) hth Best wishes, Ray
  24. HI Coachman, If it's not the case you've set a higher resolution screen, then in your web browser hold press 'Control' and at same time press the '+' key to increase size, or '-' to reduce.
  25. tribute to talk-talk http://www.commitstrip.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Strips-Erreur-au-pilori-001-650-finalenglish.jpg
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