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Everything posted by sjrixon

  1. That's better, all those diesels were giving me the shivers.. ;)
  2. Getting odd jobs done while watching paint dry. Like it!
  3. All the more impressive! Is the customer following along on here? Will be quite impressive when you get to delivery it and that final phase of fettling to make it all work!
  4. I've been having some indifferent running on the layout, generally OK, and then a loco would stall, really annoying. It's even more annoying with the sound locos and the ones with slower stay start up times. I'm contemplating some stay alives for some locos. But, it's a tiny layout, others can get good running without capacitors, DCC is meant to be better than DC for dirt.. So, time for the dark art of loco maintenance.. I took the keeper plate off both the Collet and Adams, both I found the contacts were not making great contact with the back of the wheels.. I've also bought some LocoGo, I used this on cotton buds to clean the rear of the wheels. Each one I cleaned came off black! The rest I just did a general clean and oil. But I focused on the rear of the wheels. Every loco was the same, black coming of the buds. Just need to plan a running session now to test it all..
  5. Enjoyed that, with my morning coffee. I really enjoy building kits, but I hate painting. But also love running trains ;)
  6. Pannier Friday? Looks like the lamp has fallen off, need to fix that!
  7. I can imagine how critical that is. And, on a layout of that size even more so! I've tiny layout and to this day I'm amazed how hard I find it to keep the track clean enough to avoid minor stalls from time to time. I need more investigation!
  8. Wish I'd gone with stayalives... I hate when the loco slowly starts, then stalls dead.
  9. Really enjoying your build.. I find it fascinating that you complete a board before moving on, not something I've seen someone do before.
  10. Continued to have a bit of a tidy up last night.. Found another stock box. The early morning milk draws into the station. Then the pannier moves the tanks in the creamery. This was my first sound fitted loco. I can sit and just shuffle trucks around with the sound on for ages.. It's just nice to do.. :)
  11. I decided to treat myself to a couple of new models, the new Mink's from Rails of Sheffield. Lovely models, amazing weight and feel too them.. But worth the £27 price tag each? I'm not so sure, that's a big price to pay.. Sat next to my kit built Gunpowder van, both look fine. I see the Rapido Gunpowder vans at more than £30 appear to have sold out in most place. So clearly a demand for these expensive models.
  12. I do like the Earl, cracking looking loco.. Bit different, but still very GWR.
  13. Thanks for all the likes.. Nice to get a little modeling done again and some pictures on the thread. Real shame the all the pictures have vanished! I feel like I have a challenge with couplings and never decide what to do. I've got a handful of trucks with Sprat and Winkle couplings, but you have to hack away at wagon chassis to fit, they are a pain to line up and take quite a while to build. I've started playing with simple magnetic couplers, using my own 3D printed version. The idea is to just close couple the centre coaches, leaving the ends open to whatever happens next..
  14. Which is why I keep coming back to them, not going to argue... Maybe need to find a UK stockist and have a real play... Thanks..
  15. I keep looking, but as they are not very prototypical for a GWR era layout, I talk myself out of it. Also my stock runs on club layouts, which make different couplings a challenge. I've a handful with sprat and winkle, but they are such a pain.. And a challenge to build. But, hands free shunting looks so amazing.....
  16. Large Prarie departs with a short goods. At least the gunpowder van looks to be in the correct spot, but I wonder where its going with an SR guards van on the back.
  17. How do you find the couplings? I didn't know you had gone kd....
  18. That's the best way to break the Sunday morning silence!
  19. That low siphon, what's going on with the middle wheel?
  20. We moved house at the end of last year, so the railway is the the garage at the moment. Had a bit of a track clean up and a small running session.
  21. I wonder what this secret is.......
  22. Looks to be some new motive power at Castle Down.. New Large Prarie
  23. I think I've got it sorted. I filled the slots right down, so when you press on the bunker, the loco will tip back slightly on the rear pony. More testing required, but so far so good.
  24. Nice video!! And yes, I've filed the slots, but, I think I need to find the time to do it more.. A plan for next week!!!
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