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Everything posted by sjrixon

  1. I've medium radius code 75 points, one pannier, and no issues.. No sound either.. I'm intrigued to find out what you are going to do.
  2. You take some cracking pictures.. Nice lighting..
  3. There is a cracking TV show on at the moment. Britain's Got Talent. The wife wants to watch it and I get to spend a full evening in the cabin. So, with time to do some bigger jobs I wanted to get the signal setup. I drilled the hole to tuck the level into the goods yard out of the way. I was originally going build a separate section for this off the board, but that would most likely have got damaged and this way it's tucked out of the way Then the board had to come out. I've not put much stock on since putting the layout back together as I knew I needed to get underneath to do this bit. The string was an easy run through too loop eyes and a quick hole in one of the cross braces. They give you a little piece of plastic to tighten up the cord which actually works really well. I then dropped in a small fence Ready to stop the first train... Then it all went wrong.. I wasn't happy that the signal didn't quite return to level, so I tried to tweak the operating arm. In the process I ripped off the upright and damaged the actual signal!! GGrrr... So I've drilled out the upright and placed a metal rod inside to connect to the base. I've then glued it all back together. I can see why people say these are so fragile, the plastic in kits is much too soft, I've worked with much better plastic. I may well change my mind and replace it at some point, but if I can get it back together and working fairly well I'll leave it alone for.
  4. B set coach is looking good.. My glazing is still in the packet, can I send over two coaches and two packets of glazing? I'll happily watch Pepper Pig, that's what I end up doing anyway.
  5. Yike, Sky falling down at Kings Moreton. (looking good though)
  6. There was a hole in the bottom part, the spring tucks in there and then catches on the top part.. So I now have a spring in place, that holds the signal up. Next job is to run the lever in. I'm thinking I'll tuck it actually on the baseboard, by the goods shed. Then hide behind a tree and some fence.
  7. fixed!! I found a copy of some other ratio signals online, it states that the spring goes through a hole. A hole, what hole, oh, that hole, I didn't see that hole!
  8. Anything that has a vacuum brake could logically be used. As a GWR man I have a selection of 'tail traffic' that I run. Siphon, CCT, Python, Fish Bloater, fruit vans, Milk Tankers, Horse Box (GWR Brown Stock). And yes a couple of closed wagons with vacuum brakes.
  9. I'd agree with the fitted statement. The Milk tankers were fitted, and passenger rated and hence would (could) be behind a railcar. If you look at a mixed train with an autocoach, if they had some 'odd' trucks behind they had a guards van too as the trucks wouldn't be vacuum fitted. If you ran with a conflat, you would need a guards van... I've no idea if that ever happened.
  10. Has anyone built the Ratio signals with the remote operating kit? It states to connect the spring, but I've no idea how and where?!?!? It needs to somehow wrap around the bottom part, so the signal stays one way and the lever will pull it the other. But I can't work out how that works...
  11. Help! I'm trying to put one of these together and I can't work out where the spring goes underneath the signal. I has to keep the lever over to one side, but I don't see how? Cheers Scott
  12. You look like you have a point on the station loop? Why not add a small siding, then you could push back the brake van and any vans not for the shed.
  13. Yes, yes and yes. Slightly wish my head shunt went through the scenenic break, that's a smart idea.
  14. Hi Dave... I'm liking the last version that's been posted, why? Because it's quite similar to what I've done on my layout! The kick back sidings do make it more interesting to shunt. I've also added a loading dock and creamery to really add to the shunting. The kick back also means that more of the shunting moves are kept on scene. If the sidings all flow the same way as the station the the wagons could be pulled back through the scenic break to clear the siding.
  15. If they used it all for cattle traffic, would the cows get off on the platform? I've started mapping out the area around the bridge before completing the yard area. That meant it was time to get rid of that old Hornby distant signal and build a new home signal. I've also got the fence up to the bridge and working on a small hut for the line side. Then I can think about being artistic in the yard area. I figure the main area should be significantly lighter than it is now? More ash than black?
  16. I'd never thought about swapping the loco around. Certainly with the tank engines I figured that they would never see a turn table? Once I've got this lot of trucks numbered up, I need to do a full stock take of wagons. My card system has all gone a little wobbly as I increase the stock and didn't keep up.
  17. That's the joy of this weather and shed railways.. It's lovely running trains with the birds singing..
  18. Castle Down is normally restricted to 6 wagons, that's about all you want to shunt in the small yard, 7 is a little much. I've been working on this lot for ages, I had a grand plan to batch build a few more wagons to top up the goods stock. The trouble was I then got a little bored as they all got to the primer stage at the same time. So I've pulled up my socks and got on with it! They are a mix of Parkside and Cooper Craft. The last one has even had a coat of gloss varnish, then the transfers, then matt.. It's looking quite sharp! Then I need to make up all the cards for my shunting logic too!! It never ends does it.. And it's it fun
  19. Thanks Andy... It's been worth the wait! Looks like the autocoach is arriving.. I better go as that's my train out of here.
  20. Yes, need to get back on it now.. Back to regular posting! I've not been lazing around while building, I've a few trucks that are half way through the paint shop. As for a name, it's just my new Cabin, nothing special, or sometimes my office. I better actually fit some fence and I could get some flock down.
  21. It's amazing with all the daylight and fresh air, so, so much nicer. The playroom is an office first, so the real improvement is with that, such a nicer place to be working. Time to get back to the goods yard.. I've some different fencing in a box, so I thought I try some nice black fence to separate the new yard area from the main line. I've also just found the box with all the buildings, people etc that I'd taken off, so the layout has life again. Clicked post too soon and didn't add the picture.
  22. So... Very odd, some of the point motors had been switched from run to set, no idea how. Of course when I switched them back, I'd programmed them all on the same ID. Had to go around switching them to set, configure and then back to run! Back in business!! Quick snap of the cleaning train, testing all the track sections. Surprised the change in colour of the picture under the new Led lights.
  23. You are very adept at driving the trains and filming at the same time. I've tried a couple of times and quite honestly failed. Either the film is static all in one place, or I drive trains into the buffers because I'm looking at the camera!
  24. I'm making progress!!! Castle Down is back together, it fits, so all good! First test wasn't great though. A few points weren't working, it's not the DCC bus as some others were ok. So I need to do some diagnostics!
  25. Very nice.. Looks like it was a busy day!
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