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Status Replies posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. 1 down, 18 to go

  2. MrSG announces this morning he needs to iron work shirts my response hell no your not you nearly set the house on fire last time you ironed

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      Will actually setting fire to the house work as well?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. What has just happened can only be described by using one of Boris' special words :-(

  4. ######!!!!! Xmas film on the TV and the local garden centre has started selling Christmas stuff, it's ####### July!!!!

  5. Here I sit all broken hearted, paid to crap and only farted...

  6. was discussing the difficulties encountered with a tent on a recent campng holiday with a friend when a complete stranger offers to sell me a tablet that will solve all my problems....

  7. Today's colleague work quote of the day has just left Mrs SG speechless and would likely result in a telling off from a mod. Hopefully tomorrows topics of conversation will be less crude and normal service can be resumed. until then I'm off to scrub my mind with bleach.

  8. How much to hire a limo for the lads prom.Daylight robbery.

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      I could borrow their catalytic converter which will recover some costs.

    2. (See 17 other replies to this status update)

  9. Today's colleague work quote of the day has just left Mrs SG speechless and would likely result in a telling off from a mod. Hopefully tomorrows topics of conversation will be less crude and normal service can be resumed. until then I'm off to scrub my mind with bleach.

  10. Has been applying for jobs. Unfortunately 'proficient at stealing car wheels' is apparently not a desirable skill for emplyers

  11. Has been applying for jobs. Unfortunately 'proficient at stealing car wheels' is apparently not a desirable skill for emplyers

  12. Meh, shot of 20s not come out as well as I hoped. Don't think i'll try Acton Bridge in the evening for them again

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      Serve you right for not photographing proper engines

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. 19 exams done and I'm back with 4000 notifications. Holy...

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      Still got to finish the current one! The goods shed is still a hole on the board!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. Err............. the railway has been evicted from the dinning room back to the box room!!!!!

  15. Err............. the railway has been evicted from the dinning room back to the box room!!!!!

  16. I've seen a Dragon in the sky over Devon.

  17. And then it was gone !!! 1 nil to the carpet gremlins *sigh*

  18. I've seen a Dragon in the sky over Devon.

  19. The creamy tang of mature cheddar contrasts deliciously with the sweetness of fruity chutney, then the fresh taste of onion delicately cleanses the palate.

  20. Ok, so we have "her" money and the "housekeeping" money, where's MY money?

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      Evidently you have not been deserving of money

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  21. Just seen his first class 57 of the year down in sunny cornwall

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      It was blue! Didn't get the number as it was across the valley

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

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