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Status Replies posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. hurray I locked thread I missed! time to feed on others misery.

  2. is it wrong to genuinely lust after a car?

  3. Just been invited up to RMweb live with my layout "Torrington" WHOOO HOOO!!!

  4. Looking forward to Mansfield this weekend.

  5. Everything is awesome!

  6. does anybody else find rabbits more than a little bit scary?

  7. High on varnish...........

  8. Maximum layout size I can have due to storage and places to put it is 3ft 6" x 1ft 1" Is it worth it to have a go?

  9. will be off line today

  10. While cutting half a min of my 5km time feels very good, I'm not half stiff

  11. I've just read an appalling thread by someone with a huge ego... Gawd.

  12. Wabbit was taken to the vet today, and will be sorted out from there....

  13. It's truly bizarre, someone asks a question, you answer the question, complete with referances and askers response is then to tell you that you are wrong! Welcome to the 21st century

  14. It's truly bizarre, someone asks a question, you answer the question, complete with referances and askers response is then to tell you that you are wrong! Welcome to the 21st century

  15. "Move, puny human animal!"

  16. 'Be vewy, vewy quiet, I'm hunting wabbits'........Just caught a rabbit!

  17. Day of spotting at Stafford on Friday! With Will, Ellis and Liam! Should be a good laugh :)

  18. I've paid my dues Time after time. I've done my sentence But committed no crime. And bad mistakes ? I've made a few. I've had my share of sand kicked in my face But I've come through.

  19. ...has burnt 2 fingers, cut his hand and used all his solder making a copper-clad point... :(

  20. Spraying my breakdown crane, think I better order some more warning panel yellow!

  21. 66006 is rolling through Lostwithiel with a rake of 38 CDAs. How much longer will this phenomenon last I wonder?

  22. 66006 is rolling through Lostwithiel with a rake of 38 CDAs. How much longer will this phenomenon last I wonder?

  23. Life is like a parking meter. It doesn't matter how much change you put in, eventually you run out of time and expire

  24. It's windy round here tonight and no, I haven't had a curry.

  25. Has had a great birthday so far! New clothes, box of Cadbury's Milk Tray choccies, 3 Hornby taxis and some wonga! And I am in remarkable good shape from the annual birthday beatings by my fellow students!!

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