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Status Replies posted by hornbyandbf3fan

  1. has been reading the Obscene Publication Act. Yup, guilt of a few there...

  2. has given birth to a chocolate otter.

  3. SAUSAGES!!!!

  4. Is it mad to be considering a GBL K3 to K4 conversion?

  5. I struggle to understand my wife sometimes. There I am sat in the necessarium doing what Borises do, and she asks me "what are you doing in there", I tell her, and she says "I don't want to know". If you don't want to know, why ask?

  6. Anyone going to see Western Champion and the Mazey day Cornishman tomorrow?

  7. was on telly tonight

  8. was on telly tonight

  9. Could be worse, I have Portugal and Ivor Coast in works sweep-stakes......

  10. Could be worse, I have Portugal and Ivor Coast in works sweep-stakes......

  11. Can you ever have too many trains?

  12. Warning.Free copys of the THe Sun wil be posted through every bodys letter box tomorrow to be delivered by post people.

  13. Well that was scary

  14. has made rat jerky

  15. Desperately trying to find a bar round here thats showing England Italy next Saturday.

  16. Was surprised to find the Urinals of Interest thread to be locked at 21:00 last night. I thought it would have been done WAY earlier, are the Mods losing their touch?

  17. Was surprised to find the Urinals of Interest thread to be locked at 21:00 last night. I thought it would have been done WAY earlier, are the Mods losing their touch?

  18. Was surprised to find the Urinals of Interest thread to be locked at 21:00 last night. I thought it would have been done WAY earlier, are the Mods losing their touch?

  19. Was surprised to find the Urinals of Interest thread to be locked at 21:00 last night. I thought it would have been done WAY earlier, are the Mods losing their touch?

  20. Was surprised to find the Urinals of Interest thread to be locked at 21:00 last night. I thought it would have been done WAY earlier, are the Mods losing their touch?

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      That's what they all say


      I was innocent too!

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  21. 70 years ago thousands of men are going through hell on earth for freedom.

  22. Can I just add to the earlier comments that there are 2 sides to every story, most of the German troops were not Nazis, just normal young men (and boys) doing what they had been ordered to do the same as our troops. They need to be remembered as well.

    1. hornbyandbf3fan


      I agree Boris, most ordinary Germans conscripted into the Whermacht had no part in any crimes and were fighting for Germany, not Hitler. It's a shame that for too long, the Nazis and ordinary Germans were tagged under the same name.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  23. This operation is not being planned with any alternatives. This operation is planned as a victory, and that's the way it's going to be. We're going down there, and we're throwing everything we have into it, and we're going to make it a success."

  24. That's the Ebay, Hattons, and Amazon fairy all smiling at me in the space of less than a week, plus new disgruntled fish due this weekend. Fun days!!!

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