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Everything posted by Steffi_C

  1. The weathering looks really good, most striking aspect of the video for me.
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XrrtRJLv-NE There you go, Brian.
  3. I believe it! Can't find you on YouTube though. What is the video file called?
  4. What is your YouTube username? Or what exactly is the video file called?
  5. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Locomotion Models trade on behalf of the National Railway Museum which is a registered charity. The clear implication of your earlier remark was that Locomotion Models are financially supporting one of the two P2 builds when if fact they aren't. Nothing in that message from Locomotion suggests anything to the contrary.
  6. No-one's wanting the Kernow /DJM effort to fail, although quite a few here unfortunately seem to be wanting the Heljan effort to fail. For most of us, we'll vote with our wallets when the models arrive.
  7. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Hattons are currently predicting late September
  8. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/65812-Hornby-p2/page-41&do=findComment&comment=1567669
  9. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Take it up with Hornby then. Or ask your bank for an overdraft. Either way, it's most certainly not Hattons' fault. There are plenty to go round. You'll find one on Monday without any trouble. Stop feeling aggrieved.
  10. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Lack of customer service? Don't be ridiculous! Hattons may be able to cover your order from their next batch (and they may even honour your pre-order price). Speak to them when you've got the money. If they can't help you'll just have to shop around. Next time make sure you've got adequate funds in your account ahead of ordering.
  11. Hattons didn't ask for increased prices on their immediate sales of B/G versions because they didn't feel that they had time to give their pre-order customers adequate notice of the price increase. They took quite a hit as a consequence and it says a lot for the company's excellent customer service. I've no gripe whatever with paying their higher price for my LMS pre-order.
  12. Steffi_C

    Dapol 'Western'

    Hi Neil, welcome to the forum. You may want to contact Dapol directly, particularly if you've bought a version which is no longer available new. I understand they are aware of the issue, and will fit new wheel sets under warranty. Returning it to the retailer may leave you getting a refund, but without a loco you otherwise want.
  13. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    At the risk of further accusations of "Hornby bashing", I'll just say that Hattons are now predicting the arrival of the main range P2 for 26th September 2014 according to this morning's welcome missive. As someone old enough to have seen 2001 before she acquired her Bugatti nose (and thus now contemplating my own mortality) it's good to know that it may actually arrive before I depart.
  14. LMS liveried version due any day, according to Hattons.
  15. Steffi_C

    Dapol 'Western'

    D1015. The six remaining unchipped models have all gone this morning. Still two chipped examples: http://www.cheltenhammodelcentre.com/products/28129-Dapol-Class-52-Western-D1015-Western-Champion-Limited-Edition-DCC-Fitted/
  16. Steffi_C

    Dapol 'Western'

    Last call on D1015 with only six left in stock. I doubt they'll survive the day.
  17. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    If the delay is down to Hornby getting the model right that's all well and good. It's to be hoped that they've also learnt something from the design defects with the DoG.
  18. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    I couldn't agree more. Since Hornby let Tony Wright have his review sample of the P2, they have (for instance) allocated sufficient production slots to make the Silver Jubilee train pack, containing a re-engineered Railroad A4 (and a pretty good one) that was intended as a concession only item. It didn't sell, and they're not even flying off the shelves at half price. Hornby have had a fully sold out order book for the main range P2 for well over a year now. If they make them, they'll sell, it's as simple as that.
  19. I've been buying from Hattons for over sixty years and I've never once had something as poorly packed as the prototype Deltic Locomotion sent me late last year. It's left me reluctant to buy from them again to be quite honest. If they have indeed now started using bubble wrap, that at least is a welcome improvement. Hattons have built a very successful business on the back of their mail order and exceptional service. Locomotion lacks that experience and expertise, and it's no surprise that they don't find it easy to suddenly ship large numbers of pre-ordered exclusive models when these come into stock. I wish them success with this new model and hope that everyone is pleased with them when they arrive. It hadn't been my intention to knock Locomotion, rather to point out that Ian Kemp's airy assertions about how Locomotion conduct business were potentially misleading and most unlikely to have any basis in fact.
  20. Unlikely to happen. They've learnt from past experience that there simply isn't sufficient demand. I'm planning to refinish some blue ones. The current Silver Jubilee set, with its non-streamilned corridor tender, is absolutely perfect for those wanting to acquire cheap models for respraying as 4482 - 4487.
  21. Steffi_C

    Hornby P2

    Here's a list of the various delivery dates I've had from Hattons for R3207 - originally predicted for 4th quarter of 2013: 14 October 2013 (advised 22 April 2013) 23 December 2013 (advised 21 May 2013) 1st January 2014 (advised 10 July 2013) 28 Aprl 2014 (advised 6 January 2014) 30 June 2014 (advised 8 January 2014 and again 10 January 2014) 7 July 2014 (advised 4 February 2014) August 2014 (advised 7 July 2014) 2 September 2014 (advised 18 July 2014) Hattons at least pass on these predicted dates rather than leaving those with orders totally in the dark. My list of advisory emails for the double tender A4 Bittern is somewhat longer!
  22. Discussed with pictures here. If the price of the Silver Link that finished yesterday on eBay is anything to go by (topping out at £239.56 + £9.50) you could get three Silver Foxes + a set of transfers for that money. Yes, everyone would like the super detailed versions. But not enough to buy them when they were available, since they hung around for ages.
  23. With the current sell-off of Silver Jubilee sets at under £75, there's an ideal opportunity to round off your collection of silver A4s. Fox Transfers do a Silver Streamliner set for just such a job. Put the carriages up on eBay in a few months time, and you'll probably show a profit!
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