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Posts posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. 5 minutes ago, iL Dottore said:

    A common fantasy is to think about what you could do/would do if you could go back in time. For me, at least, one of the things I would do is to go back to the 60s and stock up on “New” Gibson Les Pauls, Fender Strats, HIWATT and Sound City amps, WEM speakers and PAs, etc. and stick them in a vault or two for later retrieval (I’d also buy up a few city blocks of Shoreditch, Oxton and London Bridge property, just on a hunch)



    I sold my last WEM cab for £15 in 1983 and thought I'd done well, I'd only paid £10 for it. I spent the money, with another £35 on a 1966 Fender Princeton Reverb that I finally sold just last year.

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  2. "Used to" meant rather further back than the 1950s; several hundred years further back!  "Gotten" seems to have largely died out from mainstream British English by about the 1700s but it had been used in England since the fourth century so long before many Europeans even knew that the Americas existed. Presumably because it had died out before they were being colonsed it doesn't seem to appear in Australian or New Zealand dialects of English so may now be widely used only in N. America.


    It never died out around here. Yorkshire has never been colonised though, perish the thought.

  3. I get annoyed by people saying "sorry about spelling errors, posting on a phone", it's no bloody harder, 99% of my posts are on a phone too. I know we've done that already, just reiterating.


    That would depend on your fingers being capable of using the tiny on screen keyboard. Mine aren't and trying to edit only makes things worse. I've just endured a week without my broadband, I gave up trying to use my phone within the first half hour.

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