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Posts posted by HeeleyBridge

  1. Blowing a hoolie here this morning too. Great start to the South Africa test match too 6 overs and everybody off for a thunderstorm.


    Sore throat has gone away. Yesterday passed without problems or anything else really.


    SWMBO gone off to see MiL who is not having a good time at the moment, not health related so nothing that can't be sorted out.


    Grandkids just arrived with scooter and Spiderman 'motorbike' so there goes the peace and quiet. Off to make milkshakes.. I may be some time  :stinker:

    • Like 3
  2. Raging tonzi tonsul sore throat, totally amazed to get an appointment at the Doctors. Usually you have recovered or died before the next available appointment. So ..


    Braved Eva to get to the quack's for 8.30. Soaked to the skin and almost blown away getting there. Ditto coming back. Then on the bus to Mum's, unavoidable unfortunately. Hopefully keeping as far away from her as possible while I was there so as not to pass on the lurgy.  


    Back on the next bus to Asda for the bits SWMBO "didn't forget"  and then finally home, where I collapsed in a wet, steaming heap. (Settle down at the back there - I know who you are!)


    A large cup of tea and an very large dose of Glenfiddich Special reserve later I don't feel any better but really don't give a damn any more.


    Roll on the Test Match on Saturday  :scared:


    Merry Crimbo all.

  3. Sorry Jeff,  I was trying to say how great it was to see something moving again on KL, but my phone took exception to everything I tryped after Brewdolf.


    Watching the video on the computer now, so I can see* how you "turned the loco in the tunnel" without stopping the video.


    *Wish I'd gone to Specsavers 

    • Like 1
  4. A Tinsley engine carrying the name Vulcan could have something to do with the fact that a statue of Vulcan (some old naked Roman blacksmith apparently) adorns the Sheffield Town Hall and appears on many things associated with the city.


    Or not ...


    (edit tripos)

  5. The aged parent's house was wired by demented amateurs in the 20s and 30s. Finally managed to get it rewired after the old fellow shuffled off in 97 and workmen could finally access the house. For some reason he wouldn't have anything done to the house  (or throw anything away for that matter - three skips and a month of clearing out when he'd gone).


    It's wonderful to have electricity on all four floors (instead of two rooms on the ground and one on the first) without extension cables. Also got the ancient self installed(!) 1960s gas fires condemned and removed and safe central heating and double glazing fitted for Mum. She's as snug as a bug these days.


    I remember being a teenager and having a huge row with the old man because I replaced the 1½" oval  nail in the fuse with fuse wire!



    Elf n' safety? Didn't exist in our house...

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  6. I recall in the 70's the trackwork of a new layout at a club being complete, the 'old blokes' connecting it up to a switch. The hall lights were turned out and the switch thrown. Sparks were seen, cracks were heard and burning was in the air. The supply was some ex-MOD transformer and it burned out what they called whiskers from the copper clad sleepers of the handbuilt track.


    Unfortunately from my point of view, that was the only interesting thing about that club layout. Ever. 

  7. Ironically, at 7pm there was a knock on the front door.....


    .....the Royal Mail, with a box containing 20 rolls of mod-roc.


    Wonder what I'll be doing early tomorrow morning?




    Full body splint to support the aching bones/muscles from the wiring 'yoga' ?


    Waiting here for a similar knock, bringing a new kettle (for making tea, not pulling trains) ...

  8. Looking really good Jason.


    Congratulations on your new baby, hope thing are going well. And if you think the nether regions are dangerous wait till you encounter weathering via means of projectile vomit :)


    All the best mate, you have some real fun ahead of you, enjoy every minute, it passes more quickly than you can imagine.


  9. Mind you! Even a full moon can hold the occasional surprise...............







    Jeez Bill that freaked me out. Where are the "Jeebs that uncalled for" and "NO MORE PLEEZE!" buttons?



    Meanwhile back in the doghouse ,,,


    Way, way back in the nineties, SWMBO and No1 son got into a game called Ultima Online. They played for many years, at first on the official servers, then on several private ones. I got sucked in to playing after one shard was having scripting problems. I finished up doing  a lot of scripting and GMing (Moderator, trouble shooter, event organiser and banner of miscreants) there for years. Then it all went to pot when the owner became ill, so I finished up scripting and building my own shard, which ran for about five years until my server went up in smoke about five years ago. This,  followed by a house move, I never got around to resurrecting it,


    Fast forward to this week, when No1 son turn sup with the installer for another server, run by one of his friends. Yours truly has the job of installing and setting up account and game play for 'er indoors. bu99ered if I can remember any of the commands, controls or anything else to be honest.


    Hence doghouse. Laugh now, you know you want to. Go on, go on go on.

  10. In years gone by I remember club layouts having a small electric motor fitted with an off centre weight on a spindle or a pretty large solenoid to give a whack an unstick locos, avoiding the giant hand of god having to descend.


    Using a washing machine for the same purpose is overkill, though having seen Jeff's wonderful woodwork, real detonators would probably only shake it a little.


    Seriously, great to see you getting closer Jeff.  The real Settle & Carlisle route wasn't built in a day either. 

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  11. I have a very strong Sheffield accent, but it didn't develop until I was a teenager. When I'm in Germany one of my friends has to translate me into English for our German friends, but they do understand my pathetic attempts at German. My own kids spoke nicely until they became teenagers and exchanged intelligent language for a set of simian grunts. All the grandkids speak quite nicely, though my two sons are almost as "broad Yorkshire" as I can be when I don't think about it.


    So as we say around here "alsidilatergoinforaweshndenawet"



    I'll see you later, going to get smartened up and then off for a pint

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