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nigel gill

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Status Updates posted by nigel gill

  1. Falling out the loft can either aid or hinder your modelling!

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Falling has never been a problem for me, it's the sudden stop that hurts!

    2. 11B


      Either way... It can hurt....

  2. 2 hours friday.....3 hours today finally found which wire was in wrong hole

    1. Judge Dread

      Judge Dread

      Get those hours on your timesheet!

  3. For a change at home layout building for myself....not club!

  4. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop

    1. fursty


      MMMMMM cakes. Is it for salisbury this weekeend? (Hope so)

  5. baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop

  6. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop

  7. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop

  8. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop

  9. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop,

  10. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop,

  11. Is baking cakes for the exhibition coffee shop,

  12. Has knocked a new bottle of MEK over the table!...Not happy!!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Temeraire


      I think they're designed to do that, same happened here!

    3. skipepsi


      the bottle stand a block of wood with a bottle size hole drilled in it.

    4. sixteen 12by 10s

      sixteen 12by 10s

      tape it to a big block of wood


  13. Making 4mm Scale cabbages...9 to the Sq. inch....300 Sq. inches to cover

    1. gwrrob


      Don't forget the whitefly too.

    2. eastwestdivide


      That's a big allotment

  14. Fiddle yard finished!! Celebrating by opening bottle of "William Wallace 80/-"

  15. Fiddleyard contol box finished! Bottle of Oakham "Bishops Farewell" opened in celebration........

  16. Today is sorting board joints! 4 down 2 to go stopped for a coffee!

    1. nimbamoss


      1 sugar or 2?


    2. nimbamoss


      Oh I forgot no sugar or milk!


  17. "Atticloft" fiddle yard track laid about to wire after another coffee

    1. nimbamoss


      About time!


  18. Can legally drive a fork lift.....makes loading layouts easier

    1. Tom Bayford

      Tom Bayford

      It only matters for insurance!

    2. AndrewC


      Amazing how things change. I learned to drive on a forklift at the ripe old age of 14

  19. Needs to find a 20ft OO steam exhibition layout for may show

  20. Spent 4 hours in A&E because of this hobby!!!

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