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Everything posted by Steam_Julie

  1. Why no sound, when I played the disk initially, but when I went back to it, there was, on the Pendon Feature? on the March DVD. Sound works on the other material.
  2. Eastgate backscene design challenge We require a backscene for the modern image layout ‘Eastgate’ and your task is to design One. You don’t need to consider the depth of the buildings, just their outline dimensions and what building you envisage would be in the centre of a Northern industrial town in the 1980’s or 90’s. You should be able to find plenty of images on the Internet, for inspiration! Eastgate station board is 60” by 15”, that's 1520 mm by 380 mm approx. You are required to draw you plan to scale. The height of the proposed backscene is 10”or 254 mm. Your design can range from a simple outline drawing to a fully coloured in design. You must provide such notes as required to enable the reader to understand your design. You can if you wish draw your outline to 3mm to the foot. This is called foreced perspective and has the effect pf making the building appear further way and thus make the baseboard, modelled area, appear larger. This task is not limited to member of the Eastgate group, but any member of the RMWeb is encouraged to submit a design. PS you don’t need to include a car park, as one will be modelled at the end of the station platforms on the baseboard 2. We look forward to seeing your proposed designs.
  3. Hi I'm posting using julie's id, because i've had problems with my email address, thus I currently can't access my RmWeb id either. The missing buffer was the result of an accident with a scaple. Lisa
  4. Hi All It's been a long time since I've had the time and inclination to work on my model railway. However I recently been working on coupling design for Holloway Goods. Mr Peco's nuts are used to hold the wagon body to the chassis, with the weight, held in position, between them. This method is better then glueing because it allows the components to easily be disassembled if required! My design criteria are that the train should be able to negotiate a 75mm radius curve reliably without derailing. The actual minimum radius will be 90mm, but if the above condition is meet, then I shall have no problems on the actual layout. The picture above, was taken on a friends micro layout, which has 75mm curves to minimise the area taken by the fiddleyard. I have no objection to the coupling system being single ended, that is to say different couplings on each end of vehicles. In this project I kept the peco coupling on one end, but I have filled the thickness down to half the original. I tested a coupling to see if it remained coupled and it passed the test. The thinner coupling is less obtrusive, then the original. The other coupling is replaced with a simple hook, made from stainless steel G String, purchased from the local music shop. The front angle of the hook is about 60 degrees, it is important that there is sufficient gap to allow the modified Peco hook to drop under it's own weight, even when a magnetic dropper is added. I wanted the train, composed of loose coupled wagons, to close up when the train comes to a stop, say at a signal, and open up as the train started again. Lisa
  5. Not this time of year then? Julie
  6. Your leaving yourself open, by making the assumption 'the last big project'? On the subject of the junction layout, I personally prefer the scissors crossing. Julie
  7. What would have been more impressive, is if you had done it, as a demonstration at an exhibition? But having said that it's nice to see the progress you are making on Freshwater. Julie
  8. @ the Canterbury Exhibition, there was an interesting N Gauge micro Layout. The link below displays a short video. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/2136/entry-18885-horseblock-lane/ Julie
  9. Haven't you heard of dress down Friday? Julie
  10. What type of couplings do you use on Ruston Quays? Julie
  11. The heating in the Railway Room is now fixed, it's been very cold for some weeks, my digital radio is now working properly, after several months of intermittent service. The original power connector was non standard and had to be replaced with a standard pug and socket. I didn't want to attempt to fix it with less free solder! And finally I have real solder. I've printed out the point templates, I'm ready to go! Julie
  12. The catch pit and the associated points are off scene and therefore I won't be modelling them. But there are several layouts that do! The best known is a P4 one. Julie
  13. I've been examining all the available photos of Cromford Transfer Wharf and then I have also visited the site, as it is today. The photos looking down the Sheep's Pasture Incline, show a double track bridge, under the road. Visiting the site today, there is a stone built, single track, bridge under the A6. It looks more like a tunnel, but in technical terms it is a covered way. A tunnel is by definition tunnelled i.e. dug out and a covered way a trench is dug, and then a support structure is built and then the trench is filled in again! This was constructed when the road was widened! The above information was supplied by Derbyshire Museum Service. If i have been more confident, about my research results, would have come to the above conclusion myself, weeks ago. But they say that hindsight is the only exact science! The catch pit, did as it said on tin, it was a pit designed to catch runaway wagons going up or down the incline plane. There were points on the up line they were catch points, on the down line they were operated by a pointsman. they were sprung towards the catch pit, and only set to the down line, Cromford Whalf when the pointsman pulled the lever. Incidentally the Crich site, of the National Tramway Museum, when a working quarry, was linked to the main line network by an rope worked incline plane too. Julie
  14. What about putting LED lighting inside the boxfiles? Julie
  15. The expression is really true, "If you really want muck things up, then use a computer. The point templates were designed using trax version 3. To print out the templates you require a working printer, of course. I've spent the last few days fighting with my computer, to install the new printer. Now I've suceeded and I can now proceed to point build! Horay! Julie
  16. When Ruston Quays was built, I presume you used lead based solder? I had forgotten how easy it was to get it to flow. Julie
  17. I visited the Warley Model Railway exhibition a few days ago, at the NEC in Birmngham. I saw some impressive layouts and some interesting new products too. There were some layouts, of course that were less than impressive, but we won't talk anout those, one must not speak ill of the ....., well you know the rest! I purchased a few items, as one does, my star purchase was a reel of real solder. I've been using the lead free variety for several years, with excellent results, but oh the Paradisal Pleasure, of using the real thing! I'm now positivly looking forward to building the pointwork for Holloway Goods. Julie
  18. I've would like to see @ one of the shows a micro layout village, type of event, so that people could contrast and compare different types of ways of building them! I have always been more impressed with a well observed micro, that runs well than a mega layout, where little moves! Julie
  19. I've just a few minutes ago found a supplier on the internet, Alton Model Centre. I have placed an order, and now await it's delivery. Julie
  20. I've tried various model shops to obtain phosphor bronze strip or sheet and have so far drawn a blank. Can anyone offer suggestion are far as possible suppliers? Julie
  21. It should be notes that, you have to add an extra sleeper or two at the switch end of the point to be able to make a viable point. I.e. you can't have the tiebar on the end of a point. The tiebar replaces the stretcher bars on the prototype. Julie
  22. The more observant amoungst you will have realised that I use Anyrail to do my basic design and Trax 3 to produce the point templates. I've used the package that's best for the task in progress. The first two photographs are the template sheets that I will cut up and attach to my work board to construct the actual points, more correctly called turnouts. The photograph below, is of a sheet laid out to check that the proposed handing of the points would work to produce the desired track layout. It was a very useful process and I discovered my initial thoughts were incorrect. Better to discover a mistake at this point than after point construction is complete! I'm going to leave the decision about the exact length of the loop until track laying stage. This is because I'm going to adjust the distance between tracks to a minimum, to give the layout a more spacious feel. I hopefully will have the time to start construction next week. My eyesight is now getting back to normal, following my operation. Julie
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