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Everything posted by Steam_Julie

  1. It can be done, if necessary you could use a short piece of streamline flexiable track. Julie
  2. I would be tempted to make the main line a oval, and disguise this by putting a locomotive shed in place, at the end of the platform. This was the case at many branch terminus stations including Loch Tay. This would allow you to run in new and newly serviced locomotives. I would also consider extending the runaround loop under the bridge, to enable a 2 coach train to be run. Julie PS I do like Paul A Lunn's designs for small spaces
  3. I like his design, but if the hidden sidings were turned thro' 90 degrees they would longer and thus more useable. Julie
  4. Where was he background photo taken? Julie
  5. Steam_Julie

    Paint Your Wagon

    Down South that's what is called a coke reeve! Julie?!
  6. There seems to be no way of transfering a document into RMWeb & keeping the formatting!
  7. Sorry for the lack of formatting, uploaded from smart? phone!
  8. Hi This project is intended to enable the control of 2 points using solenoid point motors and another accessory using a standard Hornby 3 function DCC loco decoder. The main layout controller for the layout is a Bachmann Easy Controller. To achieve the above functionality, I have decided to use address 9. A standard loco decoder is programmed to address 9. This has 3 function outputs F0, F1 and F2. These are standard digital 0 – 5v with a driving capacity of 20 mA, either ON or OFF. We require a transition from 0 to 1 to give a short pulse 0 – 12v with about 0.5A output. Similarly a transition from 1 to 0 to give a short pulse 0 -12v with about 0.5A output. See diagram below. My intention is to use a PIC P16C71 microcontroller as the basis of my design. This has 18 pins and has 2 ports which can be configured as either input or output. The following listing in pseudo code defines the functionality. The listing of the points control program can be seen, by clicking on the link below. This is a word document and is fully formatted. Points_Project.doc With Functions 1 and 2 off, both of the points in the goods yard are set to normal, this means that the main line is set to straight, i.e. straight through. The second point is also set strait too. To select the road into siding no, 1 you are required to select function 1 ON and function 2 OFF and for road 2 selection function 1 ON and function 2 ON. To aid the points going over correctly, capacitance discharge circuits are added. The resistor in this circuit is to limit the charging current. The discharge current is only limited by the emitter collector resistance, and since the transistor is switched fully on, this is negligible! I now need to convert the pseudo code, into assembly language, then assemble it and then download it to the PIC P16C71 and then test it. I could have used wire and tube, but where is the FUN in that! Julie
  9. I wish I had known about the Knob Shop before starting building my layout. The design would have been completely different! Julie
  10. Do you think I need curtains? Seriously thought I'm going to use a sky coloured net curtain to make the backscene full height. Julie
  11. The only problem with using swf files is that some public bodies such as libraries and school block their loading completely! Perhaps the way forward is to save the files as MP4 format! Julie
  12. Hi Since the last posting I’ve been working on both scenery and other areas connected with making the layout easier to store and move around. I've added a handle on the fold side of the layout, when folded up for storage to make it easier to lift and carry it. It's surprising difficult to grab hold of a circular layout. I have also added rubber feet onto the fiddleyard area, to allow the layout to be placed on a table top without damaging either the layout or the table top. I've started to work on improving the bridge and its approach embankments. Initially the sides of which were much too steep. I also added a small extension of the fascia, in the area of the embankment. Finally I have made the supports to make the cover unit also function to provide a proscenium arch, to frame the viewer’s view of the layout. It will also support the layout lighting eventually and the backscene extension. Adding the above, took much longer than expected, then things usually do, because of unexpected problems. But for me I very much like the problem solving part of the hobby. Simply putting kits together, does not have the same attraction. Once I have finished the presentation works, I will be able to move the layout upstairs from the workshop area, and get struck into the scenics. Julie
  13. I've know Lisa, since we meet at university some years ago, in Southampton! We do continue to meet and communicate outside the RMWeb environment. On the blog subject most manufacturing processes I use as a modeller, are largely additive in nature. As I am adding material to make the final shape, and the ammount of waiste material is usually very low. Julie
  14. It does doesn't it! BUT I don't think it would taste good, and eating it might do your teeth no good! Julie
  15. Hi Since the last blog post I have made a cover to protect the scenic section, both in transit and when work is being carried out on the electrics etc. on the underside of the layout. I have also installed a over-centre catch to keep the two half’s in position when the layout is being carried and being packed ready for transport. I have also built some stubby feet, this is to allow the layout, in operation mode to be placed on a table, say the kitchen table, which allows the layout to be worked on, without needing the full legs to be installed. These legs have felt pads on the legs to prevent damage to the table top. These feet also means that the layout parts sit, in them same relationship to each other as when on the floor mounted feet. Where the layout board was cut into two, they don't sit properly when directly placed on a flat surface of a table or my workmate. This allows the track to be properly fettled! The ability to fold the layout also has made storage, at home, much easier as it can now fit onto the available shelves. I will really be progressing the scenery soon! Julie
  16. Hi The link below will link to the animation of the runaround operation! http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/gallery/album/2939-blog-entry-files/ Julie
  17. Whilst I was putting the layout onto it's legs, following the wiring operations. During the wiring, the layout has been supported on my workmate. I took the opportunity to photograph the whole underside of the layout. Julie
  18. They are to support the train cassettes whilst the trains are being driven on or off them! Because of the shape of the layout, the baseboard edges cannot be used, as using them for support means that the cassette is not level across the track. Julie
  19. Hi Click on the image below to run the animation. This entry was prompted by a comment made about my blog entry below, the person said it look like a film! It was Job's Modelling and his exact words were 'Almost like picture movie. Nicely done.' http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1428-steam-julies-blog/ The first part is now a film! Julie
  20. I've found the missing picture, I had saved it in the wrong directory. Julie
  21. Hi New photograph of DCC wiring added 26-11-13 Since the last blog entry I have wired the scenic board, in similar fashion to the fiddleyard board. I have also wired both boards together at both track crossing points. Some people may say that this is over the top! But I remember from electronics at college, that if you have 2 resistors of value R and you connect them in series then the total resistance is 2R. However if you connect them in parallel the total resistance is 1/2R instead. The main power bus is single core wire, whilst the links are multi-core cable. This allows the cable in the links to bend without damaging it. But the cable has slightly higher resistance than the solid core cable. The programming switch is arranged so that when the switch points towards the programming track, the programming track is selected, and therefore when it points away from it, the main is selected. Now after the track over the joints has been fettled, I can turn my mind back to the task of doing the scenery again. Julie PS An animation of running around a passenger train in the fiddleyard can be found at :- http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/blog/1429-steam-julies-general-blog/
  22. I think that if I did the same thing again, I would draw the individual illustration slightly smaller. Julie
  23. The two mineral trains, one empth and the other full, won't be turned at all, the empties will go round anti-clockwise and the fulls clockwise. these trains formed the majority of trains on the light railway. Passenger trains were very much an after thought. Julie
  24. Unfortunately due to restrictions placed on file types that can be uploaded to RMWeb I cannot make the images into a movie. Julie
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