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Status Updates posted by TT-Pete

  1. Where's the cat gone? I thought he was the better looking of the two on the old profile pic. ;^)

  2. Moien! Wéi geet et?

  3. Good grief but it's warm in the railway room this afternoon, all I've done is a bit of flocking and I'm drenched in sweat!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. mike morley

      mike morley

      Whenever it gets ultra-hot and suffocatingly humid we invariably start wishing for a thunderstorm to ease matters.  But, in reality, have you ever known a thunderstorm make the slightest difference?

    3. TT-Pete


      Er, yes? I'm sure I can remember storms being followed by cooler weather in my youth(?) Well, there's a 50% chance for a heavy thunderstorm forecast for tonight/tomorrow so I will attempt an empirical study. Still up in the low 30's at the moment, have so far used 3 pints of cold lager to attempt to alleviate the effects of heat this evening. Very effective well so far!! :^)

    4. RJS1977


      Although Reading seems to have missed most of the thunder that was around earlier (could hear it but not close enough for lightning), it's 8-10C cooler at the University observing site than it was yesterday evening. That said, the thermometer in my living room is still saying 30C!


  4. Redundancy beckons. :sorry:

    1. Tony Teague

      Tony Teague

      Look at it as an opportunity if you can!

    2. Ian Simpson

      Ian Simpson

      Very sorry to hear this, hope things start looking up soon.

    3. srihaggis


      Sorry to hear it, I arrived into work yesterday to receive the same news :(

  5. Eggnog. Brandy. Mmmm... :^)

    1. 25901


      Red Bull, Cadbury's milk chocolate and a set of melted Christmas tree lights

  6. Aaargh. Up for an early morning track laying sesh - but can I find the ****ing packet of rail joiners I bought specifically for this job a few days ago??!!

    1. TT-Pete


      Found 'em! (An hour of searching and then at the bottom of the box of track bits and tools I must have looked in at least 3 times during the search...)

    2. locoholic


      Rail joiners are specially designed to disappear.

  7. Aaargh. Up for an early morning track laying sesh - but can I find the %&%*$£! packet of rail joiners I bought specifically for this job a few days ago??!!

  8. Going to the show at Wimborne this morning :-)

  9. Aaaaargh! Is anyone else irrationally irritated by "train" station? It's RAILWAY STATION I yell at the TV...

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. truffy


      Indeed. Media is the plura of medium, which is simply halfway between excellent and terrible.

    3. TT-Pete


      And don't get me started on "Customers" v.s "Passengers". In any case "Victims" more fitting.

    4. Mike 84C

      Mike 84C

      Liverpool v Walsall where did versus go to? Maybe the train station?

  10. Just dug the car out of the snowdrift it's been stuck solid in for the past 2 days and cleared the drive - we're free!

  11. Another day trapped indoors by snow and ice - good job there's eBay....

    1. tigerburnie


      No post to deliver what I've bought though

    2. Horsetan


      There's eBay, and there's drunk eBay.

    3. Hroth


      or "It seemed a good idea at the time" ebay...

  12. Another day trapped indoors by snow and ice - good job there's eBay.... :-)

  13. Just had to bin 2 Humbrol tinlets from the 100s I inhertited from Dad as they had turned to gunk. Not bad going as they were 1970's vintage.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Platform 1

      Platform 1

      I find a few drops of Humbrol thinners plus a good stir will revive 90% of old tinlets.

    3. milkman matt

      milkman matt

      Had to bin 3 recently as they had dried out completely. Managed to save 4 with some thinners though.

    4. TT-Pete


      I tried a bit of thinners, but just ended up with a watery sludge with solid bits in it, I think they're too far gone... :-(

  14. Just had to bin 2 Humbrol tinlets from the 100s I inhertited from Dad as they had turned to gunk. Not bad going as they were 1970's vintage, but still feels like losing another little bit of him... :-(

  15. Aah, the season of Mellow Fruitfulness - and long modelling evenings! :-)

  16. Decorating takes precedence over model railways. :-(

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      It's odd how consistent this is, in households all over the land, you'd have thought that there might be some regional variations, but no, it's just the same here in Devon...

    2. Londontram
  17. :-) I discovered a bug that made my comment on someone else's status, appear on my own. Fullstop seemed quickest way of getting rid!

  18. :-) I discovered a bug that made my comment on someone else's status, appear on my own. Fullstop seemed quickest way of getting rid! (Thinks: that'll teach me to cyberskive at work.)

  19. .

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tony_S


      I think he is at a full stop...

    3. 69843


      E in Morse code

    4. Sasquatch


      Must be time of the month.


  20. Looking forward to lots of lovely photos! :-)

  21. I hear Tortoises calling me

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yorkie_pudd


      zzzZZZzzzz coming from inside the shell ?

    3. TT-Pete


      Asking to be fed? Yes indeed, they want a constant 12v DC! :-)

    4. Claude_Dreyfus


      Ah...mine is happy with some lettuce and spring greens. Cheap to run!

  22. I hear the Tortoises calling me

  23. I hear the Tortoises calling me..

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