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Roger Sunderland

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Everything posted by Roger Sunderland

  1. Thanks Michael. I will contact you at the end of June
  2. Hello Mike Very interesting build for the Fowler. Any idea when the 4mm version will be back in stock and is it a complete kit (less motor wheels etc) or body etches?
  3. Hi all Thought I might pitch in with a couple of pics. The second one is from our Bournemouth West layout and shows an M7 between duties in the goods yard. The first is a cameo shot from my own Carsdale (S&C) layout of the goods loading dock (pic courtesy of Andy York and BRM)
  4. Hi Tony Sorry to hear about the point motor issues. For what it's worth I've used Tortoise motors on all my home layouts for the last 15 years. Some are being used on their third layout. I have never had a failure yet. In addition we use Tortoise motors on our Bournemouth West exhibition layout and despite operating/storage conditions varying from -5 in storage to 75 in exhibition halls all have performed faultlessly. On the other hand early tests with Cobalt motors did not prove very satisfactory but, to be fair, I think later models are much improved. The Beaty of Tortoise, for me,(and for that matter Cobalt) is their simplicity and their enclosed nature which, I believe, supports their reliability. Incidentally Bournemouth West has been invited to Peterborough BRM show in December, Steve and Chris Knight and I hope to see you there.
  5. Hi all Just an update. Work continues on the new fiddle yard and some more detailing work has been done on the layout. For info we will be taking the layout to Poole show which is on Sunday 4th November 2018. Also to the BRM Peterborough show whose dates have now moved to 8/9 December 2018. A couple of shots taken in the club rooms. M7 simmers in the goods yard 2P on a Bristol service.
  6. If it's a reasonably small area have a look at Chris Nevards blog site where he shows how create just such a yard using Das modelling clay. By far the best representation I've seen IMHO.
  7. There probably isn't a simple answer, I'm afraid. These factory fitted decoders are pre loaded with a high degree of inertia to simulate pulling away/stopping with a heavy load. Normally reducing the CV values in CV3 and CV4 will reduce the inertia. Problem is there are other CV Values linked to this inertia which may mean you loose some of the sync between sound and wheel revolution. Things are a lot simpler with a programmer but I'm not sure if these types of decoder can all be reprogrammed in all areas. Try playing with lower values in CV3 to start with, this is the rate of acceleration. If you don't like the results or want to go back enter a value of 8 in CV8. This will reset the decoder to the original factory values.
  8. Appalling paint in appalling cans. I agree vote with your wallet. Also it's a joke to charge 50p for a spare nozzle when the original is clearly not fit for purpose. The only one I use now is sleeper grime, then I try and do all the spraying in one go - even then I've had heads clog up halfway through the can.
  9. "Kadees don't work" Try telling that to the thousands (or is it millions) of users in the USA, Europe and GB. I repeat we operate a large exhibition layout and they work perfectly for us. No shuffling required. Also available, but not many people seem aware of it, is auto uncoupling using one button push on DCC.
  10. Sorry Clive, have to disagree. There are now so many different sizes etc of tlc compatability is a real issue. If you have to change them why not go for something that really does work ie. Kadees. One size of head, easy to fit at the right height, remote uncoupling and unobtrusive (if fitted correctly). They work exceptionally well even on our large terminus exhibition layout.
  11. You could try Dohler and Hass. They are a German company, sorry I've no link to their website. They have a range of converters I've not seen over here. I purchased a breakout converter for a next 18 socket to enable me to access Aux1 and 2 from the chip which the Bachmann board doesn't do.
  12. Not sure if this is the right place as this is purely for info, but here goes. The Bournemouth West Model Railway Group originally started out as a group of 5 individuals planning to build Bournemouth West in 00 scale. For various reasons that group ended up as just 2 people. We were renting premises from the Horfield Group who built and exhibited the very successful " Horfield", the BR(WR) 4 track main line layout which has been on the exhibition circuit for over 12 years and Kesall Green, which, in its new revised format, has already been exhibited at 3 shows and many many more in its previous format. Taking everything into account, not least of which was that it was impossible for 2 of us to exhibit Bournemouth West, we agreed to pool our resources and BW was exhibited at Swindon under the "Horfield Group" banner. However, a couple of months ago Horfield was retired (after all it was 15 years old) so a new group has been formed and will be called "South Coast Railway Modellers Development group" or SCRMD group for short. This group will have responsibility for Bournemouth West, Kensall Green and........a new and exiting 40' BR(WR) mainline layout to be developed over the next 2-3 years. Our exhibition manager is Chris Knight and he can be contacted by email at cpaknight@aol.com. The situation was becoming a bit confusing so I hope this clears things up a bit.
  13. This could run forever. I think the problems here are. 1. The OP clearly has no idea how DCC works (or doesn't work). "Two wires",shutting down of layout (not necessary if one employs sections), sound on/off. Nor,it would appear, has he any desire to understand it and is unaware of the much more realistic operation that DCC can provide. Fine, if that's what you want. 2. From my experience many people operating DCC layouts do not fully understand their systems. Not what they are capable of, how best to wire them up,how to fault find etc etc. Not always the case but usually people who have previously been analogue and "appy with it". The suggestion by the OP that running troubles are more prevalent on DCC exhibition layouts is frankly, abject nonsense. IMHO faultless running can be obtained in both analogue and DCC if the layout has been well planned, well built, is electrically sound and has operators who understand what they are doing.
  14. As Nigel said previously you can have as many handsets as you like but it doesn't seem to me to make sense to only allocate one handset to one district. For instance, what happens if you want to run a loco from say the outer or inner loops into your MPD? The benefit of DCC means you can do this on one handset. It is a real mindset change - you are not controlling tracks you are operating individual locomotives. Having been involved with DCC in one way or another for close on 15 years I would stress the absolute need to try different systems, have a play with them first. You rarely get 2 people who rate a system the same, it's what you feel comfortable and suits you.
  15. 4 pin micro plug from loco to tender. Assume it's NOT the old split chassis Bachmann A4 (can be done but a lot more work) so red and black wires to loco pickups, orange and grey to motor.
  16. Hi The signals are built from a combination of brass parts from MSE and Alan Gibson and are faithful replicas of the signals at Bournemouth West being lower quadrant and of ex LSWR design. The SR shunt signals on the lower platform of the platform starters are non working but all the main arms are/will be operable via servos and will have delayed pull off and bounce on return.
  17. A busy moment at Bournemouth West as MN No.35028 Clan Line arrives with an ex Waterloo train, whilst Standard 4MT No. 75001 heads for Bath on the S&D line.
  18. http://<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/J2Pxmrh9Hl4" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/J2Pxmrh9Hl4"frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  19. https://youtu.be/J2Pxmrh9Hl4
  20. Yes you're right Stephen. The early signalling included a gantry. The later day BR signalling was very different and pictures are available of all the signals at Bournemouth West up to the entrance to the carriage sheds. A Google search will bring up the signalling diagram also.
  21. Can anybody help me find photos of the above, even better has anyone got a photo of the above?
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