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Everything posted by cessna152towser

  1. Hawick and District Railway Society will host their annual exhibition in the Auld Baths, Hawick on the Saturday and Sunday of the English Bank Holiday weekend, 24th and 25th August. Club Members' layouts, guest layouts from Scotland and the north of England, refreshments, electronics demonstrations from MERG. Campaign for Border Rail, Waverley Route Heritage Association will also have stands, display of prototype train photography by Steve Crozier, traders including Durham Trains of Stanley and The Model Tree Shop, etc.
  2. I bought a new Bachmann DCC D11 a few years ago because it was on special offer from Hattons and cheaper than the DC version. I never fitted the DCC chip but used the blanking plug instead. The local was always difficult to control on DC - took a lot of power to get it moving, then it would pull away very quickly, so I re-sold it after a few months.
  3. I recently acquired a part built 00 guage Siphon G as part of a job lot. The bodywork is brass, with beautifully etched sides. Only clue as to maker is a logo "CbA" and date "1972" on the underside. Does anyone know what make of kit this would have come from?
  4. The correct call, I think. The Hornby Dublo 3-rail tinplate was all packed Thursday night and ready to be taken to the venue on Friday till we learned the disappointing news that the show was off. Woke up this morning (Saturday) to a covering of snow here in Hawick. While it later turned to rain and is now all melted here by late afternoon, I could envisage much worse up there at Romanno Bridge where the venue is higher above sea level and further west.
  5. Some months ago, I lost a roof vent off a Hornby Hawksworth Full Brake and replaced it with a Ratio one. The replacement vent was not a direct colour match so I took the opportunity to repaint the whole roof in a more realistic shade of Humbrol Matt Grey. After several days drying out on the work bench the coach went back in its box. Since then it has been out of its box several times for a run on the layout and the roof is still sticky. Any ideas how to dry out the stickiness?
  6. Looking forward it, will have to bring my German wife along to view Schmalzberg.
  7. Went to the show with my wife on Saturday. Well done AMRSS and Exhibitors for another great show.
  8. Many thanks for your help Charlie. The male plug had indeed shifted position within its holder. It took a bit of fiddling with, but now all eight pins have aligned correctly again and train is working. Next time it comes off the layout I will probably keep the two cars coupled together and display the train on a shelf when it is not in use.
  9. Are realtrack still in business? I was initially very pleased with the Northern Rail class 144 Pacer which has given good service on my layout. After a period of storage in its box, I brought it out again last week to find it no longer runs. When both cars are placed on the track separately, the lights work in both, but the motor shows no re-action. When the coupling/electrical connection is made the unit shorts out. Although it will by now be well out of its warranty period I am loathe to smash it open to see whether the fault is something which I can easily fix by myself. I e-mailed Realtrack for advice at the address given on the instruction sheet, but I see that my e-mail has bounced.
  10. My original Hornby-Dublo 2-6-4 tank, from my first 00 electric train set in 1958 no longer ran and I sent it away for overhaul. Cost £27 (far more than the original train set) but came back running like new, and indeed it had a run on my layout earlier today, coping with a full brake and three long wheelbase tinplate vans no bother at all. Not sure if the forum allows me to advertise the detrails of the repairer who worked wonders, but PM me if you want details.
  11. One of my fellow club members received his Dunrobin Castle in time for our show last weekend. Mine arrived on Tuesday (28th). One small teething trouble, it was prone to stalling on points at slow speeds, then I discovered one of the pick ups was not making contact and it was easily put right and now runs beautifully.
  12. Such a nice model, utterly irresistible, needed to use modellers' licence to justify this purchase as I don't think these Maunsell diners ever ran in Scotland (though a few Bulleid coaches found their way into Scottish Regions stock, complete with Sc prefix and S suffix). On the BR green Maunsell which I have now received, those corridor end covers detached easily with only light finger pressure on one corner and are now safely inside the little plastic bag within the coach box in case I need them again.
  13. I pre-ordered the RFB back in June 2013 as at that time there was a prototype on our local heritage railway. Since then the full size coach has moved on and my life has also moved on - I got married! So after a five year wait I have recently cancelled my pre-order. I have in the meantime built up a short rake of Hornby Mk2e coaches and may eventually buy the Bachmann RFB to run with them, as and when the cash is available and the price is right.
  14. Wagon came with a job lot of Peco 00 Wonderful Wagons. Peco did issue a Thomas Muir, son and Patton wagon but this is not a Peco. Thomas Muir overlay is paper and not embossed card. Body is made from balsa, as is the bar between the bottoms of the axleboxes.. Chassis is different from the Peco Wonderful Wagons which came along with this one. Outer ends are plastic, centre is a metal weight. Can anyone identify the chassis
  15. Both of mine are three-rail. Hornby-Dublo 46232 Duchess of Montrose and 46247 City of Liverpool. My home layout is two rail but the vintage Dublo gets an occasional airing as a space filler at local shows.
  16. The wee glitch with my 156 445 was fixed very promptly and it is now running very nicely. Thanks Charlie.
  17. Received my Abellio DC 156 today. There seems to be excessive fore and aft play of the power bogies on both vehicles and although the motors can be heard to run smoothly inside the units, the gearing doesn't connect so neither motor turns its wheels. Is this a fault or is there something else I need to do to make the vehicles move?
  18. Border Rail 2017 in the Auld Baths, Hawick, Scottish Borders. August Bank Holiday weekend. Saturday 26th August 10 till 5 Sunday 27th August 10 till 4 Adults £4, Concession £3, Children £2 Scale Layouts, modelling demonstrations, vintage Hornby-Dublo 3-rail, second hand stall, trade stands by Durham Trains of Stanley, Douglas Blades Books, and The Model Tree Shop of Chirnside.
  19. I've been to a few shows with Hornby-Dublo 3-rail and set up a double track oval with connecting points and an insulating tab between the third rail connector tongues beneath the points, like the set up you have posted. I always use two separate transformers and have never had any problems with electrical interaction between the two circuits.
  20. Yes, indeed. I ordered the Abellio Saltire 156 after I got home from the Glasgow show. I had expected to be debited for only the £50 deposit at that time, with the balance to be taken in May, but SagePay already took the full £211.94 from my bank account on 16th March, being the £200 price for the model plus £11.94 post and packing.
  21. Yes and it is the only Bachmann Aircon which I have ordered. Partly because I already have enough Lima, Dapol and Hornby Aircon Mark 2s but no Mark 2 catering vehicle. More especially though my reason for placing the order back in June 2013 was that we had the real thing on our local heritage railway, in blue and grey (as preserved) livery, which is only authentic for the preservation era as the full size coaches were only modified when the raspberry ripple inter-city livery was introduced. A lot has changed since then and with the resurgence of rail travel the Mark 2 buffet which was based at Whitrope has now returned to the national network.
  22. There was a VGA with Lovat Spring Water logos in Kingmoor Yard, Carlisle on the morning of 11th August, 2016. When I passed again later in the day there was a different rake of VGAs and the Lovat one was gone. MoD traffic to be tripped to/from Longtown CAD I would guess.
  23. When I built my layout in 1989 I needed to use a curved point in the station throat to fit the track plan onto the available space. Used a Hornby one which I later replaced with Peco Setrack which was an exact fit. I guess the curvature on both forks of the point is at best second radius as it is at the limit of tightness for some of my Hornby and Bachmann steam outline locos. I have found that some locos are either left or right handed in that some will only negotiate the point with their smokebox pointing towards the fiddle yard while others can only go through it with the smokebox pointing away from the fiddle yard.
  24. The link which I posted on 2nd January no longer works. I had another look at Locoman1966's Flickr Photostream this evening and it appears he has taken down the Waverley Route demolition images.
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