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Everything posted by nightstar.train

  1. Planning a trip to Hattons tomorrow. My wallet is looking terrified.

  2. Another good one. Model Rail 08. 100 quid! I bought one exactly the same for 35 the other week. And that one came DCC chipped. Feel like selling it now, make a profit. Or perhaps it is worth the extra as the certificate has a nice round number on it?And it's another one that is 'unused and unopened' yet is sitting on someone's layout for the photo.
  3. How can this item be both 'Kit built' and 'Mint in box'. If you have a mint in box kit then it is by definition unbuilt. And where is the kit in this anyway? I just see a Standard Lima 101 with a few new transfers.
  4. Has run the first trains on my new layout! Very exciting.

  5. That's very nice. I consider the AGV to be a rather ugly train, but that manages to make it look good. Maybe one day, isn't open access on the chunnel and HS1 starting next year?
  6. That is AMAZING. I really really want one, no room though. Think i might have to join Dave in therapy.
  7. Ask and you shall receive This is Hermann Marwede in all her glory. Getting on quite well so far, main structures are largely finished now. Infront are various bits being painted, including the heli-pad and mast. With ship models i have found it is best to paint parts before you attach them, then just touch up as needed. Going to be a really good boat when finished. Planning to make it a removable part of a harbour scene. This is Hermann's 'daughter boat'. All of the DZgRS (German equivalent of the RNLI) boats carry them to allow easier rescue operations. It goes up a ramp at the back of Hermann, under the heli-pad. This boat is basically finished apart from the mast and transfers. Have to make the mast collapseble so it can go in its garage. Instructions say to glue it up or down, but where's the fun in that Going to make it movable, and the garage doors openable too. If your intrested i'll post further detail photos and an update when it progresses further.
  8. No i'm building the Severn alongside. No real tips yet, just paint it as you go like the other ships, and this one you will need to follow the instructions closer as you can't really do any out of sequence work. What is ABP? I've though of getting a second Hermann and making it into an RNLI boat, would look amazing in blue and orange. Might try photoshop first though. I'm planning on having a harbour somewhere with an international lifeboat conference, hence all the various ships i'm building. I'm trying to find other boats too, like Dutch or French. No luck yet.
  9. Yep, Hermann is currently occupying most of my modeling desk. So what are you building it as, because Hermann is the only one of her class. Is it a 'what if'? Its a good kit, and quite different to my usual modelling. Its strange painting it as i go, rather than building it then painting it (like with trains and planes), you just can't do that with a ship. I've been doing a lot of building out of instruction sequence, as the instructions way would take for ever and be boring. Its an amazing ship, love the little daughter boat, great idea. Huge ship, completly dwarfs my RNLI Severn Class lifeboat.
  10. Nice looking kit, but have you seen the price! 55 quid My Hermann MArwede kit was only 30, and thats huge. Still, that's a resin kit for you i guess.
  11. I'm looking for kits of modern(ish) lifeboats in OO scale or so. I've got the Airfix one of the Severn class. I vaugely remember an article in Model Rail a few years ago about building an RNLI boat, which i think was then put on a cradle with a tractor. Can't remember the manufacturer though. I'm also looking for foreign life boats if anyone knows of them (i have both Revell kits of the Arkona and Hermann Marwede).
  12. Thanks, thats all clear now. I was just getting confused as to how the actual brakes on the carriages work. I assume then that this system is fail safe and if the train splits in the middle the AABP loses pressure and the whole train stops PDQ. So do the Mk4s have a different system, or does the Mk4 DVT also apply the brakes? As these are allowed to do 125mph with normal signalling. Great shame that they will be replaced before the cab signalling arrives that would allow operation at their design speed of 140. So Fat Contoller do you drive 'Le Shuttle' (or whatever its called at the moment)? Cool.
  13. Okay i think i get it now. The coaches are air braked and the engine supplies the air for it. In an HST it is supplied by 2 engines from both ends, so brakes twice as fast. But the loco-hauled only has one engine at the front (or back). The coaches them selves don't have electric brakes. Is this correct?
  14. Thats all v intresting, thanks all. So now my next question is, how are the Mk4 coaches braked, as these are 125mph and designed for 140mph. Do they have more powerful brakes? And if the Mk3 brakes are applied electronically, how come they are only applied from the loco end in a loco hauled set? Surely if its electronic they should all come on at the same time (give or take a micro-second).
  15. This is something i've wondered about. Why are Mk3a and 3b stock restricted to 110mph, whilst their Mk3 HST brethren are allowed at 125mph? As i understand it the only difference is the wiring in them, they are structurally the same. Is it just because they only had 110mph engines, and if so why haven't they been upped to run behind class 67s? BTW i am talking about everyday running, not special exemptions for testing or what have you.
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