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Everything posted by Fishplate

  1. Hi Adrian @westerhamstation. I lived in North Kent for many years and never knew about this ! Maybe it was run down/ closed at the time ? The things you find out about on RMWeb. . . . Thanks for sharing. Will read with interest. John
  2. Sad to read about that in early April. Are you still resisting? But noted a lot of the subsequent photos are entitled "from the archive". So does that mean work on the room has started and a new Dewchurch will rise?
  3. Happy to help. I 've had lots of inspiration and positive contributions from so many people on RMWeb. So just a little bit of giving back / passing on info. Latest developments looking really good. John
  4. Well, that suggestion seemed to work quite well . . . .
  5. Very nice Chris @chuffinghell. Looking forward to the inevitable debate on which way round it needs to go next to a siding. . . . Tall side? Or open side? Discuss, show your working out and add your reasons. Rule1 may not be applicable. . . . .
  6. Wouldn't this be a brilliant name for a new layout ????? On a more serious on-topic note, the shed is looking good. I agree it would be unlikely to be in Rly Co colours. John
  7. Hi @Johndc120 This is looking really good. A positive contribution I would like to make is that I believe the trackside gates open towards the wagon. This is to avoid the cattle/ sheep escaping down the edge of the dock. Currently you have them drawn opening away from the wagon. Leastways, that is the way I modelled them on my Mk1 layout cattle dock which can be seen on the first post on Page 1 of the link below. FYI ~ I noticed after posting that picture that the gate nearest the camera had been hung with the hinge side on the opening end, Look forward to following progress
  8. Agreed @Gedward. Hope I can get to your standard in due course Kevin @KNP
  9. The trombone section of the brass band I played in helped out the local orchestra. After the usual several hundred bars rest the composer couldn't be bothered to fill in for brass, he then requested all three trombones to play double forte (Jolly loud for the uninitiated). Being upstanding citizens we duly obliged. Conductor stops orchestra and asks the trombones what we thought we were doing. Pointing out the obvious I just said 'playing double forte, as requested'. Conductor gestures across at the twenty or so violins and asks me what they are supposed to do when faced with three trombones playing double forte. My response of 'scrape harder? ' was (apparently) not the correct one. . . . . For those that requested some trombone playing, a little bit of Romeo & Juliet . . . . . . . Enjoy (ps we also do fried breakfasts whilst waiting for the bar to open):
  10. Dive bombing buses on bridges being one . . . . . . ?
  11. Really inspiring work.
  12. Hi @Rich Papper Have read through your topic over the last week or so, drawn in by the Southern location of Catford. Really like the plan and the way you are developing it. Your experiences with 'Thing 1' and 'Thing 2' have made me laugh out loud on several occasions and share with my wife. I also shared the picture of your wife holding a tape measure over the block work at Bath. Strangely, my wife has had similar experiences *. I also have a slowly developing layout and recognise the timescales you have been working through, not assisted by a house move at the end of last year. The video rides showing the developing scene are also very informative. There are very prototypical arrangements emerging. I will be following with interest in the future John *Or should that be 'my wife has had similar strange experiences'?
  13. Agreed. Also agreed. But I deliberately didn't choose one of those. Didn't want to frighten the local sheep . Similarly things can go very wrong playing trombone anywhere near Jeremy Clarkson . . . . . . Agreed. Maybe set up a shunting puzzle Trombones and Trains thread ????? Wagon positions limited to seven, of course. .... ... ...
  14. Thank you very much Kevin. I love the evolution. Maybe in the future you'll have to have an archeological dig scene showing one of your old foundations. Or one that you never knew of . . . . . . John
  15. Being a proper trombone player his "spare" hand can be seen just by the leg of the music stand. Clearly relaxing after operating the water key. I suspect he's just about to embark on a quick solo session of trombone suicide which the valve trombone and sousaphone player wouldn't be aware of. . . . . . . neither being proper instruments
  16. Progressing very nicely indeed. I do like the staggered buffer stops. It is an interesting period feature for those of us who 'do' PWay, but something that is avoided where possible on the modern railway. Not sure about GWR practice, but I've noticed the lights on your buffer stop beams. I think they are very rare on sidings in steam days. Probably because they all had to be manually lit (and filled up) paraffin lamps. Might be an interesting to wander through some appropriate time period pictures to see if you keep as is, modify or apply Rool 1 . The link below is a good source if you've not discovered it before. The few that I skipped through in sidings were lamp free: https://thetransportlibrary.co.uk/?route=product%2Fsearch&search=buffer+stop Hope the above is of interest / help. Looking forward to seeing more. John
  17. An art, rather than a science. Looking great George. I love the detail of the path crossing at an angle. John
  18. Hi Kevin, Agree with @Gedward on the cobbles and I like the view across to the Unicorn. But I can't remember a building that spans the road? There are still hidden corners in Little Muddle. Does the Squadron Leader have an aerial picture he could share please?
  19. Hi Chris, Looks good. I wouldn't think your phone box would need much, if any, weathering if it was constructed within a year or two of the setting of your layout. On a similar GPO topic I got into a tangle on my Mk1 layout when I wanted to introduce a letter box which I was going to scratch build. I was just expecting to make a shaped red blob on a black post, but much there is more to it than you would think (as with all these worm holes model railways take you down). I turned up the website below many years ago when I was looking for information. If you feel the urge to put in a (3D printed?) GPO letter box near the station, this might be of interest : https://lbsg.org/ John
  20. Glad that was explained. I was sure I had shaved this morning. . . . . . Agree with that @Mick Bonwick. They look really good. Post Brexit question ~ presumably no uk supplier and no problems with buying stuff direct from Spain (?) John
  21. Indeed it must Done that and I didn't get the rejected message. Another box ticked, thank you
  22. @MrWolf Still can't message you direct. . . . . was hoping you had sorted your signature
  23. The red outline is approximately the footprint of the railway in its new home. The out-of-square (partition) wall referred too in my post of 24th May is the long wall at the top of the drawing I have made of the house. As also noted in that post, the door is to be rehung to swing towards the dock board. My desk will move from its current position top right into the alcove at bottom left.
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