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Everything posted by Jock67B

  1. Great site 'beast66606' has come up with! Try to make time to 'over-fly' my chosen area soon, although it may well show the massive 'Johhnie Walker' warehouse that now covers most of the area where I lived. Suspect that my dad probably thought it a fitting end - he did love his tipple!! Who had to go and mention bindweed? SWMBO has just noticed a few of those nasty leaves creeping through the 'Choisyas' which line the fence by the railway line, so this afternoons chores list has been updated accordingly! Kind regards, Jock67B. PS good to see that my wife isn't the only one daft enough to have doggie birthday parties Debs! Archie always looks bemused when the candles are blown out by someone else while he gets a healthy biscuit and the guests enjoy 'his' cake! Bizarre?
  2. Jock67B

    Epsom and Ewell 2014

    As a recent RMweb member, this is the first time I've seen St Ruth and I'm most impressed. Can I detect a flavour of PZ there? Although Scottish, I was lucky enough to live in Cornwall for over 4 years up to 1980 and loved it! You have certainly captured the Cornish scene beautifully and I wish you every success at coming shows. Now off to reminisce on lovely evening walks along the old Helston branch track-bed! Kind regards, Jock67B. PS just looked into earlier posts by yourself to answer my own question - now even more impressed!!
  3. A damp and dismal good morning from Clacton. I must start by adding to the support for Dom - his is probably the most daunting task any of us have to face today. 'travelintrev' and Simon G. Mentioned 'Health and Safety' (can't possibly be a link to the resignation of DeGaulle on the same day 28/4/69?). There was a fantastic rush to implement health and safety in the motor trade during the nineties and I was responsible(?) for its implementation in three different sites. Didn't take me long to discover that no matter how carefully constructed the policy document was, most we're signed without being read and fully understood. Just as in my experience with the IT elements of the modern motor trade, any c*ck ups appeared to relate to human intervention! I wonder if it's possible to set up some sort of 'missing members' system (just realised how open to interpretation that is - please don't!). Like you, I noticed a lack of input from 'Don' and 'Gruffalo' and I tend to look through as many threads as time allows, perhaps we should consider having transponders fitted when we reach a certain age? Seriously, it is a worrying matter which could possibly be resolved with a voluntary 'contacts' section in the member profile? Off to check the chores list now, have the best day you can, Jock67B.
  4. Good late evening folks, my little bit of silliness with Omar Khyaam this morning led to me re-reading the first edition version given to me by my parents in 1973 - much to the disgust of the management! Raised a smile when I reached the verse that my father loved to quote: '' Ah, my Beloved, fill the Cup that clears To-day of past Regrets and future Fears- To-morrow? - Why, To-morrow I may be Myself with Yesterday's Sev'n Thousand Years.'' Now you know my excuse for the night cap! Have a good night all and if fed up, shift your thoughts to what the family of that poor teacher are going through (as mentioned by 'andyram' above). It would appear that there is always someone worse off than you! Hope tomorrow brings what you wish for, kind regards, Jock67B.
  5. Terribly sorry Neil, simply 'thick finger' syndrome - I've edited to the heart symbol just now. Perhaps I should go back to using my desk-top device with mouse and cursor rather than my retirement present iPad Air which has embarrassed me a couple of times now!Begins to become obvious that I did my degree using a slide-rule!! Apologies, but anyone reading this might be kind enough to point out future transgressions as proof reading isn't my strong point, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  6. Morning all, 'Awake! for Morning in the Bowl of Night Has flung the Stone that puts the Stars to Flight: And Lo! the Hunter of the East has caught The Sultan's Turret in a Noose of Light.' Nicely put by 'Omar Khayyam' as opposed to the bosses 'well are you going to get up and see to Archie or not?(accompanied by light nudge from elbow!). He has to have a Dentastick, Piriton tablet disguised in a couple of treats, Omega3 capsule followed by 6 'shape' biscuits for breakfast. My first chore of every day! Ian, glad to hear you're making progress with the emotional task and, once again, I concur with DDolfelin's post. I, no doubt with many, shall raise a glass to the VIP visitor! For those of you who don't know Andrew P, his layout links are certainly worth a look - especially 'Trebudoc' which starred in BRM current issue, very realistic! And he was really supportive of me when I was first feeling my way around RMweb for which I am truly grateful. Looks like paintbrushes again today, sadly not yet the modelling kind!! Can't help wondering if 'Ian Abel' managed to trap himself in a corner with the varnish? - sort of thing I'd probably do - we'll find out in tonight's episode! Enjoy what you do today and try not to emulate 'Thomas' in Robert's post above, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  7. Evening all, never got locked out myself Ian (Abel), dad was kind enough to teach me never to go on any kind of bender without ensuring you have a key ; amongst other things I won't list here!! Incredible but not surprising that people can get that far gone that they die for their stupidity! Hope your weather picks up soon - 'Memsahib' and myself took Archie the Westie for a lovely walk along the seafront. My oncologist recommends some daily excersise but I'm not sure he meant as much as that! I should explain that Archie has hundreds of years of pedigree and is a large boy for his breed at 11.8KG, mainly muscle with hind legs like the drumsticks on a large turkey. Apparently they were bred to kill stoats weasels etc. to protect ground nesting birds in order that they could fledge and be shot. One of their early tests was to be thrown in to a Badger sett and if they came out alive, they were deemed fit for purpose! Needless to say ours doesn't spend its life outside in all weathers and when he arrived I realised I'd moved another step down the pecking order below the grandchildren. Can't help but love the bu**er though! Sleep well if this hasn't already sent you there, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  8. Rob, I'm currently planning the first module of a layout (you will guess where from the shed no. in my signature!). I am very impressed with yours as I am considering ply construction in relatively light sections which I might be able to lift out. I want to use 6mm ply (well supported) for the track bed and floor of the coaling stage section of the MPD to achieve flexibility on the steep wagon 'run-up', this being the first module planned. I will probably need something more substantial for the shed and other areas. I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to search your previous submissions to find out more! My space is severely limited compared to yours! Promise to have Black 5s on display as funds allow - one of my favourite footplate rides was on one of these remarkable locos with my dad as driver on the Stranraer 'port road'. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  9. Morning all, surprisingly sunny start in Clacton which is just as well as I have to take the 'boss' to the cemetery where she has inherited the task of gravestone cleaner from MiL, who passed away some years ago - fresh flowers every week on mum and dad's grave and a wipe down of the memorial bench whilst Archie the Westie looks on. Poor girl has her younger sister and nephew buried nearby; both of whom died young, falling to pancreatic cancer. We propose the ashes and scatter method fur ourselves in order that we don't leave the same chore for our children who live locally! Still, bright side, delays the patio set frame painting a bit longer! Anyone who doubts Ian Abel's comments on how cold it gets in MN should take note of an article in this mornings electronic Guardian/Observer - apparently, there is a new film on release called 'Kumiko the Treasurehunter' which stars a Japanese lady who actually freezes to death while searching for a fictitious buried treasure (a comedy?) - now that is cold!! We don't even experience it that hard in my homeland Scotland! Ian, the disappointment you must feel from being unable to garden is almost tangible - might have to settle for some modelling? Barry O, we had our skirtings replaced with UPVC ones after a similar event, and the walls made good all by a local chap for surprisingly little! Great move as now all they need is a wipe with a damp cloth - I used to loathe painting them! Have the best day you can, Kind regards, Jock67B. PS Have you picked those tickets up yet Ian?
  10. Good evening all. To continue the 'Horace' theme - 'Nunc est bibendum' so it's off to pour the thumbful of nightcap! (You might guess I have the 'Odes' on my book shelf!). Great shots Neil, I'm more accustomed to watching 2 wheeled devices there! Managed a coat of paint on several parts of the dismantled patio set - used 'Hamm**ite' straight to rust which is just as well, as all the frames are metal and have spent most of their seven years out in all weathers. SWMBO will pronounce on these when they're dry tomorrow (could mean another trip to the paint shop?). Have a good day tomorrow, especially those who will have to drag themselves to work, and be safe. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  11. Tony_s - hope he has't followed all bunny habits or you will end up with hordes of 'great-nephews' running around!!Kind regards Jock67B.
  12. iL Dottore, great to hear that you're still kicking - strange how easy it is to get yourself into trouble, especially when our furry friends are involved! 'Carpe' the list more like - just been handed this afternoons chores so paint brushes here we come. Enjoy lunch. Kind regards, Jock67B. 'quam minimum credula postero'
  13. Good morning ERs, definitely indoor 'jankers' today, but haven't yet been presented with the list! There we all were rattling on about weather yesterday but a post by Ian shown in the portal, led me to update on the 'Washout at Dawlish' site - puts things in perspective I think? Sounds like your going to have a fun time with the goats Ian ; I wonder, was it a love of such bucolic dramas that took you to LeMans, or are you an ardent endurance race fan? I re-iterate, Sheena appears to be very lucky to have you as a neighbour although I'm sure it works both ways when she is fit! Have a good and safe day all (even you lucky b**gers going to shows - I imagine Tim(Captain Kernow) and others will make Taunton weekend a real hoot judging by the preamble on the thread!!), Kind regards, Jock67B.
  14. That time again folks so I won't say the obvious! Weather in Clacton is very odd - in the 30ish years we have been here, I have yet to find a truly accurate forecast and have resorted to the 'open the blind in the morning' routine! For example our local paper website showed rain on Thursday at the same time as we were sunning ourselves in t-shirts. We live adjacent to the track not many yards from the rail terminus at Clacton and so close to the sea - I had several staff who travelled from Colchester (c.16 miles) and they regularity reported that the rain/snow/sun stopped or started at Weeley (c.3 miles). This happened way too often to be mere coincidence. Still, think how many conversations are based on the subject (look at us!). I used to marvel at the demeanour of clients walking into our showrooms : sun = smiley face! anything else = many layers of expression with most miserable caused by snow or ice!! I prefer to maintain a smile in all conditions, possibly as a result of being a Scot where men are..........etc. as Oldddudders would have it! Kind regards and goodnight, Jock67B. Sorry Andyram, my fault with sausages for fingers on an iPadAir! Modified as soon as I realised because I actually like the shot!! J.
  15. Good morning all. Trev's post points out yet another sinister aspect of 'Facebook' - I flatly refuse to be involved with any such sites. We had a salutary lesson a few years ago when our next door neighbours went on holiday for 3 weeks ; their daughters Facebook page was full of comments from her school friends about the destination which effectively told the world about an empty house ripe for burglary. Luckily the attack was very amateur and they failed to get much booty but it then meant some expense on their return from holiday on both repairs and an alarm system. CID interviewed us all and said that this is becoming a serious issue - beware!! Bob, wagons look a darn sight better than mine, most of which are still unbuilt kits but you,along with BarryO and others serve as inspiration. Wet here this morning but apparently I am rostered to start painting out rust on parts of the patio set which is still stored in bits in the garage - see what happens when you pressure wash the patio and touch up the fence! (Wouldn't it be lovely if....... etc.). Hope you all have a good day : at least you now know you can start looking forward to seeing Santa again soon - personally, the days are flying past too quickly as it is thanks! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  16. Time once again for the bed-time nip - another day gone I know not where! No rain at all today but won brownie points for one of the indoor tasks ; produced a home made smoked mackerel pate which was judged to be up to my usual standard (it has become a family favourite!). Probably lose them tomorrow? Ian, like the sound of the hanging baskets (I've managed to get away with them so far this year with the excuse that there is no one available to water twice a day while we are in Cornwall and Somerset for a couple of weeks!) : sounds as if you are coping well mate. I wish you all a good night and hope that what you dream for happens tomorrow. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  17. Neil, I suffered a 'psychometric profile test' in 1980 (I believe it crossed the Atlantic with the hamburgers!). On looking at the paper, I quickly realised as an experienced crossword fan, that it was possible to frame the answers to make it seem that you were ideally suited - I got the job with the highest score recorded at that company so these tests don't always work against you. When I eventually reached the dizzy heights of 'MD' at two different busy retail motor dealerships, I always conducted face to face interviews after using the application to weed out the unsuitable. I always requested a CV with an accompanying hand-written letter explaining why they wanted the job and why they felt they could match my requirements. In those days of hand written forms and invoices, literacy and legibility were important. All departments worked as an integrated family team and I couldn't afford to hire anyone who didn't fit! I still feel that only your gut reaction is good enough for that purpose. Weird how we trail off in such diverse directions on ER - great fun though! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  18. Morning CathcartCircle (sorry don't know your name!), had to do 3 similar exams annually for the FSA before illness retired me! My trick, as you had three tries and strike out, was to print each page during the first run,then study it before re-trying. I found the physical image stuck with me and got 100% each year whilst in my sixties. Don't know the format of your test but hope this helps. I'm certain that like me, a large number of members will think of you and wish you the best of luck,Kind regards, Jock67B.
  19. A late good morning all, just a thought, but if Debs wanted to introduce Mum and Dad to ER first, she could check how they will react to the clowns? (I most certainly included myself in that! Andy, I don't suppose we could help with mime etc. but what a word for scrabble!). Neil, I hope Donk forced you to drop some hard earned into the Grace Darling fund!! Sunny start here in Clacton but rain forecast so I guess the management will be checking the indoor chores list. May get a chance to advance the model design a little today - I've drawn a plan of the coaling stage and with the Peco code75 point templates, I hope to lay out a full size version on carpet lining paper. Wonder if it will fit? Hope today brings you all you would want, kind regards, Jock67B.
  20. Had quite a good time with great grandson Freddie. We decided to load up the Westie guard dog Archie and take some bread to introduce them both to duck feeding. As luck would have it, we found a Mallard pair with 18 young who all feasted on the bread (I think Archie would have rather sampled the ducks!). When we took the little chap home he told his mum that he had seen 18 baby ducks whereupon, I told him they were called Ducklings. He said 'that is ridiculous Grumps! - bear in mind he isn't 3 until May 22nd!! Hope you all had a reasonable day, soon be the weekend, good night and kind regards, Jock67B.
  21. Morning all - have to endorse the fact that so far we've avoided 'beaver' jokes (but give it time!). Seriously, congratulations are in order to the wee fellow ; I understand from my grandson that it is a great honour. We do have one cross of St George flag waving in our street - probably left over from an England cup run! I think the Irish are possibly the most committed when it comes to celebrating their saints day (and that from a Scot!). Kind regards, Jock67B.
  22. Time for the bedtime nip again ( goes too quickly as I get older!). Tony_S, hope you enjoy it - had 4 days in St.Petersburg a couple of years ago and loved every minute. Particular highlights were visits to the Hermitage which is a must for any Rembrandt fan as well as a performance of Swan Lake by the Marinsky ballet. Indelible memories now that my illness prohibits such travel. Good to hear from Il Dottore, however briefly. Can't help think of you as I start on the single malt nightcap - hope all is well with you and the world. There seems to be a general feeling of deflation after the Easter holiday but we are about to be cheered by a few hours with great grandson Freddie tomorrow AM. I'll probably need a rest afterwards!! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  23. Good morning all, although not too good here - depressed Westie lying in the conservatory staring at a wet lawn! Ian, must say not many of us can drive as well as Mr B. Redman! Will you stay awake for the full vingt-quatre heures ? I agree with the teaching comments - my sister retired as headmistress of a junior school as soon as she could because she couldn't remember when she last taught a child, spending all her time on admin. and Ofsted issues. Loved your aerial shot of Conwy Castle. Visited a couple of times while at the Ffestiniog and must say, close examination of your pic. would suggest, as I felt at the time, that the portion that the railway passes through appears to be a more recent addition built in keeping with the original. Probably on the insistence of whatever English (oops, Welsh!) Heritage were called at the time. Fabulous place to watch steam passing from memory. Kind regards, Jock67B. Coombes Barton beat me to it as I wrote the post!
  24. A superb tip for budding or, like myself, returning modellers. Thank you, Jock67B.
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