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Everything posted by Jock67B

  1. Evening all, babies head now and truly soaked. Lovely meal with Nursie daughter and beautiful granddaughter joining SWMBO and I to help with the dispersal of bubbles! Try to make a more coherent post in the morning! Soon be running down to the weekend folks! Kind regards, Jock67B. PS Full moon looking splendid and as yet no wolf howls in this part of the world! How about MN and points west?
  2. Back with a vengeance I'd say Andy!!! Now going to look at the announcement which I guess is positive. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  3. Didn't the great man say something about a club commitment in an earlier post? (If you can find it in the crowd!!) Kind regards, Jock67B. PS, found him on 'Greenfield' one minute ago!
  4. Sorry folks, but I haven't really understood the thread fully! I thought that we were due a Black5 but my local Smiths tell me that they only received the Deltic today, and it would be two weeks before the next issue. Have I missed the Black5 or is it still forthcoming? I would much appreciate your advice! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  5. Morning All, highly embarrassed to say I scored 52 in the swear test! The web site was then rather rude to me!! An indictment of the motor trade? In fairness, I had been training a couple of youngsters for a few months before my enforced retirement and they filled in a lot of the current usage. Jock senior had a fair vocabulary of such words (some home grown) as well, especially if he hit his thumb or the like! Full moon today chaps, just check for hair growth before going out! That GBL looks pretty deadly stuff Smiffy, trust the bl**dy Mail to effectively promote it. What has happened to the old fashioned social drink? My grandsons (in there twenties now) and friends get tanked up on cheap Vodka and the like before they go out to see who can stand up the longest after drinking strange concoctions - if they did meet a nice lass, which was normally the plan in my day, you wouldn't be of much use to her in such a state. That is not to mention the amount of violence and knife crime associated : this has become a serious problem in what used to be a nice seaside town. Hope your day goes well, off to edit the pictures I took yesterday, don't worry, I won't bore you with them! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  6. Late evening(as usual) all, had a great day as I got to play with the new arrival - the digital camera is well loaded so tomorrow's task is editing and dumping the duff ones! Took her big brother Freddie (not three yet!) with us and was very pleased that due to lots of clever planning before the event by his parents, he seems completely adjusted to the newcomer. Gentle and loving, with the only problem coming when I said it was time to go home! He made mum make an earnest promise that she wouldn't let Amalie go back into her tummy!! Hope you've all had a good day. By the way, more bubbly now required as we just had to continue the head wetting! Tomorrow , Nursie daughter will join us because she has missed out with her nurses hours - it would be rude not to accommodate her wouldn't it? Kind regards, Jock67B.
  7. I am a steam man but it doesn't stop me admiring your work! Keep it up, it's shaping well, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  8. Sherry, we had the drive done a couple of years ago now and I simply sprinkle 'Path Clear', dissolved in a watering can with a fine rose, over the surface and it's completely pet friendly as soon as it dries. Pick your weather carefully in early spring and you won't see any weeds. I pressure washed ours a couple of weeks ago and, as I convinced the contractor to leave me a nice big bag of the fine sand he used, brushed over when dry and it looks like new. It has been pointed out by the 'boss' that we should have done it years ago!!. See what you mean about 'Inkscape' Pete, might be able to master it in time but right now I can't afford the printer/stroke cutter! Kind regards, Jock67B. PS Lurker = Lucky bu**er!
  9. Morning all, great to have you back Sherry, and I do appreciate the depressing nature of the return to routine - won't however stop me going to Cornwall at the end of June! Andy, didn't you realise that, when you said 'I Do' that this is simply part of the contract? Married life is like a balance scale - as long as the good times outweigh the bad, it's working!! Good luck with the work John, I hope you'll report back to us later to hear how you got on. Concerned now about Don's silence : I thought he mentioned a 'fall-back' scenario involving his son after the last computer outage. Hopefully we'll hear soon. Don't know what Inkscape is yet Pete but I guess I'm going to have to look now! Tony I suppose the 'no show' of those parents probably sums up why you needed to talk to them in the first place? Off to play with new great-granddaughter at Colchester General today, hope you all have as much fun as I'm going to! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  10. Tried to edit the above, it seemed to stick so I came out and it came up as edited though I didn't change anything! Posting seems fine though! Jock67B.
  11. Late good evening, deep joy in the household, welcoming a beautiful new creature in to the world - what a great excuse the 'head - wetting' ceremony is. We are going to play tomorrow so I may be able to sneak in another celebration! My only concern is what kind of world has she stepped into : I often despair of our legacy!! No trouble with editing earlier Pete, but there may be some issues as I had a couple of 'slow moments' on changing threads. Still no word from SA which is a bit of a worry? Make sure you don't overdo it on return John, no doubt your medic has said as much but don't forget - when your body 'speaks', listen!! Sounds like despite the countdown there are elements you are going to miss Neil. For me it was the dialogue with all the people I dealt with each week as well as your colleagues - I would have gone on to 70+ if illness hadn't struck! Have a good Tuesday folks, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  12. Hello again folks, baby 'Amalie Mae', was born at 9.23AM, 5Lb 15Oz, both mum and babe doing well. Sun must be over the yard arm somewhere in the world and so it won't be long before the peace is shattered by the popping of the Champagne! It would appear that St Pancras was a 14year old boy who was beheaded in 304 for being a Christian during the persecution of Emperor 'Diocletion'. Yes, the station is named after him but quite a number of churches are also dedicated to him and there are relics involved! As with any event from that period, the veracity of the tale is hard to establish either way. Other important event today was the foundation of Alcoholics Anonymous in Ohio, 12/05/1935! Haven't needed them yet I hasten to add!! You really did listen in the RI class Deb's - love it! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  13. Morning all, Still happy from yesterday but awaiting news from the hospital understandably! I'll almost certainly post a little later but before bubbly consumption makes the fingers even clumsier!! Best wishes for a good week, and mind that back Ian. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  14. Jim, I know you're going to be busy this week but I wonder if you can find time to tell me what camera you use - it seems to manage shots of quality whatever the light or conditions! The photographer, of course, also deserves a great deal of credit as you obviously don't have a great deal of time to manipulate them before posting!! Hope you have a good,and above all, safe week and look forward to more interesting images in due course. Kind regards, Jock67B.
  15. Jeff, whatever the timing outcome, I believe it will be worth the wait - I think it is going to make a beautiful home! Kind regards, Jock67B.
  16. Evening all, pleased to report that lunch was very well received and several other members of the family called to see son Stuart with the lady friend in tow! Luckily SWMBO did her usual over-catering and all ate well!! As promised, a report on said lady friend, an absolutely beautiful Taiwanese lass called Christina who fitted in to our close and cuddly crowd immediately. A confident and pleasant girl and we all fell in love with her (possibly bad news for Stuart?). They have been an item for over a year now and this is the first time he's brought her to see us, leading SWMBO to conclude that the relationship is developing! I'm very proud of him turning up in his Porsche Boxster, he really has worked hard for his success and it makes the decision to send him to 'public' school one of our better moves. So to bed and I hope that the arrival of great granddaughter, promised for early tomorrow, goes without a hitch - I'm fed up looking at the couple of bottles of bubbly just asking to be popped! Hope your weekend was mainly what you wanted from it ; must say I feel very happy tonight - wonder if the short course of steroids prescribed by my oncologist on Thursday are kicking in as I managed throughout the day without my usual bouts of weariness. Better not mention that to the boss or the chores list will be instantly extended! Kind regards, Jock67B. PS just realised that DonB appears to have gone off air again - hope it's nothing more serious than his SA internet connection again!
  17. It will be good to have you back - have a safe journey home!Kind regards, Jock67B.
  18. Morning all, earlier on parade today thanks to impending lunch visit, dog duties done etc. Ian (Hargrave), your post yesterday ref. George Frederick made me quite jealous and so whilst Nursie daughter and SWMBO swilled wine and watched the said cr*p on TV, I put on the wonderful headphones and had my own concert with a large chunk of Handel and then my favourite opera : 'Parsifal'. Dad used to muse on the fact that our favourite music was pretty religious for a couple of atheists! Great grandfather was right, when he said : 'you'll know great music when you feel it in your guts as well as your head'. The tears running down my cheeks offer support to the notion!! Ian (Oldddudders), you have got a fantastic attitude mate, you can't undo what is done but only cherish the memories! I hope your current interest, a necessary element for living in my humble opinion, finds that she could love the bucolic idyll that I imagine living in the French countryside has become for you! (Shades of Peter Mayle?). Your strength will no doubt carry you through whatever life throws at you and I would hope that I could do the same in that situation. Very funny 'DDolfelin', love the subtlety! Rude awakening at 4.40am as the Plasser tamper put in an appearance - we were warned by Network Rail with a timetable for 'remedial work following new track laying'. Must say disruption has been minimal. Even 'guard dog' Archie the Westie didn't bark in his double glazed kennel(our lounge!). Have a good day all, shower now and Tesco for fresh bread etc., Kind regards Jock67B. PS Smiffy, remember it's only a number! Enjoy your celebrations.
  19. Evening all, early start tomorrow and probably no morning post as I have to have a Tapas lunch on the table by 1pm as No1 son and his lady friend are coming down from London for a couple of hours. Not met the lass yet but understand she's a stunner! Report back tomorrow night. Grandson (awaiting baby) said to me today : how can you think so young although your body tells us you are getting on! You fit in and converse easily with all of us however old (took that as a supreme compliment). I replied that I read a piece from Dylan Thomas (centenary of his birth in October!) when I was fairly young - 'The ball I threw while playing in the park Has not yet reached the ground' He understood the imagery immediately which impressed me. Before long I might have to introduce him to : 'Do not go gentle into that good night' Not sure he'll like that so much! Hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend, because of above mentioned visit, my Sky+ box will be hot copying the GP as well as the World Superbikes from Imola (always a poignant venue for Ayrton fans!). Kind regards, Jock67B.
  20. Jason, your pictures show it all - I reckon there will be bumper sales for that edition of the mag. as your skills, supported by the fantastic photography that we know AndyY is capable of, means they've already sold one to me! Good luck with shoot mate. Beats me how you can do all that and still hold down a day job (HaHaHa as someone we know would say!!). Kind regards, Jock67B.
  21. Morning all, late on parade as usual but dog chores, medication etc. completed! John,(CoombeBarton), how interesting the mention of archaeology in your post - I had the pleasure, whilst working in the Citroen garage, of looking after the motoring needs of Michael Corbishley who was I believe the first Education Officer of the Council for British Archaeology c.1977! He was possibly my favourite client and often sat at my desk whilst having his cars serviced. His conversation was always fascinating, as I have always had a love of the subject! I have never known anyone so committed to the cause - his book output was prolific and he is passionate about the education of the young ; still marking degree level papers in his spare time! He hasn't seemed happier than over the last few years when he has spent several months lecturing in his beloved Greece but the sad news is that I last bumped into him in Colchester General Hospital where he was seeing the same oncologist that cares for me! Sadly, from this I guess he has been stricken by the same ba**ard that got me. Thanks for reawakening such good memories! Good to see that you are still passing through iLDottore, and that you and Mrs iD have become such dog lovers - never wanted one myself but (ganged up on by SWMBO, daughter and granddaughter, I didn't stand a chance!). Archie the pedigree Westie has been with us for over 7 years now and you might guess has wormed his way into my heart! Now that my travel is restricted to short journeys, we always book dog friendly accommodation - he'll be with us in Cornwall this summer. Welcome Smiffy2, I'm with 'DDolfelin' - sounds a busy and committed life! Thanks for the links Ian, 'pit pass' is now in my favourites, C'mon Lewis!!! Hope the weekend brings you what you wish for Kind regards, Jock67B.
  22. Brassed off of Clacton here - still no baby(see this mornings post). Got as far as grandson scrubbed up and partner in pre-med when another emergency landed whereupon theirs was cancelled ; it will be Monday now. They've taken it well as Freddie arrived in the world as just such an emergency just less than 3 years ago! Everyone's logistics thrown out and Champagne still on ice! Still, we'll cope. Ian, glad your time with VIP was enjoyable - hope to hear of a further liaison soon! It appears the sausage fingers have been at work again - AndyP informs me that I managed to hit a couple of 'indecipherable' this morning. If I did it to you,it was in error as I haven't used that button intentionally. Hope Andy can get back to me with where as I can't find them to correct. Is it possible that he was reading as I did it and missed my correction or indeed is there any other way of finding out? Sleep well all, Kind regards, Jock67B.
  23. Thanks for letting me know mate, can you tell me where (thread and post nos. if poss.)so I can amend them? What a techno-prat!! Hope you enjoy the show at Derby.Kind regards, Jock67B. PS could you have read them as I corrected them because I can't find any? Thank goodness you know me well enough that I obviously haven't used that button in earnest - sausage fingers + iPad = c*ckup!!
  24. Great news Andy, should help us all sleep a bit better this weekend - as far as I'm concerned you can take as long as you like over the move as long as you promise to get into high gear soon after. The old Bodge is back - Hurrah!! Kind regards Jock67B (with fingers etc. crossed for a speedy conclusion).
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