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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. I’ve done a fair bit of book reviewing within my own professional academic rather than hobby niche and the only reward is getting to keep the book! The one time I wrote a truly damming review the author complained to the book reviews editor of the journal. The editor was kind enough to send me a copy of his reply to the author, where he pointed out that he read all the books before choosing who on his list of wiling volunteers to send it to and that as a result was able to agree with every word I’d written… Duncan
  2. A thought: if it’s a genuine D and S kit then the springs and axleboxes might be separate from the w irons, so an easy swap ; many of Danny Pinnock’s designs did this (but not all as I recall). When Adrian of ABS fame took over the kits he may have modified the masters to use his cast w iron and axleboxes integral to the solebar - which calls for a bit of razor sawing and carving to change them. Certainly the masters now have a combined solebar, w iron and axleboxe set up. I’m sure I remember building one D&S W2 with etched w irons and one from ABS with castings as part of the solebars… D
  3. Use grease axleboxes - you’ll probably end up losing the springs and w irons in the process so be prepared to insert replacement etched w iron sets. By a coincidence I have 3D prints of grease axleboxes with or without springs…. Regarding the Wright-Mariller partition locking device it’s a bit more problematic. I’m trying to remember where I saw a discussion about the date of this device or patents surrounding it - I’m sure it was in one of @Compound2632’s threads or posts. I’ll have a poke around in my photos of the wagon stock books to see if by accident I’ve got any W2s in them and if the Wright-Mariller device fitting dates are recorded, but a working assumption would be on fitting ok oils axle boxes. Before this date of introduction (whenever it was) then there was a ‘standard’ locking device that can be seen (or lack thereof - I don’t think the locking device was prominent) in images of W1 large cattle wagons - there is a picture of a cattle wagon at Perranporth in one of the Middleton press books which I think shows the lack of visibility of the earlier device… Duncan
  4. Almost snap!.... Its a E19 or E 20 (not sure which) convertible brake tri-composite, but mine needs Dean 6'4" bogies which I have drawn up as both standard gauge and broad gauge. But I don't have a printer big enough to do it (yet). I lust after an M3 max which would also allow Dreadnought and Concertina coaches.... Duncan
  5. Any updates? Looking forward to seeing this at an exhibition! Duncan
  6. Yes. I’m in the GWSG… and many of the members who are on the online group are on here too. D
  7. Nick, Thanks. Im kicking myself as I’ve got Atkins! However a larger more detailed GA or engineering drawing would be helpful too for the CAD. I’m going to do 4mm, but 7mm would be a couple of mouse clicks, so not a problem… Duncan
  8. That is seriously impressive! What settings were you using for your blend of Siraya resins and what proportion of fast navy grey to Blu did you use? Also what print angle? Duncan
  9. There is a bug in the latest release of Chutibox- its on the support community reporting site and has been for months, but no fix yet. I got round it be going back to v1.9.2. Duncan
  10. Dear all, Does anyone have, or know where to find, a good/clear drawing of the early GWR wagon buffers - not the tapered ones available from people like ABS and Dart/Mjt, but the ribbed ones that can be seen on the laptop image in this screen grab of @Mikkel's workbench. (I know he used Dart/MJT but they are either PO ribbed or Fitted GW ribbed). I'd like to to my own CAD drawing for a 3d print. Regards - and good modelling for 2023, Duncan
  11. True. It’s all self inflicted delays and complexity. D
  12. You’re being too hard on yourself. Your work rate and standards are enviable. Nampara is just 2m long and yet after 3 years ‘work’ still hasn’t got the track permanently in place (but hopefully that will change soon…). Hapoy new year and I look forward to the mid Cornwall lines having a 2023 that is at least as inspiring to us lesser mortals as it has been in 2022. Duncan
  13. I remember seeing Chiltern Green & Luton Hoo at Oakhill Manor - must have been in the early to mid 1980s. I was allowed to drive it, but the 2mm Luton Hoo branch was inoperable for lack of stock. Duncan
  14. Thanks for the suggestions. I think a keeper plate with springs will work for the inner (model chassis), if one can be designed it fit and be 3D printed. I’m not sure that a keeper plate will work for the outer frames and underhung springs. Duncan
  15. I wasn’t trying to be pedantic (this time admittedly…); so how does a versine formulae work and what can I or others do with it? D
  16. Hi Dave, Many thanks. I’ve never been fond of the suspension bridge. The one I always wanted but never had was the lifting bridge. Duncan
  17. The Hymek was stripped down this afternoon and when power was applied to the motor terminals it sprang into life. The problem seems to be a pick up one - a least one has been worn away and the others were covered in grot. So there is hope….
  18. I confess I was thinking along those lines, or any company that went in for ownership/number plates on the solebars.
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