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Everything posted by drduncan

  1. And just for variety the iPhone has turned the image upside down!
  2. The progress has been slight but important - the home for the layout. I have started building the timber supports which will carry the layout when it is at home rather than out and about. The club's chop saw made light work of the (rather heavyweights) scrap timber and now, as you can see, the right hand scenic board is in place. I've now run out of suitable timber and drill battery...
  3. And most of the mess is not mine. I just hijacked the SHMRC club room to put it together today to avoid little fingers belonging to the children getting glue everywhere. Also Teddy (a precocious 3) doesn't like the noise of Daddy's 'DIY' - he has yet connected this noise with model trains which are a favourite of his!
  4. And I have no idea why the photo is upside down in the post and fine on the computer!
  5. Baseboard construction has been progressing. The legs need to be done next. Once track work is down then the rest of the boxing in of the baseboards will take place. You can see the extruded polystyrene clearly, which forms the main strengths of each baseboard and the framing at the front that will support the sea/harbouring and shipping.
  6. Dear all, Does any one have a list of the articles on structure modelling written by M H Bradley in the early 1980s for his Porthcuno branch. He was a 3mm modeller if that helps. I seam to recall he did one article on a rather nice customs house... Thanks for any help. Duncan
  7. I'll try it and see on one if the quay sidings. D
  8. I'll probably be using Alan Gibson EM ones. Have you had any problems with these on BGS bridge rail? Duncan
  9. I would certainly appreciate a consolidated list of faults/errors on the sheeted and fully planked versions. It would greatly aid assessing the amount of work that will have to be done before a commitment to purchase. Duncan
  10. Hi Richard, Thanks. I need to order some em track gauges from the BGS so might get some bridge rail too. Duncan
  11. For inspiration look at the 4 volumes of RH Clark's An Historical Survey of Selected Great Western Stations, the link goes to an advert on anazon for volume 2... https://www.amazon.co.uk/Historical-Survey-Selected-Western-Stations-x/dp/0860930157/ref=sr_1_fkmr1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502562634&sr=8-1-fkmr1&keywords=gwr+stations+Clark They are full of all types of mainline, secondary main live, branch line, double track or single track stations all with track plans. Well worth the time and money to get your hands on them. Duncan
  12. Hi Gareth, Thanks for the very interesting link. No, I'm planning on using transverse sleepers track as on the St Ives beach (mixed gauge as far as Lelant, I think but will have to check my books). I might do a bit of baulk Road on the quay where most if it will be hidden by ash! Duncan
  13. Well it's a lot of ply cut to various lengths and widths with bandsaw and table saw. And no timber tribulations (yet), but I have to check everything is as intended!!! Legs to do and then it's time to assemble the jigsaw puzzle. Duncan
  14. Right, pondering and amending of the plan has been completed, and a cutting list for plywood prepared. The plan is now for a hybrid baseboard using the extruded foam board for the land area joined to a traditional ply lightweight frame to support the sea and ships. Alignment dowels and catches have been ordered, so it's now just about finding time to get up to the club to make use of the bandsaw and table saws. And of course, then sticking it all together. Oh and I mustn't forget that I need to buy some timber for the legs... Pics and probably tales of timber tribulations and workshop woes to follow when there is something to report!
  15. Excellent work! Duncan
  16. Yes, I joined a couple of months ago and I'm awaiting a pile of datasheets and back issues of Broadsheet so I can really get cracking on the BG side of things. D
  17. Thanks. Me too! I went by Kipford's place yesterday and picked up 3 500mm x 1200mm x 52mm knauf extruded polystyrene sheets. Now working out the cutting list for the ply framing and whether I have enough sheets as I had originally intended to use a staggered double thickness of extruded polystyrene to form the sea and the track levels. I'm now thinking of fixing a sheet of 3mm plywood to the underside of a single sheet of polystyrene and have it protrude out to form the sea with a light weight ply girder frame at the front edge. D
  18. I think you're right. I've an 850 to finish too. It seems that Falcon brass might be able to supply me with etches for an Armstrong goods with I'd modify to one if the ones converted to run on BG.Duncan
  19. Dear Richard,Thanks for the post. I did think about doing it at low tide but I think time is against me so waterline upwards it will have to be. I decided on both BG and NG coaches as I assumed that by 1891 NG would be taking over, but I still wanted the contrast of BG. Yes I'd prefer ABS V6s but with Adrian's long illness he's not attending shows or fulfilling post orders. Duncan
  20. I thought Peter K did one for their Ruver class 2-4-0, but it's nolonger listed on their website. D
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