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Bodmin Bob

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Posts posted by Bodmin Bob

  1. Hi,

    Whilst as a former railwayman I hold the despicable scum who commited the crime beneath contempt we need to keep to the facts.


    Driver Jack Mills did not die of injuries sustained during the crime.

    He died several years later of a medical condition that the doctors stated was not connected with the head injury from the crime.


    Whilst the unnecessary violence he suffered did effect his health it did not directly lead to his death.


    Please keep to the facts out of respect for Jack Mills.


    I do agree with you however that the advert is in very poor taste - as was the diorama built by a model railway club - whilst the crime was a significant (but in the greater scheme of thing a minor) event in our railway history I feel we should not in any way 'publicise' it within the hobby by exhibiting a model.



    Thank you for the clarification.


    I seem to recall that there was a high degree of outrage when the feature film 'Buster' was released in which the train robbers were seemingly portrayed as some kind of 'loveable rogues' - I certainly don't think that building dioramas of the scene or selling  sets of stock to recreate the actual train do much to dispel that myth. It was after all, a very violent and despicable act.

  2. Here I am again.................if you are following this saga.....it gets even better.


    As you can see the item was returned to me because it couldnt be delivered, and was not collected from the city link hub by the guy who bought it....but I told the city link guy on the 7 th Nov. I dont want it back....so he took it away again.


    Yes...............you guessed it..............its back again....today the 26th November it was returned to me again....City Link saying they have no option but return it to me or dispose of it.


    I did email this guy to say it had been returned the first time....but I'm not going to bother this time......I have it back on  a pallette in our business unit.


    What am I to do......I need the space desparately in the unit.


    What are my legal options..??????    HELP...!!!!!! :jester:  :jester:  :jester:



    I think you will have sell up and move - and prey that nobody finds out where you've gone! 


    That way you might never see it again (or will you!!!!!)




    Poorly made.

    Made with twin working motors from an R751 class 37 Loco.

    Missing part of the lowere chassis detail.  Ideal for Spares or Repair or rebuilding.""


    What? It's NOT ' a great addition to your collection'? :O

    Would look absolutely fantastic parked at the very back of a very long engine shed (with the all the lights off and the shed doors closed)!!

  4. Its amazing how people think the term "Kit Built" makes a model more saleable. I see many kit built items on Ebay which are of inferior quality, and the equivalent RTR item is far better. It does take an amount of skill and technique to produce a superior model from a kit.

    Another misnomer is "Professionally Built", used to describe an inferior built kit. I am not the world's greatest kit builder, but these items usually do not reach the quality of my self-builds. I often wonder who these professionals are as they surely wouldn't get more than one commission.


    Thane of fife

    Bodie & Doyle?

  5. A further update to those who were following this saga.


    He eventually contacted me mid Oct to say he had arranged collection by city link.................another 10 days passed before city link turned up to collect the item.  That was about 24th oct.


    Two weeks after waving goodbye to the palletised item......on Friday 7th November, City Link brought it back.  Nobody in to receive it, been left numerous notes to collect from depot in Biscester.


    Anyway.......I refused to accept it....its not mine anymore.....he paid me, money in the bank, cleared funds....its not mine anymore.


    His responsibility.................I cant believe someone is so laid back about an item that cost over £200.



    Well done Bob - sounds like a moral victory - don't forget to leave your feedback  :mosking: 

    • Like 1
  6. As weathering would appear to be so popular, I'm off to dip my all my surplus junk stock in a bucket of old engine oil and then I'll wipe off the excess with a tea towel. I'll make a fortune. Not. :no:

    Maybe I'm old-fashioned but I like my stock "ex-works"...

    I think 'proper'weathering is truly a fine art - when it is done carefully and properly (and with careful research)  it can produce absolutely outstanding results. The trouble is that a lot of what we see on Ebay are purely ham fisted attempts that are just a complete mess and either completely ruin a half decent model or are attempts to make a few quid out of coating a piece of life expired old junk with diluted white or brown paint and passing it off as a scrap yard scene. 


    The trouble is that people keep buying this junk therefore encouraging these sellers to attempt to mess up even more stock.


    There clearly is a market for it but I do wonder if it is true 'modelling' or just misguided vandalism or profiteering! Having said that - if people didn't buy this rubbish they would probably stop doing it!

  7. This is utterly bizarre.




    It's a Kitmaster/Airfix/Dapol plastic 'Schools' kit on a TT 4-6-0 (GWR) chassis to run on 12.5mm track.

    It's horribly painted and bears the number '919' and '30919' on the same side.


    Oh - and he wants £75 for it.

    So glad to see Igor has taken up the hobby! It really is the model railway equivalent of Frankenstein's Monster!

    • Like 1
  8. When I have made an offer on a Rails item I find the best offer excepted is about £10 less then the asking price below that the norm is a automatic declined notice

    I put in a bid to them a couple of weeks ago for £12 for a BIN Bachmann Bulleid composite coach going for £14.50 - it wasn't in mint condition but I only wanted the interior for a Comet Bulleid coach I have just completed. They never responded and so the offer expired.


    So rather aggrieved at the rudeness of a lack of any response at all I put in a follow up bid of just £10. This time they did respond with a counter bid of £14. Being bloody minded I declined! Still looking for a Bulleid composite interior!!


    I can understand this quote,


    “Scratch Built...Never been used on a layout (just stored for 6-7 years in the loft)”


    I see in the comprehensive write up that it was 'made in Devon' - being based in Cornwall I can believe that!!!

  10. Oh dear - a Southern EMU in blood and custard!


    It is wrong on so many levels! 

  11. The firebox looks a bit odd to me  and, to be pedantic, how can a kit be other than hand-built?


    As to the over optimistic price - well it is Cartmel!

    Not familiar with him - is he of the same ilk as Gostude?

  12. Not sure if this one has been mentioned before but it appears to have been available on a BIN basis for several months now -  without success.


    I think it started at about £975 earlier in the year and is now down to £925.


    I am sure it is a nice enough model but if you look at it close up then it is 'reasonable' but not exceptional (bent hand rails, poor cabside numbering etc)


    Can't help thinking the seller remains overly optimistic on this one - there are better kit built ones available for less than half the price of this, and looking at it I think he would be lucky to get more than £300 on a good day!



  13. Hi Bob

    Nothing railway related I'm afraid.............its a 4 colour t shirt carroussel printer...and infra red dryer.





    Occupies a pallette space in our overcrowded warehouse.....I was tempted to bin the lot as we were so desparate for the space....but then last minute I put them on ebay.  Nearly 3 weeks later I am even more desparate for the space.....but stuck with the items until he responds.



    Thanks Bob 


    Is it professionally weathered though?

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