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    New York, United States
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    Steam engines, British & American trains, Star Wars, and generally building things.

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  1. Well that is certainly something I never expected to see RTR. While part of me is sad to see RTR taking yet another good kit, I also appreciate the modelling companies focusing on more accurate freight stock.
  2. Yeahh thats the hard part. We lost almost all trans medical research during the 1930s due to a certain faction who liked to burn things, and ever since the medical world pretty much ignores trans people for research. The only reason we have any medication at all is because it was used for cis people first and through practice we have figured out what works. Its natural for those close to you to be concerned about any major change in your life but they must trust the results of your introspection. If youre somehow wrong, youll know it fairly quickly after starting hormones.
  3. At least you in the UK get a choice on T blockers. Over in the states, we only really have spironolactone.
  4. Firstly, congrats on the realization. Reading your post brought me back to my own epiphany moment. Its such a weird feeling, realizing you never really questioned why you were you. Just was because you were. Im glad you found who you wanted to be. As someone who "boy-moded" for a while, just make sure you have an outlet to be your true self. It gets old, keeping the mask on for the sake of others. One thing I did as an inbetween was started going by simply "T" at work. Although that only worked because my old and new names shared it. Nothing against going with a completely new name of course, but being able to maintain initials is a surprisingly nice perk.
  5. Tiny logging caboose, just needs final detailing. Of course it has a fully detailed interior.
  6. Whatever it may be called, my stock name from the manufacturer sucked. Now Ive got a new designation, some sweet aftermarket components, and a full tune-up. Running a lot better these days.
  7. Phoenix now has a new Soundtraxx 1100, as well as a crew and her name, painted on a bit of scrap salvaged from the wreck. Still want to do a bit more detailing on her. Wood body is weathered with stains and paint, metal and roof are all weathering powders..
  8. Sorry for the late reply. The vertical bracing reminds me of a Furness design.
  9. (Mod removed my first sentence, completely removing context.) (Fascist bad obviously...Im not condoning violence, but I can be easily distracted and miss what may or may not happen) ...Its a very patriotic pastime for both sides of the Atlantic....usually.😒 Never forget who they first came for... Yeah I dont do well in the sun. Would a parasol be acceptable? 0.1% are filled with glitter, not airbag.
  10. Well it makes sense since we all start the same. Vaguely female until testosterone has a say in it.
  11. As the axlebox itself is not really a "wear" item like brakes, tyres, or bearings, I dont see why it would ever need replacing beyond upgrades or wreck repairs. I wouldnt be surprised if the moment they changed to 10A, they scrapped the masters for the 8A. Tooling takes space to store. Might as well dedicate it to the upgraded example. Then slowly use up the existing axleboxes until there were none left in stock.
  12. Yes things are bleak, but we can all at least play trains while we wait to die.
  13. By "thought police", presumably you mean the way the modern world thinks as opposed to those so out of touch as to forget which century we are in.
  14. Wait theres a queer thread AND its meaningless arguments from people who have too much time on their hands?! Count this queer in! Regarding clothing, especially gendered clothing, none of it matters. Why should I give any care to what someone else is wearing so long as its not spreading intolerance or harm? People give too much care to appearances, especially of others. If it doesnt conform to ones worldview, it must be bad and unacceptable. Except perhaps ones worldview is antiquated or plain incorrect? Id love to see more people go around in clothing that expresses themselves rather than fit the societal expectation. Ill respect people regardless. And I for one would very much appreciate being respected whether Im in a suit or a dress. Im still a great modeller.
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