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Revolution Mike

RMweb Gold
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Status Updates posted by Revolution Mike

  1. Venice, Brussels, Madrid this week - will I see much of home? Not likely!

    1. eastwestdivide


      It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Good luck

    2. eastwestdivide


      It's a tough job, but someone has to do it. Good luck

  2. Venice, Brussels, Madrid this week - will I see much of home? Not likely!

  3. Venice, Brussels, Madrid this week - will I see much of home? Not likely!

  4. Just had a nice afternoon visiting Rapido HQ and Jason's coach in his basement here in Toronto!

    1. Ozexpatriate
    2. Bezzy Oppo

      Bezzy Oppo

      Country dropper!

    3. Revolution Mike

      Revolution Mike

      Of course! Now back on a slow train to Windsor/Detroit before heading to Chicago ;-)

  5. Just had a nice afternoon visiting Rapido HQ and Jason's coach in his basement here in Toronto!

  6. Less than 24 hours till the doors open for setup for DEMU's Showcase exhibition!

  7. Less than 24 hours till the doors open for setup for DEMU's Showcase exhibition!

  8. 24 hours until the doors open for set up for DEMU's Showcase exhibition!

    1. kevpeo


      Don't panic!

    2. big jim

      big jim

      was coming on sunday but stupidly said i would help out if they were stuck in work, got to work a 56 to carlisle now instead

  9. 24 hours until the doors open for set up for DEMU's Showcase exhibition!

  10. 24 hours until the doors open for set up for DEMU's Showcase exhibition!

  11. is off to watch Turbonegro

  12. is delighted - just got a ticket for the athletics on Thursday. Hopefully will be seeing Usain Bolt and David Rudisha in the 200 and 800m

  13. is the proud owner of the first bit of a 3D printed GPC72 crane - just the solebar and underframe gubbins so far.

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