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Everything posted by WessexEclectic

  1. Are the lack of boxes a sign of the current times? I take it its easier to run almost 'fixed formations' of flats from GBRf's point of view? TIA
  2. Were those flats bringing up the rear empty? Would this traffic have originated at Longtown or further afield? Was Kineton able to receive you at that hour? TIA
  3. The Inconvenient Facts on Australian Bushfires
  4. Giant Carriers are Symbols of Our National Power - Rebuttal of Sir Max Hastings Times Article - A Pinstriped Line Blog Is it time Sir Max was decommissioned?...
  5. The Park Sidings part of the yard at least, or bang rd into P7...
  6. Having just viewed another thread , should this thread be renamed to "Giant Railroads in a landscape"?!
  7. Thanks for the replies chaps, bit of a rabbit hole.... Here's what the location looked like in 2009 according to Google Maps. And here's a link to more of Andy's photos.
  8. Can anyone give any more information to the following photo? From here
  9. Still higher than a "Bucc", 'though....
  10. I also recall an article in Eye, this time by 'Sparky' (energy corespondent) that claimed to the effect that because the Cumbrian Coast line had 'ancient' semaphore signalling there was an inherent safety issue with the flask trains. Unfortunately no journalist is immune from over-egging their copy. Your mileage may vary, T's&C's apply etc...
  11. You wouldn’t happen to know any further details or sources for the NPL story? Thanks.
  12. Some more reporting by ProPublica on the USS Fitzgerald collision and aftermath: Part I: Death and Valor on an American Warship Doomed by its Own Navy Part II: Years of Warnings, Then Death and Disaster: How the Navy Failed Its Sailors Snapshots of the sailors who perished in a pair of collisions in the Pacific in 2017
  13. Thanks for the replies. Can the reception roads be used as a goods loop? - once 767 points get re-instated!
  14. Presumably, this is at the spur just inside the terminal gates? [/Stupid question] Also, how often does the spur behind signal HH1 at the Whitacre Junc end of the reception roads get used? TIA
  15. Just as long as they don't go with the Russian solution ...
  16. Thousands of 'em, sir? Thanks for the replies. Looks like it could be the EWD 1508 from Plt 14 looking at the shadows cast by the cars on Westminster Brdg Rd. Cant find any likey rail tours from this Six Bells Junc list.
  17. Approach to Waterloo Station, London 1971 Image from here So what class of Loco are hauling presumably a West of England Service?
  18. Article on BBC website 21/12/18 Interesting report from Historic England Frustratingly, the HE report is silent as to when/why (apart from the events of 1990...) these centres were wound up/disused. Anybody know any more info?
  19. Presume that you are referring to RMWeb members....?
  20. Is the point work (& track) still there to connect to the site of the old Power Station? It looks like there was some thought to providing a siding or two for the current Wincanton warehouse?
  21. [PythonMode] In my day, we used to dream of sitting on the floor in a crowded vestibule with a drop-light... [/PythonMode]
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