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Everything posted by Reorte

  1. Someone's due a very big speeding ticket!
  2. I do like the heated windscreens on Fords.
  3. Nearly happened to me once, waiting at the lights, indicating left to turn in to the side road, lights went green, cyclist shot up the inside. Nothing happened because I looked in my mirrors first, but I was a bit annoyed by it.
  4. You could build a system that does that, yes, but the system put in cars will chill the air, and as a side effect dehumidify it.
  5. Whilst it was certainly dangerous, and I'd also regard it as unacceptably dangerous to do the same thing today with the current cars, I don't think it's fair to imply that the risk was very significantly higher. The cars were pretty solid by that time, much closer to now than, say, the 60s. A serious accident then was a shocking, unexpected thing, not the routine it had once been.
  6. At this time of year you'll quite likely be bringing moisture in to the car with you every time you get in, which will add to the source of moisture that can mist up. Even just from your breath whilst you're in the car, which will add to the moisture in the air in it that'll then condense when it gets cold. In theory I suppose running the aircon in recirculating mode, if you don't mind getting even colder, should help dry out the air in the car. Whether or not that's more or less effective than replacing it with air from outside I've no idea.
  7. Never had a problem with scratches either. I've had the same scraper for years, it was 50p from Halfords, probably the best 50p I've ever spent (doesn't that make me sound tight!)
  8. That's how my supply arrives. It's the usual way outside towns.
  9. My car was in the garage on Saturday, with me having a car borrowed from the garage. When it was time to pick mine up the window on the borrowed car was still iced up. And my scraper was still in my own car (not hard to find something else suitable, but still a bit of a "drat!" moment).
  10. Reorte

    On Cats

    Mine mostly eats dried food, but if I only give her it she doesn't eat quite enough. So there's some wet, of which she leaves a fair amount that I have to chuck.
  11. Back when I was just starting to get interested in F1 (and might well have put me off for good) was probably the most one-sided season ever from a constructor's point of view, 1988, when McLaren won all but one race. Although even then there was at least a good deal of competition between the two team members.
  12. Telephone poles aren't going anywhere, they'll just be supporting fibre optic runs instead of copper wires.
  13. Anyone who's annoyed enough to block adverts is extremely unlikely to respond positively to being shown them. Taking money from advertisers by trying to get around adblockers, knowing this is the case, does not give YouTube any moral high ground.
  14. A year or two ago there was a story where the police thought they were raiding a cannabis farm only to find a room full of computers bitcoing mining. Even suspicious heat sources have got modernised!
  15. Clearly a joke, but it shouldn't be!
  16. Is it an older road that might've been built as three lanes and later repainted in to two?
  17. He's completely right about the "if it's safe to do so" of course, but marking a lane out that'll never be safe to use in many locations (i.e. anywhere near a bend or brow of a hill) is just asking for trouble.
  18. They're getting rid of copper lines and the ordinary phone network but having an existing style phone number, even if attached to a VOIP phone, isn't going to go anywhere soon. Whilst most individuals use mobiles businesses very often don't, and it's unlikely that that's going to change any time soon.
  19. Hah, there's a bit of entertainment reading through that thread! My favourite so far is "Gordon Ramsey - Ego barely fitted on the 747."
  20. The obvious problem with them (if people are driving sensibly, a big if, I know) is that they were fundamentally unusable in many situations, i.e. anywhere where you couldn't see ahead far enough ahead to be sure it was safe to use the extra lane, so in many cases it wouldn't even give all that much capacity than a plain S2.
  21. One of life's great mysteries, why anyone ever thought that was a good idea. Until just a few years ago there were some short stretches left on the A6 (at the top of Shap, and a bit more between Penrith and Carlisle), but they've recently been repainted away in to a less bonkers 2+1 arrangement. I know of one or two bits of road that can still technically be used like that. There's the A66 approaching downhill to Keswick, towards the roundabout. It's two lanes uphill, but the markings separating the downhill lane is a broken / solid line combination, so technically you can use it to pass. Looking at Streetview it was painted in to a double white line a few years back, then more recently back in to the solid / broken combination. No idea why.
  22. Last year I was working on a project that I renamed to something with the same acronym. I never spelled it out though. Got away with it for quite a long time too, since it was actually a much better description of what it did than the original name. My boss eventually cottoned on, much to his embarrassment. For some reason he now rejects every name I suggest for anything...
  23. There must be some big rooms full of fancy network gear somewhere, with more being added as fibre connections are rolled out, so I suppose you could call them the equivalent of exchanges although it's stretching things a bit.
  24. That's unlikely to be a very effective solution, for the reasons I've already mentioned - if not recharged regularly the battery in the mobile stands a good chance of being dead by the time of the occasional power cut. Rather better would be a battery in the VOIP phone base unit. Which I'm guessing would also require one in the modem and router? Might be going down the whole UPS path there, which feels like overkill. Oh well, no phone for a while's hardly the end of the world.
  25. More at the mercy of the fact that, since it'll get zero use at any other time, the battery is likely to be flat anyway if the power goes off. You're right about the signal strength, as far as I can gather from visitors the reception in my house is pretty much non-existent (one of the things I like about it! - and that's just on the practical front, I loathe the things too much to be able to face the idea of buying one).
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