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Everything posted by monkeysarefun

  1. http://www.smh.com.au/environment/animals/woman-picks-up-shark-throws-it-out-of-cronulla-ocean-pool-20171010-gyyct7.html
  2. I've stopped going outside since I caught this glimpse of what is out there.
  3. I know what you mean, I'm not a cat hater but they do do a lot of damage to the wildlife here . I got given a cat about 20 years ago and I have to say that she was great, slept in at night and had a fenced yard out the back that she hung out in during the day. The only issue was that she would come alive at around 2AM and sit on my bedside table pushing the alarm clock, my phone, my wallet and so on onto my head to wake me up for some reason known only to her.
  4. GoFundMe or similar. You have 267 followers, works out at under 4 pounds each. I've definitely had way more than 4 pounds (or whatever that is in Australia money) worth of enjoyment from this thread, so I'd be more than happy to chip in! Additional bonus good idea - the donors could get their names engraved on the chairs they bought, as an extra incentive! (Or maybe not)
  5. My security camera picked up this.... I estimate it to be about a metre from end to end, and obviously deadly. (included in the background is my Australian citizenship proof - compulsory Holden V8 ute!) Handy Fun Hint: - If you are feeling a little bit too happy and are wanting to sadden up a bit, why not do what I am doing and watch 'The Handmaids Tale' miniseries. (Currently on SBS on demand for all us downunder viewers)
  6. The people each side of me, the people behind and the people across the road all have cats. And they (the cats) all use my yard as some kind of common meeting place, which is very annoying, especially since I have bird aviaries. If you zoom into the picture I posted before, you can see an orange wire around the base of the aviary, thats an electric fence, There is another around the top of the aviary. It is amazing how quickly cats learn when something is not good for them, it only takes one zap and they don't go near it again. Before I got the fence cats would spook the birds at night time by jumping on the top of the cages and causing them to fly around in panic, I would lose a bird or two each night, from fright or injury. I now only have to turn the fence on when a new cat turns up and pesters the birds. I have a security camera set up on the aviary and cats will set it off several times each night but the footage shows them walking down the path without even daring to look at the aviary . It would be much better if they didn't come into the yard at all, or even better if the owners kept them in at night, especially given that a report was released last week saying that cats kill a million birds a day here. Which in Australia at least probably answers the question contained in this threads title!
  7. Dropped some bird seed outside the aviary and a King Parrot arrived from somewhere to clean up. The bird on the inside checking it out is down a couple of rungs on the royalty scale, being only a Princess Parrot.
  8. Yes! I'd go with entertaining hokum with pretty ladies.
  9. Yes, America news does get depressing, so to fix that, here is Australia's most loved native animal hero after Skippy - Charlie The Wonder Dog.
  10. The most telling exchange in the John Oliver clip is when the US politician (Jim Manly?) says that the NRA is a very powerful organisation with 4 million members, and John Oliver asks sarcastically how can a country of 300 million people compete against that. Until the US can man up and call the NRA's bluff the same way we did to the shooting organisations here, nothing will change Or maybe it just magically will,without the politicians needing to do anything - . The Onion says it best: http://www.theonion.com/article/americans-hopeful-will-be-last-mass-shooting-they--57093
  11. I'd never have guessed India as being so far up there in gun numbers.. You never hear about Indian gun massacres, maybe they can't shoot straight or something. Here's an American perspective on Australia. The only copy I could find was from a re-recording by a lame Australian breakfast show hosted by 2 of our more 'simple' folk, so feel free to skip to about 20 seconds in. Ironically, midway through one of those ticker tape banner things comes across the bottom announcing that 4 people were shot somewhere locally... none were killed though, maybe Indians aren't the only non straight shooters. Part 2 follows on but I think they forgot about part 3 because I can't find it. so far.
  12. Our science blokes that we had back then were just wandering through the bush discovering stuff all the time so just basically went " is it a snake? If so, is it a colour? If so have we already named one using that colour yet?" I'd personally have liked to have sat in on the naming of the Fierce Snake. Probably would have gone like " is it a snake? Ok. What colour is it? Hmm brown. I think we already have a brown snake don't we? (checks court papers) aha -ha, we have several brown snakes already, What does it do? OK , it looks a bi it fierce? righty ho, it'll be the fierce snake then, Court adjourned, off to the pub again!
  13. A worthy challenge! This though is Australia, where this cute furry little guy found in quiet bits of rivers but he will inject you with a serious nerve agent via a spur on his hind leg which will mess you up pretty good In contrast, this bloke is harmless and loves riding in fast cars and especially likes freaking you out by hiding on top of your sun visor so when you flip it down he is sitting there, all 5 inches of spider circumference about a foot from your face, causing you to crash.
  14. What really gets my gander, and my goat - and I didn't even have a goat to start with (But I miss my gander!) - is that about now we will get a whole heap of youutube videosfrom the fricking NRA and christian shooters or whatever saying total rubbish about Australias gun laws, because they are scared that that is what they will end up with there and civilization will end, Just like it has here, And we are all pussies for giving up our guns and life is not worth living Well idiots, we can still have guns, and those that need them do still have guns, just not semi autos, and the ones we have are registered and must be stowed in a locked cabinet which the police check at a specified interval;. so our kids don't find them in mommy's purse and shoot her or their 6 year old sister because iit looks like a toy to them. Because our gun laws on the whole have been so inconsequential to the people here who do need to use guns - hunters, farmers and recreational shooters - the NRA obviously feels that there is a danger that they might work in the US too. We still do have the whingers - "They took our guns!" rubbish. And people who whinge about registering firearms. But he same people register their cars, they register their boats, they register their bloody dogs without a complaint . Australians are on a whole fair minded bunch, which meant when the NRA came over here to try to overthrow our gun laws they were sidelined.. If the American people and politicians weren't feeling so pu55y whipped by the NRA then maybe they would be able to find the willingness that we did after the Port Arthur massacre and just t get onto it and ban the guns. It took about 3 months for our parliament to implement, and we had a conservative right wing government. I'm not a John Howard fan,but hats off to his tenacity at getting the gun laws happening. In contrast, US senatorsof all colours just seem to all run and hide after each massacre, after offering prayers and such rubbish of course, Has there ever been a country held hostage in the way the US is by the NRA, - without realising it,? Its kind of stokholmi syndrome-ish almost.
  15. AS a famous political commentator which I'm not I'll guarantee that Spains problems all begin OBVIOUSLY because they don't have the democracy sausage, unlike us. IF you live in Australia and are of voting age then here is a handy government website to help you choose the best electorate to live in when it comes to election day sausage sandwiches http://democracysausage.org/
  16. So - I got my replacement voting form in the mail today. Made sure I scanned it so I'd have a back up in case I made the same mistake as last time - ie, having a Yes box and a No box, and putting my cross in the wrong one. Still do not know HOW I did that! Maybe that is why wiser countries don't have compulsory voting - to avoid people like me messing it up. I mean I really resented having to vote in Eurovision, despite the fact that we are obviously in Europe so I probably messed that one up too. (and although Lee Lin Chin is a national treasure, she lied when she said the whole of Australia was up early to watch it, because I wasn't.)
  17. People always say that you know you are getting old when policemen look really young, but for me its when your rock idols start dying of natural causes.
  18. Fun fact, mousketeers! Australia and China are the only 2 countries that suffer mouse plagues. As a major mouse expert which I'm not, it sounds to me exactly like that is what you are having , sorry to say. Hide the cheese. Does it look like this a bit?
  19. Now change 'croc' to 'Hunky Punk" - see, a lot less scary and almost comical. Makes me want to head off to the Fitzroy for a swim once I find my towel..
  20. You definitely have better names. We have the Brown snake, the red belly black snake, the blue ringed octopus, where as you have all these. If only we had called the great white shark something fun like a Shug Monkey, it would be a lot less scary. - Alphyn- Asrai - Barghest - Beast of Bodmin - Beast of Exmoor - Billy Blind - Black Shuck - Bluecap - Bogeyman - Boggart - Brag - Bugbear - Church Grim - Cofgod - Eachy - Elder Mother - Familiar Spirit - Fat Lips - Gnome - Gog and Magog - Grindylow - Gytrash - Hob - Hobgoblin - Hunky Punk - Jack o' Kent- Knocker - Knucker - Lindworm - Lubber fiend - Ogre- Pixie - Pyewacket - Ratman of Southend - Redcap - Revenant - Sceadugenga- Screaming Skulls - Shellycoat - Shug Monkey - Sooterkin - Tiddy Mun - Wight - Wild man - Wyrm - Yallery Brown
  21. Hmmm, maybe walking through the front door of an Australian house IS a safer bet, whether its Newcastle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOGxoJK1P8Q Or Perth: Not sure if you watched Breaking Bad, but a quite major plot point relied on a slippery rug.....
  22. Maybe check out model ship fittings? - stern lanterns can be fairly ornate but you might find some that resemble what you are after and they can be quite large.
  23. It sounds like you didn't enjoy it and have convinced us that its a worlds worst movie contender. In fact you have inadvertently talked me into not going to see it..
  24. It sounds like you enjoyed it a little bit too much to convince us that its a worlds worst movie contender. In fact you have inadvertently talked me into going to see it..
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