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Everything posted by vitalspark

  1. Easily fixed. Ver nice pic and excellently weathered 08 so a wire loop and some pipework please.
  2. On 91s ending up at either end of Mk 4 sets are there no workings where they work into Newcastle and continue on back to London without reversing? Don't remember any issues with Eglinton St tunnel requiring reversal at Shields with 91 sets also I have loads of pics with the Intercity liveried 91s at the London end. Have another with the buffer fitted HST in place of the DVT.
  3. Enough of this nonsense. The Crab heading up the branch. 'Maude' on the table.
  4. I though you would be burning Kingmoor coal! D.
  5. They regularly didn't stop for bankers at Beattock. They were designed to haul a lot more than 'Caledonian limited loads' up both banks unaided and did so but latterly they often stopped possibly to give the fireman a breather. Even in their final days they were charging through Beattock in the 80s and taking the hill unaided. Interestingly in the O S Nock book 'West Coast Running'..it has a Princess on the cover from memory..there is a detailed log of 46251 on the up Mid Day Scot albeit running down the bank but very fast indeed with a max of 105mph at Beattock station. That must have been sight. Dave.
  6. 'You don't really know me' .. Jessie J
  7. For a short time the Glasgow - North Berwick services used 305s. Glasgow with 303 and 305 side be side.
  8. Looking through old pics would suggest under BR the 91s were at the London end while under GNER it was the opposite.
  9. Looking through old pics would suggest under BR the 91s were at the London end while under GNER it was the opposite.
  10. The obvious..'Bat out of Hell' by Mr Loaf
  11. 91 at Glasgow interesting as the loco is at the London end.
  12. Same day opposite platform..and yes theres an AC in there too. The 31s rescued the Glasgow - KX train when it failed at Northallerton. A scene that 'Waverley West' will recognise.. Tam the Gun after naming at Waverley. Dave.
  13. Dancing in the Street .. Martha and the Vandellas or Bowie and Jagger.
  14. Thank you ScRSG ..previous poster please see post 4723 as advised. Dave.
  15. OK perhaps too much red but I'm missing something here…Dutchman meets a 9F..whats with the wheels? D.
  16. Nice to see this back on track and with what looks like another Dutchman too. Great shot and true to the thread. Dave.
  17. 'Not of this Earth'… the fantastic Joe Satriani
  18. Well now that you've put your head above the parapet you are the one down there most often and might have noticed that the place needed a sweep round. D.
  19. What have they done to my song Ma'… Melanie
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