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Everything posted by young37215

  1. This months Rail Express has a review which highlights the tension lock couplings are non standard height. I shall be checking these as well as the back to backs. Irrespective of these potential issues, I feel the wagons are lighter than others and will benefit from a little more weight, preferably hidden inside the wagon. On the basis that the roof does not come off the body, it looks like a small hole will need to be drilled in an unobtrusive area to enable some weight to be inserted.
  2. In an effort to get the thread back on WHL coaching stock, when did stock for the WHL transfer from Cowlairs to Polmadie?
  3. I spend quite a lot of time in researching the WHL in an effort to model as prototypically as I can. The www has opened up numerous opportunities to access information despite the fact that I live over 400 miles from the line. I also enjoy looking at the variety of photgraphs on Flickr although the exponential growth of material created by digital cameras means that it can be challenging to filter out that which is outside of my era. Today I learnt that the bridge I am modelling has the name Glenbruar Viaduct. I knew that the second bridge across the river Fillan was known as the Fillan Viaduct, but until I stumbled on an article on the Crianlarich Hotel's website about the history of Crianlarich, I was blissfully ignorant of the Glenbruar Viaduct. The reason I was on the Crianlarich Hotel website was because I am searching for pictures of the hotel as it was in the early 1980's, particularly the area that is next to the rail bridge carrying the Oban line spur over the A82. I have plenty of pictures that show the front of the hotel but have not been able to get anything showing a panorama of the bridge area. Can anyone help? The Glenbruar Viaduct on WHL4 Print showing approximate location of the Crianlarich Hotel, I want pictures showing the area to the left of this. Train from Oban approaches Crianlarich station, the rearmost coach is about where the A82 road bridge is located
  4. When being pushed whilst shunting my PRA's are regularly derailing. On review I think they are too light and will benefit from increased weight. Ideally I would add weight to the floor inside the wagon but the roof appears fixed. Has anyone worked out a way to get inside these wagons without drilling holes in the chasis?
  5. I have used basket liner previously and found it an acceptable way to cover larger areas . You need to be selective as to what you buy, there are numerous choices and not all of them are any good for modelling. I use an impact adhesive (No More Nails, cheap B&Q etc.) along the edges and press down firmly which helps avoid a large 'lip' between the liner and baseboard. A recent trick that I have employed is an all over light sprinkling of Woodland Scenics soil fine turf which darkens the base of the liner and seems to make a noticeable improvement. If you split the second picture in half, you can get an impression of with soil to the left and without to the right. The right hand side will get treated at a future date when I have it trimmed to size and glued down. I have only used liner in the areas in the pictures below (except the bank on the very left in the first picture) which, like the remainder of the scenic area, is various Woodland Scenics material.
  6. Managed a little more of the scenic work with the embankment adjoining the Oban line spur now covered with basket liner and flock. After testing I am satisfied that the Oban line spur is pretty much complete; all I am waiting on is the determining the precise fence line that seperates the railway from the roadway. After time spent searching Flickr I am a little clearer on how I will completet the next step of representing the Crianlarich Hotel and surrounding area. 37039 with 8B05 for Oban, the daily service from Mossend New arrival to WHL 4 37026 arrives at Crianlarich with the opposite working to 37039 37026 has the road, I have started to add the various signage from my 1980's pre RETB era 37014 comes off the spur from the old C&O line with 1T52 for Glasgow
  7. Given the need to mix and match with Mk1's, I agree with Flood that they are most likely vacum braked Mk2. The ETH/RETB era postdates my particular interest, and I have no idea where the Mk2's were cascaded from although would be interested to learn. If I had to guess then take your pick from any of the inter regional Scotrail services or East Anglia where the early Mk2's were being replaced with air conditioned Mk2's.
  8. A few more pictures of recent running sessions showcasing the progress made with Crianlarich. Freight trains cross 37027 awaits the road 37027 departs 37049 arrives with the 1350 Mossend to Mallaig Junction Yard Dusk shows the lights to good effect Darkness falls over Crianlarich a lone passenger awaits the arrival of the sleeper
  9. Mk2's were increasingly common on the WHL once the 37/4's and their ETH capabilities arrived. Rakes were usually a mix and match combination of the dual heat Mk1's and early build Mk2. Air conditioned Mk2's were restricted to the sleeper and the odd ball return trip between Fort William and Mallaig that incorporated a single air con from the sleeper set. The attached link takes you to a Flickr picture showing a 6 coach train comprised entirely of Mk2 stock taken in 1988.
  10. In my efforts to find out more about the Fisons weedkilling train, I stumbled across the RCTS website which provides background information for most, if not all, weedkilling train consists since the 1960's. I think your picture is of the BR Eastern region 1980's consist where the RCTS information is weakest although still worth a read in my opinion. http://www.rcts.org.uk/features/carriage-conundrums/fisons-and-other-weedkilling-trains-carriages There is an existing thread on Weedkilling coaches in the 1980's which is informative and contains details of the coaches used in the mid 80's
  11. Ever onwards!; Strathfillan begins to take shape with scenery up to the bridge started. Further scenic work will have to wait until I have completed the bridge pillars which need some fine tuning and filler applying to the gaps between the plasticard. Once the pillars are complete I can start gluing the bridge together, at present it just rests on top of the pillars. I have ballasted up to the bridge on the Fort William line and as far along the Oban line as I need to go. Oban line ballasted 37027 departs Crianlarich with the 1250 Mossend to Corpach freight 37085 crosses the bridge with the 1245 Mallaig to Glasgow
  12. 9000 is still alive and well today on the GWSR. The buffet is no longer in use but the counter remains in situ.
  13. I find it reassuring to document progress, it helps me keep focused and serves as a useful reminder that I am moving forward when motivation is low. Today has been spent trying to get the look and feel that I want in the area of Crianlarich village. The postman delivered the bits I have been waiting for; the arrival of the Slaters plasticard means I can now finish the pillars that support the bridge. As the A85 goes under the bridge it rises gently up towards the junction with the A82 and the Crianlarich Hotel. I have added a layer of 8mm polystyrene as a first step to representing this, the small park and A82 will get raised a little higher once the glue holding first layer has set. To get a flavour of how it will look I placed several trees in the area between the Oban and Fort William lines. This feels somewhere near how I want it to look, the next step is to glue down the polystyrene to form the contours of the land. Fencing around the yard has been installed The spur of the old C&O line will be modelled but not linked to the rest of the layout new arrivals from Harburn Hobbies, the war memorial and a portacabin for the yard
  14. You can use the Bachmann close coupler on the Hornby BSO, I have and it has run happily for the last 2 years in a rake that are otherwise Bachmann coaches.
  15. A little running today as a break from the ongoing work with the bridge across Strathfillan. Here I am modelling the first of the two bridges on departure north towards Fort William from Crianlarich which passes over the village crossing the A85 and the old Callander and Oban line. On WHL 4 I am having to deviate a little from the real thing because on passing over the diamond, WHL 4 turns slightly left whereas the real thing turns right. This is causing me a headache as I try to create the most of the available space to represent as much of the village as possible. Today I moved the start of the bridge about 150mm north to create more space to model the small park area and WW1 memorial. To move forward I am waiting for several items ordered on line to arrive, most notably the Slaters dressed stone plasticard which is required for the pillars on which the bridge sits. 37108 arrives and departs Crianlarich with the Alcan hoppers 37022 arrives with 1T32, the midday Oban to Glasgow service A little later 37014 arrives with 1B11, the midday Glasgow to Oban service having passed 37022 at Arrochar The old bridge location The new bridge location
  16. After a possession occupying most of Sunday, Crianlarich station has been smartened up and ballasted into its final position. Ballasting covered the rough edges on the platform base arising from the cutting that was necessary to reduce platform height which was a relief. A few detailing tasks remain to be completed but overall I am delighted with how the station has turned out. Now all that remains to complete Crianlarich is the bridge scenic section. Platform has had its edges painted white and holes drilled for signs and lights. Lights and signs fitted, plant tubs secured and gravel glued Station in situ under gauging test. The lights work and because I want to add lighting to the station building and signal box a hole has been drilled in the platform under the station building to allow wires to pass through the baseboard for this purpose. The platform will be glued down so it's important to align the platform and baseboard holes. The view from the top of the underpass, I think the hiker is saying ‘ I hope I don’t hit my head on that sign’ to his partner! It is a bit lower than I had intended. Committed; platform ballasted and glued in place. View of the largely completed station
  17. Colours are not my strong point being colour blind. However your picture of Arrochar shows the building as it was in the early 80’s so if your building matches this you will be fine to run the rolling stock you mention. For what it’s worth , there were several different colour schemes to be found on the WHL in the early 80’s. If you want to see some examples then I recommend Flickr as an excellent source of information
  18. Further operating activity around Crianlarich by way of some fun and testing that everything still works as it should. Crianlarich is about to see an engineers possession to allow for the station to be updated and ballast completed. A pair of 20's arrive from Oban with a return Adex to Ayrshire. Not prototypical but I really like the Sealink liveried coaches. 27041 shunts the breakdown train coaches. Hopefully these will not be seeing immediate action! 20's await departure
  19. Yes, I know Doug and having spoken to him on Sunday at the Lydney show, I am sure that it was me he was refering to. Who knows, I guess our paths will cross somewhere along the way.
  20. A few more pictures of Crianlarich from yesterdays running session. I aim to spend time detailing the station platform this week so that I can secure it in place and finish the ballasting. A panoramic view of the station The scenic area has not been extended onto the next baseboard as yet because this contains the bridge and I want to check that I have the correct height of the bridge before I add scenery. 37085 arrives with the down sleeper, the newly built southern water tower can be seen 37085 has the road and awaits departure 37014 arrivng with 1T16 from Oban. I am pleased with the effect of the spur from the Oban line, it looks just as I recall trains arriving. 37014 passes the northern water tower and slows for the station stop 37011 heads north with 7B02 37022 awaits departure to Oban with 1B08 Trains pass at Crianlarich
  21. Modelling the 1980-85 period which is slightly earlier than you and with the PRA's being introduced in 1984, I can get away with leaving mine in largely 'as new' condition. They might get a light dusting but I am intending to run the PRA's alongside the older 5 plank OWV's so having pristine PRA's and dilapidated OWV's should help highlight the change.
  22. Further work completed on the northern section of Crianlarich with the embankment adjoining the station subway largely finished and the hill to the west of the A82 flocked. Fencing to seperate the railway yard from the road awaits painting before being put in place. The scrub area to eastern side of the northern approach comprising basket liner topped with Woodland Scenics bushes has been added. Now I feel I can return to the station platform where a little more work is required to complete the area. A running session followed with everything performing well except for the signals where the servos need further adjustment to get the upper and lower points of the signal arms to more accurate positions. 37014 arrives Crianlarich from Oban with the 0740 to Glasgow 1T16 37011 departs Crianlarich with 7B02 to Mallaig Junction Yard 37022 waits and then departs Crianlarich for Oban with 1B08, 0806 Ex Glasgow 37264 arrives Crianlarich with 7D10 including newly arrived PRA wagons Recently re-numbered from 37284, 37178 with 1B10, 0837 Glasgow to Mallaig arrives at Crianlarich. Must vacum the subway!
  23. Further development of the northern end of the station has been undertaken where I have made a first attempt at the A82 and surrounding area where it passes the station entrance. I used a combination of plaster cloth on a polystyrene base and Sculptamold to create the land profile and whilst I am happy with the results, the areas filled are still damp and tacky 24 hours after the Sculptamold was laid. There is still work to do before I add flock, trees and bushes the groundwork. My starting point Sculptamold and plaster cloth added 30 year old Paynes grey paint is no longer grey! I will re-paint this once all is dry. Trees and bushes temporarily placed to get a feel PLatform view looking north Station view from the north View of Crianlarich looking south from the junction.
  24. I have just read this thread which makes worrying reading for someone with a fleet of sound chipped locos and servo driven points and signals. Against this I feel sure that there would be a lot more negative comment around if static applicators were trashing on a regular basis. I am off to research static electricity in more depth. In the meantime if anyone can explain the issue and how to mitigate in simple terms I would be grateful.
  25. I have been researching as much as I can on line about static grass applicators in an effort to decide on whose to buy. I would prefer to buy a British made product but Woodland Scenics have moved to the top of my list because their applicator can be connected to the mains to provide/maintain power whereas WWS apperars battery power only. Price wise WS are similar to everyone else that I have looked at. Given that I have large areas to cover, I am wary about using battery power only and finding that I am constantly having to buy new batteries. Am I right to be concerned about battery usage?
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