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Everything posted by young37215

  1. I have just read this thread which makes worrying reading for someone with a fleet of sound chipped locos and servo driven points and signals. Against this I feel sure that there would be a lot more negative comment around if static applicators were trashing on a regular basis. I am off to research static electricity in more depth. In the meantime if anyone can explain the issue and how to mitigate in simple terms I would be grateful.
  2. I have been researching as much as I can on line about static grass applicators in an effort to decide on whose to buy. I would prefer to buy a British made product but Woodland Scenics have moved to the top of my list because their applicator can be connected to the mains to provide/maintain power whereas WWS apperars battery power only. Price wise WS are similar to everyone else that I have looked at. Given that I have large areas to cover, I am wary about using battery power only and finding that I am constantly having to buy new batteries. Am I right to be concerned about battery usage?
  3. There are quite a few providers of this type of service and several can be found here as they have threads on the RM Web platform. Two regular posters that immediately spring to my mind are: https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/108886-bens-resprays-workbench-thread/ https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/64736-my-detailingrepainting-projects/ Have a look at their work and you can decide for yourself if it is what you are looking for.
  4. I am considering investing a static grass applicator which makes WWS’s sale interesting. I currently use Woodland Scenics products supplemented by Peco grass tufts. Whilst I need to develop my static grass skills, I am assuming that I can replicate the Peco tufts with an applicator and relevant sized grass? As far as I can see there are 3 main makers of decent sized applicators, WWS, Peco (made by WWS?) and Noch. I can’t find a review on RM Web using the search engine, is anyone aware of a review of each or a compare and contrast of the products? any view or experience would be gratefully received
  5. I have not heard from Invicta since my last post. I suspect that as a small business, their credit lines with Bachmann mean that they can only take a modest number of the coaches at a time and that re-stocking will only ocur when invicta have paid for their previous deliveries. I am anticipating a call this month; you can always call them if you want a more specific timescale. I think it would be a good idea to re-name this post Fisons Weedkilling Coaches.
  6. The various Platform 5 pocket books that I have dating from the late 1970's into the 1980's continue to show them all as no boiler through to withdrawl.
  7. The summer is fast passing by and I am beginning to think about modelling again. I really want to finish Crianlarich this year which means that I need to get cracking with the northern end of the station and the junction area. The key to moving the task forward was to find a way to install the junction signal in a way that makes it removable in the event of problems with it or the servos that automate it. Now this is complete, the remaining activity is largely scenic. The underpass roadway is cork recycled from a previous life as underlay. After a little fiddling and realigning of the walls, I am now satisfied with how this looks. The lower part of the wall is Wills Coarse Stone and the upper part is Slaters English Bond Plasticard. The water tower off of the northern end of the platform has been constructed also from Willis Plain Bond brickwork. All need weathering to blend them together but I am happy with the basic outline. Using the various photographs that I have found as a source of reference, I am slowly building the wall away from the station toward the junction. As the layout is not to scale, I find it necessary to do this one step at a time in order that the representation is a close to reality as is possible. Once I get to the end of the junction with the walling, I will complete the scenery to the rear. The starting point First part of wall and railing completed, hole for the signal and attached servos to drop into constructed Signal in position and ballasted The traditional view of a train from the top of the station approach The water tower 37085 departs for Fort William Progress so far
  8. Spoke to Invicta earlier today and they confirmed further stock of the weed killing coaches are awaited. The lady I spoke to kindly promised to call me when additional stock arrives
  9. Got an e-mail today, order placed. Awaiting the beast with great expectations. Only 1 issue to resolve, I already have 37026 and cannot make my mind up about what to renumber it as
  10. Currently showing as out of stock on Invicta's website. I can't believe that they sold 504 pairs of coaches this quickly, presumably/hopefully there are more en route!
  11. I recommend Everad Junction's weathering video.
  12. The coaches are Bachmann’s LMS Portholes. I thought I might have attached the pipes and dummy couplings to the wrong vehicle when I saw what looks like a reservoir on the end of the other coach but it’s also present on the red and cream Portholes, so it can’t have anything to do with the spray. I am not sure at what point the weedkiller was added to the mix but the pipes for the water/weedkiller to be sprayed ran from the TTA's along the side of the coaches. From the pictures above, these are not obviously present and I do'nt know if the Invicta models have any additional detailing to replicate the pipes. If they do'nt then it should not be too difficult to mimic them. Paul Bartlett's web site has a picture that shows the pipework https://paulbartlett.zenfolio.com/fisonsweedkiller
  13. A little more research following the last 2 posts leads me to conclude that I could use Bachmann's 39-450 and 39-460/1 as base models and re-spray them in the older style livery that I seek. Against this, the cost of Bachmann Portholes either new or second hand remains high making negligble saving against the Invicta models which I can run as they are (albeit outside of my modelling era) until I get around to re-painting. On this basis I shall be investing in Invicta's coaches in the next few days. Thanks to those who have posted responses to my questions.
  14. Given that LED's have dropped significantly in price in recent years, I suggest you consider buying a spare of whatever you end up choosing to fit. I speak from experience where the failure of one LED in my kitchen after 5 yrears of use and my inability to source a replacement meant that to have matching lights, I ended up replacing all 6.
  15. Given that I want the coaches in an earlier livery, I am trying to work out if these are new or a re-paint of previous Bachmann products. If they are a re-paint then I suspect that I would be better off buying the previous issues second hand and re-painting them in the livery I seek. Can anyone clarify? better still and assuming they are reprises, what are the previous issue Bachmann product codes? Any assistance gratefully received
  16. I have bitten the bullet and decided that given the UCV/OOV were unlikely to have traversed the west highlands, I have listed the first variant of the Kernow limited edition (Bachmann 38-050Y) on Ebay. For those looking at buying the net cost of my second hand wagons inclusive of postage is 66% of what the new Kernow will cost.
  17. You will need to be quick to get another picture of the training rake, I read elsewhere that it should depart this week when the second passenger rake arrives. The good news is that there should be 2 daily 37 workings in place pretty soon.
  18. Having learnt that the Bachmann UCV's are not the wagon I need to model early 1980's china clay flows from Cornwall to the western highlands, I am seeking information on whether the wagons used on clayliner flows were used on Scottish flows prior to the introduction of the PRA's in 1984. I think they were, however the only photos I have managed to find on line are on Flickr from John Baker's (Spannerman 37025) excellent Scottish themed albums. These look like OWV's to me but the wagons are damaged following a derailment. Can someone add any more detail to these workings? Further pictures would also be much appreciated
  19. Thank you for the clarification although it completely trashes the authenticity of using 2 sets of Kernow UCV/OOV wagons on my West Highland Line layout! It just goes to show how some times ignorance is bliss. Hopefully the PRA's will arrive sometime this year and provide me with an authentic china clay wagon for the WHL. When they do, it looks like my UCV's will be appearing on Ebay in the not too distant future. Out of interest, is there a RTR china clay carrying OWV? I cannot find anything, presumably the best available option wouid be a Bachmann 5 plank wagon converted by respraying and weathering?
  20. Rail Express Modeller Train Formations shows a West highland line train of class 37 and 18 OWV’s with a date of June 1981. Given the PRA’s were not introduced until 1984, I think that China clay was transported in the old vacuum braked wagons until the PRA’ arrived.
  21. Just re-read the Bachmann marketing which states the Bauxite is the early version which explains the Era 5 rating. I would still appreciate any conformation/comment on my thinking that 'Bauxite liveried china clay wagons continued running until the early 1980's'
  22. I think this is a reprise of previous Kernow limited edition under Bachmann 33080Y with different wagon numbers. The weathering on the first issue is some of the best factory produced that I have seen. I suspect that the running numbers are the only difference between the 2 editions. The Bachmann general issue 3 pack is quoted as Era 5 although I thought Bauxite liveried china clay wagons continued running until the early 1980's?
  23. At Cardif Central last night between 1700 and 1715, 37418 departed with the 1701 to Rhymney hauling 4 immaculate Mk2 air cons which were full and standing. Shortly after 37421 trundled the opposite direction through platform 7 with the 4 coach training set which were also immaculately turned out. 67010 departed 1716 on the Holyhead and in between 2 freights both 60 hauled headed west through the centre road. Not quite like the 1970's and 80's but a flashback none the less.
  24. Can anyone advise when Yellow was adopted as the colour for Departmental coaching stock?
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