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Everything posted by altone

  1. Reality Hits So here I am with all these Triang and Hornby trains looking at what else is available - Oh my! I decide to limit any new purchases to pre 1962 era and things that might be seen in Lancashire. (that's my era and location - yours may be different) I realize that many of my purchases are not that good a quality and start researching how to improve them. So many options .. around now I also realize some manufacturers have more realistic models than others. I have to pick the better ones, or those that are easily improved. I've done more research and find out my coaches and many wagons are poor or out of my timeframe/location. Does it matter? - well that's an individual call and for me - yes it does. So, I've already spent most of my budget, only option for me is to try and resell all the stuff I don't want so I can buy more of what I do. Slowly of course, I'm not going to give it away. And there's some ok plastic kits for wagons and coaches - they'll be first on the list to buy. I know there are gorgeous brass models out there but they cost lots and need skills to make - so hold off for now. There we are - rationalize and improve.
  2. Why did I buy all this stuff? Ok folks, this is my blog about how not to jump into model railways. Do not expect fantastic modelling skills, or major projects completed every day. This will be a slow record of my personal journey into eventually trying to model my home town station from the other side of the world, plus whatever items I push through my workbench. So post 1, Why did I buy all this stuff? Ok, you know how it is, you decide I'm going to get into model railways. You surf the net, you see what things are worth and then jump on Ebay and see so many "bargains". You buy and buy and buy. Suddenly you realize that you have way too much stock from all over the place in space and time. L&YR from the 1890's A blue BR diesel from the 70's a Pendolino from yesterday. Not to mention, your collection spans the whole of the UK and maybe overseas too. You may have bought a set or too so you have track and controllers, you run everything round and quickly conclude you're going about this the wrong way. You need to concentrate on a time and place, you also need to build some skills and your first layout. This will be my slow journey into model railways. When I was young I used to build model cars, my dad had a trainset he loved. At the time I thought it was a silly toy. An elderly neighbor's deceased husband built real live steam trains in I think G scale that I got to look at and touch, so my dad's toys didn't interest me. Sorry dad. Here we are decades later, I've moved to the other side of the world but the UK trains still appeal to me. I have some spare time, so let's get back into trains and modelling. Jump in and do all the wrong stuff as above. I've got heaps of loco's carriages and wagons - but they're all over the place and the detail level on many is questionable. Step back and think. If I really want to create good quality models I need to pick a time period and place. I also need to build up my skills. For both, the initial key is research. So the journey begins.
  3. Looks like quite a lot of work, but they do look excellent. So now I have to add giving this a go to my workbench list. Nice easy instructions too Cheers Gerry C
  4. No no brother, cool and slow is the way to go, feel the soul, can you dig? ... oh wait you're talking about soldering !
  5. I've only ever bought 1 lot of items from Hatton's so far, but for the pre-orders I will keep using them as I just can't pre-order locally. If the price changes - oh well, still going to be less than I'd pay locally IF they got any stock. They are box movers for sure, but with knowledge <tick> Gerry C edit : I've got 4 locos on pre-order right now if the B company ever release them ....... grr
  6. You know, I only just started reading this thread because I'm interested in the whole 3d printing thing. I saw David's efforts at creating the Pendolino drawings and thought what a great job. Then the images of the prototypes and was disappointed by the poor finishes, yes, the larger than life photo's made it look much worse than they would have at 1:1 but still ... Read on to the later pages and there is such awesome detail in these finished items. Small and reasonable 3D print technology is just about hitting consumer level now. Soon with a bit of work we'll be able to create whatever model variants we want at a not too crazy cost. If I had any CAD skills I could already be making lots of items myself ( I have access to a DaVinci 3D printer that can print small stuff in ABS) I have made custom items on it but it's beyond me right now to do more complex items. With 3d object capture technology on the scene it will make it even easier. David's skills and perseverance are commendable and I wish him success, it would need to be something very special to me to put in so much work. It's exciting though, to think we are at the start of an era where individual models may be just a few hundred clicks away.
  7. That's the saddest part, not ONLY do we have to pay much more locally, but we are also lucky to see any of the rarer limited models and if we do it's usually months after the UK. Point in case. I walked into a local specialist store asking about a model soon to be released, which I could already pre-order from a Liverpool store. They said they knew of the release but had to wait for the wholesaler to advise availability and couldn't pre-order. So 2 choices, pre-order now from the UK, or wait until they're probably sold out there and see if I can be lucky enough to get one locally at a higher price. Guess which one I picked. I WANT to support the local guys and happy to pay a reasonable premium to do so, but they make it so hard sometimes. I buy other (non railway) limited edition items from local stores on pre-order - stock worldwide is pre allocated so the stores can be confident my order will likely be filled. (sometimes quantities are not exact) One store I'm friendly with will even put me on a "waiting list" if I'm too late - in case someone doesn't come to pick up their order. If something similar could be arranged for UK locos and rolling stock I'd certainly be buying more locally. Oh, the local store mentioned CAN let me pre-order Australian products, so I'm thinking it's the manufacturers and/or Aus distributors that are the issue here. Rant over Gerry C
  8. As there is a caged 1000l tank directly behind it, which would store coolant perfectly well. I'd be thinking it's more likely for waste oil/fuel. edit: After doing a quick check on everybodys favorite search engine it appears that bunded tanks are indeed for oil etc. Cheers Gerry C
  9. Just finished building your lineside hut and it's quite a nice kit with options - always a good thing. Along the lines of McRuss comment earlier, different finishes/textures would be great. I'm re jigging this hut with a wood board finish - quite like your garden shed, as that's more fitting with the layout I'm doing. More major buildings ie. the ones you might make a quid or 2 on Brick, light stone and dark stone options (where appropriate) would be awesome. Regardless I'm thinking your garden shed and Anderson shelter, perhaps the greenhouse too are going to end up somewhere on my next layout. Oh just as an aside have you considered lineside boxes? although I think someone already does them in card. Cheers Gerry C
  10. Brewdog certainly make some nice gear and some bloody weird ones too. I quite like the Punk IPA and once tried their "End of History" What? that's beer? I also tried an Adnams sampler but I think maybe by the time it got here and sat on the shelf for ages because nobody knew what it was, The beers were not in their prime. The sampler here was only 6 bottles and included a Broadside strong ale can't remember the complete lineup. I remember the Broadside because it was the standout of what was otherwise run of the mill beers for me. Not that "strong" alcohol wise but a nice full balanced beer for me.
  11. Wife and I spent the day in Healesville, went to the sanctuary to play with koalas and wallabies, Had a great lunch at the Healesville Hotel (no alcohol consumed) Then we stopped off at Coldstream Brewery, I gave the keys to the missus and tried these on tap. Coldstream Czech Pilsner - a very nice pilsner sharp clear and just enough hop Coldstream crisp pale ale - nice good malt roundness but not quite enough hop for my liking (disclaimer I really like hops) Coldstream Grand Porter - Smooth and the chocolate and toffee come through nicely - ok I had 2 of these They had 10 locally brewed beers and ciders on tap but the wife's patience was getting thin so didn't try any others. Well worth a visit and, there's a train station at Healesville so it kind of ties in (Suburban end of the line). Oh there's also the more famous White Rabbit brewery in Healesville but as Lion own that now it'll probably be shut down soon and brewing moved to their Geelong "craft beer" megabrewery. ps. for the designated driver, wife says the hot chocalate at Coldstream was very nice and their coffee smells good.
  12. altone

    EBay madness

    You know I've been in the computer industry for over 3 decades, but I completely agree with you. I'll never subscribe (pay) for an emag that doesn't at least let me grab a pdf version of it. The internet is so volatile that great resources come and go on a regular basis. I'm sure many here have clicked a link in the forums only to get a 404 error. Anything I've found useful, be it from the net or newspaper/magazine I usually make a personal digital copy of. Copyrite can go to you know where if they think that's a breach - send the lawyers and sue me for everything the bank owns. Just like preserving locos and rolling stock, we need a good method to preserve information. Anyway, back on topic - who would pay this for a damaged loco? http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/151590168965?ssPageName=STRK:MEDWX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1435.l2649
  13. But, but, that's the one that replaced the trains .... maybe I'll catch a bus instead Actually I'll be driving a rental car as hard as I can, might as well make the most of it. I just know I'm going to buy way too much when I'm back in England and happy to give some of my cash to Arcadia if they're as god as you guys say.
  14. Dammit, this side of the planet it's hard to find a bicycle park near the only really good model train shop I've found - a truck (sorry lorry) no chance! I'll be heading back to Oldham later this year to catch up with my sister, so will make a point of visiting Arcadia while I'm there.
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