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Everything posted by bobthemilk

  1. Seller by the name 'AT MODEL SHOP' / atmodel18 on ebay has a large selection of graham farish oo gauge ( possibly one of each example ) locomotives and coaches , the AI descriptions are varied and verbose : ) I hope others find this of interest including the elusive 4 wheel coach - ebay item number 364871773222 Bob
  2. Binns road site http://www.binnsroad.co.uk/railways/rocket/index.html Hope this helps a bit Bob
  3. Serious amounts of metal to be removed to make the body fit
  4. Serious amount of metal to be removed to make the h/d chassis fit Bob
  5. Some on ebay right now......................... https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/166725692249 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256486803853 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/256488044741 all from the same ebayer Bob
  6. A bit thin on the ground recently and prices seem to have gone up . Are you after any 'bits' in particular ? 8f tender is a bit longer Bob
  7. Could be lack of knowledge quick buck syndrome and the punter wont know any different........................
  8. Here is another ebay special , what attracted me was the AI / verbose description ebay item number 256478572468 https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/aZAAAOSw3jtmGm-I/s-l1600.webp Bob Oops cant quite get the link I wanted but supplied item number
  9. This was on eBay last week and went for £39.95 plus postage , a farish body but an early triang princess tender body . Split tender chassis? for pickup and original traction tyres . If I see enough of these already "converted" it may spur me on to have a go , hmm
  10. Noticed this after it finished on e bay today , what I assume to be a G/F Hudson tender chassis It was in a job lot of chassis's, a nondescript H/D Duchess , a Triang bob and an unknown , £36+ . A bit of a beast , size wise
  11. You could do that with one of these...https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse4.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.7Fp1TDYZgyghXU9LdiFlhwHaC9%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=f870b234bda505a87a0a2dc8e21ddcc00e62ef183b0cf6911efb85f7e26238b3&ipo=images quite rare I'm told and there was an article in constructor/modelller in the mid late 60's H0-scale Rivarossi 'Bourbonnais'
  12. The bottom article was my inspiration And I bought that magazine when it came out with my pocket money . Was it really so long ago
  13. I had originally built it with airfix chassis as supplied and always wanted it to run , and the years went and one day by chance I bought cheaply , one and half Dapol pugs and replaced the non runners with them . The motor is in the 'tender' and will pull eight or nine wagons or a couple of four wheel coaches. There is a big lump of fishing weight bashed to fit to keep it level
  14. And this was posted by sagaguy , thank you , on an earlier thread in April last year
  15. And this from our very own , https://www.youtube.com/@sncf231e , showing an X03/4 in action And then search Graham farish oo gauge DOH! Edit due to smart phone being clever
  16. Found some pictures lurking in the darkest files on my laptop ( whilst looking for something else! ) that may or may not help , a before shot and some after . I think an airfix motor is being used Apologies if these belong to 'you' , I show purely to spread some knowledge about these locos . TIA PS I have somewhere a tech sheet on how to set these motors up , apologies again if you have seen it before but if I find it , I will post
  17. Many years ago in another life I had retail tobacco shop and belonged to the Association of Independent Tobacco Specialists , and sold various size cigarette filters , regular , medium and slimline for the hand rolling trade . If you go to the site there is a 'find a retailer ' function , and maybe there is a filter out there that will fit . Also Zippo lighter ( petrol ) fuel is less 'smelly' than Ronson , but both need to be treated with respect . regards Bob
  18. I also have a couple of Reidpath bodies , both different , and acquired a Dapol terrier chassis for the use of , it will fit one body shape but not the other ( not without removing some heavy metal ) Had looked at the mainline J72 but the amount of filing and cutting was another reason for another rainy day job Also looked at the J94 , but gave up trying to remove the body from chassis , as life is too short ( rainy day job )
  19. Iain Rice in his book on chassis building recommends a length of neoprene rubber tube to connect two shafts, if I can find some?............................. Hi relaxinghobby Flexible fuel pipe from a radio control petrol engined boat/plane/copter/car emporium may do the trick regards bobthemilk
  20. Many thanks but with my ten thumbs and aptitude for making easy things difficult that is something to aspire to ..................... : ) regards Bob
  21. Hi Barclay I have a couple of these that I have aquired over the years , any chance of a few pictures of the chassis to give me an some inkling of what I could do with mine many thanks in anticipation regards Bob
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