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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. Serious Amtrak derailment near Philadelphia. http://news.yahoo.com/amtrak-train-washington-crashes-philadelphia-014924856.html
  2. Never use an email service supplied by an ISP. It's just another trick to lock you in and prevent you switching to a different ISP. I've switched ISPs many times, but I've used the same yahoo email address for about 13 years.
  3. At one point in time we had three homes scattered around the US - all furnished with a lot stuff from IKEA! (Anyone interested in a bunch of metric Allen keys?)
  4. Late snow is not all that unusual. A few years ago I was skiing at Lookout Pass on Memorial Day weekend. (Memorial Day is on the last Monday in May.)
  5. Our local IKEA is 300 miles away!
  6. The wonderful thing about science is how it informs us that reality is far, far stranger than anything humans could have drempt up. Perhaps that is why some find it a bit threatening. BTW, the political alignment of the UK now has a distictly IKEA look about it
  7. I'm sure many of you have been anxiously awaiting a progress report on the installation of the laminate flooring at "Chateau André". Well, I'm please to report that a bedroom, large closet and hallway are now complete. Next up the "office" and the utility room. Only another 14 boxes of the !@#$%^&*% stuff to go. Yippee! (That's assuming my knees and back don't completely konk out first.)
  8. As long as they are carrying the correct head-codes, I don't think there should be a problem.
  9. Not unlike this chappy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Broun
  10. I dunno pH. Compared with a lot of the raving loonies aspiring politicians in the next country to your south, he seems pretty normal.
  11. They are quite amazing. The pair above are Calliopes. Male on the left, female (slightly larger) on the right. They winter in Mexico. Not bad for a bird that weighs less than 3 grams!
  12. Theses are the small ones. A mating pair I think. (Note how much "nectar" has been consumed in 24 hours.)
  13. Hi Jock, We get lots of them, and several different types too. Most are a bit smaller than those in California, and some are really tiny. I'll try to get a pic of one. Hummingbirds are quite common even in northern parts of the US. I think the one in the pic even migrates into parts of Alaska. We are about 100 miles south of Canada here, but we are at the same latitude as Dijon and Zurich. (Wick is further north than Juneau, Alaska.) Cheers! Andy
  14. The Boids Are Back in Town
  15. Yes, but why the long face Jim?
  16. Maybe more like this fellow? http://image2.findagrave.com/photos/2006/31/6440535_113881297049.jpg
  17. Another doggie pic for Jock. (I don't recognize the old geezer.)
  18. There's a great railway story in Milligans book about his wartime activities. It's about how they took a train mounted gun for a trip to the pub.
  19. Did you happen to see Murray on Parkinson's show when he talked about the three trapeze artists (or maybe it was lawyers - can't really remember)? At the end of the story, Murray, dead pan, came out with, "Yes. Their names were Hunt, Lunt and Cunningham." I can still remember the look of sheer terror on Parkinson's face!
  20. As long as it's not George with Drag on.
  21. Robert, Are they a bit like these? A
  22. We don't eat out much, but this is good place for special occasions. Interesting golf course too. http://www.cdaresort.com/discover
  23. Have to phone MrsID with a wake-up call in an hour so she can start her 22 hour trek back from Scotland. Which also means I better get my rear-end in gear and get the place spruced up a bit!
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