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Everything posted by AndyID

  1. When I looked outside this morning it looked like scotch mist but then I realized it was really drivel.
  2. In Glasgow I always made it a rule to never stay in a pub where there was a "wee man" in the corner picking a banjo.
  3. We used to get scotch pies from a baker in North Haledon.
  4. My brother has interesting hair. On one occasion a barber told him. "Yer hair's like peen-wire. The scissors jist boonce aff."
  5. But wait! There's more .........
  6. I stumbled upon this: Aug/Sept 1972 Seefeld.
  7. I'm a fine one to talk ..... That's "Gordini Yellow" I'll have you know.
  8. As Tex is unable to post today, I thought these authentic Idaho French Fries (French Idaho Fries?) might be a minor consolation. Sorry, no ketchup - just salt and malt vinegar.
  9. Is the inside painted jonquil?
  10. So you model in 1:1 scale then?
  11. This love-sick pheasant is hanging around here. I keep hearing him sound off, but he won't let me sneak up on him to get a better shot. This is the best I've been able to do.
  12. In 1972, while on our honeymoon in Seefeld we liked the look of a door knob that we saw in an ironmongers. We bought it thinking it would look good on our dream house when we finally got around to building it. Well, it kicked around the various houses we lived in and survived countless relocations in the UK and the US, but never found itself attached to any door. That was until last year, when I screwed the stupid thing on to the shed. (see above pic.)
  13. As long as the T&G exterior is OK, the BillyOh would probably work if you are prepared to beef-up the framing a bit. You might want to do that to increase the thickness of the insulation anyway. The biggest drawback of the BillyOh might be the need to refinish the exterior every year. Unless you happen to love painting, that can get old really fast. I don't know if there is an equivalent product in the UK, but there is fiber-cement siding (Hardieplank) available in the US. Zero maintenance, and it looks great. Probably not appropriate for your location, but I cobbled this together. It's a knock-off of a kit supplied by a local building supply company. The framing is all "2x4" (really 1.5 x 3.5) and the exterior is hard siding. It was only supposed to last a few years and that was twenty years ago (note moss on roof). It has had absolutely no maintenance. In fact, there are a couple of bits that I never really finished, but I'm going to get around to them any day now. I'm not sure why, but for some reason lumber is really cheap around here.
  14. For goodness sake! Would you lot kindly pipe down. It's worse than the blinking dawn chorus. Some of us are trying to get a bit of shut-eye. (Honey, have you seen my jammies anywhere?)
  15. The area around the ford at Butterton would make an excellent model. The different elevations of the buildings and the rising and turning road are very attractive.
  16. RANT ON B expletive T! My wife is in Bonnie Scotland sorting out things for her mum who had to go into a nursing home. One of the things was to terminate the phone/internet service with BT. After telling the complete plonker at BT for about the fiftieth time that, no, she did not want to transfer the service to a different address, he finally agreed to send the bill. She gave him our address in the USA. "Oh no!" says the plonker, "We are not allowed to send the bill to the USA." (What The !@#$!!) "Send me the bill in an email." "Oh no! We are not allowed to do that either. "Let me speak to your supervisor." "He's not here at the moment." "Then you are never going to get paid." He eventually wore her down and she gave him a relative's address. RANT OFF
  17. I don't think the bearded tit is actually a tit. Chickadees seem to be close relatives of blue tits and coal tits. Link below for more information than you probably want to know. The chickadee has a really piercing song. To me it sounds like "wee Hughie". You can play a nice sample of it in the Wiki article. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black-capped_chickadee
  18. We had a similar problem in California. Our neighbor liked to park on the opposite side of the street from our driveway (and it was a narrow bit of street). I asked him, "Have you seen my wife driving?" "No, I have not" he said. "I thought so, because, if you had, you wouldn't park there."
  19. It's a bit like New Jersey. NJ has a wicked reputation, but it's actually got a lot really nice areas too. We lived in a little town in NJ 25 years ago while the kids were growing up. They ran around all over the place on their bikes. It was quite like the UK in the fifties/sixties. And you could see the Manhattan skyline off in the distance at night.
  20. You get my vote! We do not have good cell phone coverage out here in the boondocks, so I had to "upgrade" to a "smart phone" (evidently a lot smarter than me) for the only reason that my great little Nokia flip-phone does not support phone calls over wi-fi. We don't use our mobiles much. We use prepaid T-mobile. I buy 1000 minutes every year for $100, and they roll any unused minutes over into the next year. That works out at $8.50 a month, which is probably about one tenth of what our kids pay for their mobile service.
  21. Oh dear! Did you leave him alone for a while? Probably got a bit bored. Could be worse though. We had an Alsatian (Heidi) and she took a huge chunk of plaster off a brick wall. On another occasion, my wife left her in the car for a bit too long and she dug a big hole in the back seat!
  22. US English has a word for it too - "boondoggle"
  23. Mind how you go with the vodka.
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