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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. Never fear Tony Gee is here! If Tony Wright is here all you feel is fear! Might have to trademark that 🤣
  2. Bit of modelling recently. First we have a Conflat V which was created from redundant cattle wagons. The model itself is made of resin cast by Graeme King with the master made by Jonathan Wealleans. The other wagon you see here is a scratchbuilt double bolster. It originally was one of two long bogie bolsters I picked up in a job lot but it had suffered a fall at great height and broke. So I hacked it up and created the double bolster from a photo in Tatlows. A little bit of work left to do on both wagons before they’re ready for the paint shop.
  3. I don’t have Yeadons book of the B16s but I do have the set at @jwealleans house 🤣
  4. Excuse the photos of a model locomotive in this Harry Potter/ 3D printing thread but I can’t help myself. Finished this Craftsman C12 today, very happy with the outcome. Bring on the next build - a B16!
  5. Over the last few weeks I’ve knocked this Crafstman C12 up. Very happy with how she’s turned out. She’ll be run on the layout as a light engine heading to works.
  6. Well I know what we’re doing next time I stay.
  7. What’s the saying… Damned if you do damned if you don’t………
  8. More the fact that 75% of people who buy RTR stuff don’t touch them after taking it out of the packet. But the rest of us would alter/weather etc
  9. Morning Tony, I actually hadn’t changed the CV’s at the time the video was taken. I checked her on DC first and she ran fine, changed the number of the chip, as it was still 2400 (the other A2) and then let run in on the rolling road on DCC for half an hour each way and then off she went round the layout for about an hour. I use DCC but I haven’t a clue how to do anything with CVS or anything technological. I’m 26 but I am the least tech savvy person. I actually phoned @St Enodoc last night and he talked me through changing CVS which was a great help. I’ve now got an idea and will probably sit down and muck around with some locos. Some lamps are on order from LMS, I’ve order quite a few so hopefully all my locos will finally have lamps!!!!! Now I’m unsure if to weather her or not…. with only a year left of running on the LNER surely she would have been a bit dirty…. Thanks again Tony!
  10. Well, to say I’m happy is an understatement. The A2 is beautiful Tony and Geoff has done a wonderful paint job!!! Ignore the crappy IPhone footage but he she is on a Parcels train.
  11. Teaking has been my downfall for a while now, I tried it out a year or so ago and failed miserably. I ended up acquiring some stock from a fellow BRMA members deceased estate, mostly DS kits already built but in wrong liveries. I’ve sent two to be painted into teak to a friend, Jack Pederson in NZ. Part of bartering, I had a southern kit he wanted, I need stuff teaked! However, I can’t live the rest of my life not knowing how to teak, so I bit the bullet and annoyed Jonathan Wealleans (again) and started having ago at his methods. I failed again, but I think I might have got the hang of it, we’ll sort of. It’s not brilliant, but I am happy with it and that’s the main thing, onwards and upwards from here. So here’s one of the DS kits I acquired, a GN Milk brake which will go into my milk train. A bit of weathering and it will definitely fit the bill as a ‘layout coach’.
  12. A few more wagons. A couple of Bachman wagons sheeted over. A NER open built for @Tony Wright M&GN mini train set. I hope she’s still running beautifully and hasn’t fallen to bits Tony? An LMS tube wagon, I think this is from the 51L range.
  13. I couldn’t tell you when I built these, I think early 2020 or late late 2019…. A pair of LMS Bolsters, David Geen I believe. Then a Wizards Models (formerly 51L) LMS Silk wagon? It doesn’t see the light of day much. Ian Kirk GWR Python A Next we have a Bachman wagon with some various crates and barrels. A DS GER Cattle van, I must paint the solebar body colour, you can tell it was built when I didn’t have much information. Also a Parkside Grain Van, I don’t even know where that wagon is. It didn’t run very well.
  14. I’ve been working on rolling stock the last few years, so over the next week or so I’m going to post up photos of stock I’ve built or worked on that have already been posted on my layout thread. Hopefully I’ll be able to make an inventory at the beginning of this thread.
  15. I’ve been working on this for the last few weeks. An ex-NER propeller wagon. I scratchbuilt this using a Bachman wagon as the donor. It’s not 100% accurate as I realised late in the build that the tops of wagon (above the wheels) is actually open. I’m happy to live with it. The chains were a right pain, but I’m glad with how it turned out. Tomorrow I’m going to replace the numbers on the right hand side they turned out awful.
  16. Yeah this fella I know didn’t do a bad job aye
  17. Thought some of you might like to see some trains running on Woolmer Green. Starting to look the part and definitely getting the feel for the layout now that some scenery has been started. Terrible iPhone quality.
  18. Oh I don’t know, have you still got that photo of the back of your head when you had it on timer for the LB LNER weekend? 🤣
  19. Same with the gearbox conversation… Hat, coat, gone.
  20. That’s two people now that have agreed to that post, now I don’t know if it’s because I’m good at weathering or that I am a knob…. 🤣
  21. I know a bloke in Aus, he’s a bit of a knob though.
  22. The pennies just dropped, I remember where I’ve seen the W1 comversion, on the LNER modellers FB page. I’ll have a look on YouTube, my second love is History, particularly the Second World War. I was originally going to model the same period as you, but after seeing Grantham in the March 2014 (I think) BRM and the late 30s stuck to me like sh*t to a blanket. I’ve stretched my period of 1935 to 1940 on hopes of modelling some sort of wartime train, like a troop train of sorts.
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