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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. Apart from the flooded model room, timber twisting due to the monsoonal rains and humps forming from moisture stricken MDF it’s been a rather swell day modelling!! Now I know people will say never use MDF, but it’s served me well all these years using it, as it doesn’t normally rain this much in Australia it’s not normally a problem…. I’m hoping it can all be corrected once everything’s dried up. Anyway… some modelling I spoke of. Two A1s weathered, 2554 in a very dirty condition: and 4476 on the eve of her being cut down to LNER loading gauge in a nice clean condition. She was a KX loco, so I’ve modelled her as if she’s had a clean and is in a nice working look for a loco that’s stretching her legs north. I also decided to add a tarp from the cab to the tender. Which isn’t often modelled, considering I model Autumn, it seemed appropriate. I don’t think it’s turned out half bad.
  2. What a fantastic day today was. Bring on tomorrow! Not tooting my horn, but I was a hit today. So many people coming up and asking many questions on the models I had on show, asking how I did this and how I did that. It was also good to feel a sense of pre-covid normality. I got a few things done but majority of the time (9am-4:30, I left early, I was pooped) was spent answering questions and helping people. I was surprised at how organised I was for the show… shown again here: I tried to take a variety of different things I’ve made, as I stated in an earlier post. A nice little photo of myself with two full sleeves of tattoos (I’m surprised I didn’t scare anyone) and Harley Davidson shirt for some extra razzle dazzle. And of course the BRMA team. @St Enodoc and @RodneyV Such an excellent day!!!! Photo’s taken by my dear girlfriend Rachel who helped carry some things in and put up with me for an hour or so.
  3. Would you prefer the lace or leather? in all seriousness I meant brass! See you tomorrow!
  4. Morning mate, It’s an Oxford machine on a brass wagon of some origin. Not sure who’s it is. I got it part built with a few other kits. Could be DS
  5. All packed up and ready for my first exhibition back! This year is rather interesting, first of all; the Forrestville Exhibition was the last one I attended before covid struck so it feels right to pick back up where we left off. Secondly, I’m amazed and proud of myself on how far my modelling has come these past few years, Comparing the models I’m taking as show and tell to 2020s…. I’m taking a bit of everything, all kits from bras, whitemetal, plastic, resin and 3D printed, with some scratchbuilt ones as well. I hope to demonstrate all stages of building a model with a range of stuff that needs the following: Construction Painting Lettering Weathering Very keen to see some familiar faces and actually get some modelling done. Mojos been a bit low lately….
  6. Thanks Tony, however, please don’t sign it, it will devalue it. I think I worked out I would need 40ft of scenic track to do it justice. It would be an interesting layout with the two branch lines. I think Little Bytham has worked much better then Essendine could have, although it is 3inches short! Talk soon Jesse
  7. I don’t have that book no, I think I know the shot you’re talking about. It’s in the blue book of the GN mainline one, can’t remember the name…. It’s either going to be Welwyn North or Essendine….. the latter more then likely as I have a nice track plan already from you. Miles away however, can’t see myself building another layout for at least 10 years.
  8. Not the rear, just the front. As I went 2 inch t rear and 3 inch front
  9. You had me worried there, thought you were ganna leave me behind and not post it
  10. You honour me sir, All services at Woolmer Green have been put on hold due to ahhh flooding…. I never knew there was a model of Welwyn North. Is it possible to ask for a few more pictures? I’ve never seen them and couldn’t find anything on the internet. EDIT: Just seen a previous post about asking for photos of the layout. I had made plans to build Welwyn North with Digswell Viaduct. Obviously in the future and no doubt would be my layout of a lifetime. But I feel I might die before finishing the viaduct……..
  11. Yeah it’s had a lot of work done and still needs a lot of work. So far I have fitted a bullbar with a winch, lifted it 3 inches and also put better tyres on. It still needs upgraded upper control arms and diff drop (because I’ve lifted it). A snorkel for the river crossings and a dual battery system. The dual battery will go in the canopy/toolbox on the tray so I can run my fridge and lights for cooking.
  12. Okay, let me re-phrase, he’s a part time flog.
  13. Rule 1 gets thrown around a lot. Mainly it’s an excuse for not caring. That’s why I use it for, can’t see something on a wagon from 4ft away, don’t worry about it rule 1. But where it annoys me is when you try to help someone and point out how to do something better and they just go rule 1 rule 1 rule 1.
  14. I think I’ve asked this before but doesn’t anyone know what issue High Dyke was in the MRJ? A friends got all issues so I’m hoping to snag it up.
  15. I actually haven’t seen that article, so cheers.
  16. Finally felt a bit of inspiration and spare time today and the room was under water. Yay! Lucky I didn’t put the floor tiles back in from the last time it flooded……
  17. A once in a lifetime opportunity to be honest. Hard to get three weeks off and considering it is a fair distance away. No probably not a seperate thread. I’ll have no reception after cairns anyway. but I will throw a couple of photos up here for sure.
  18. G’day all, Thought I would share another project that’s on the go at the moment which will explain why Woolmer Green’s progress has slowed… In June this year a few mates and myself are taking on Cape York. Cape York is the most northern part of mainland Australia, it’s going to take about three days of driving to get to Cairns, another 9 hour drive along a dirt road to get to the start of the Telegraph track and about 3 days of slow moving, low range four wheel driving to get to the top. So the project is, obviously my car… Still plenty to do, but I must apologise as this is really taking up most of my money and time as I need to live out of the car for roughly three weeks…. But I will be doing small bits and pieces on the layout but updates will be slow. As I said, a lot of hard driving and the rig needs to be in tip top condition.
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