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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. Two more locos weathered. I’ve decided on starting a weathering page on Facebook and a thread here on RMWEB hoping to get a customer base for my weathering skills. I say weathering skills, but I’m very low on the list compared to others. However, after receiving a lot of compliments and questions asking if I’d weather peoples models for them I decided why not! Now it’s time to work out some prices and all the other stuff needed and fingers crossed I can push through and create a name for myself. Here’s a link to the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Weathering-by-Jesse-Sim-108423315206993/ And the RMWEB page: Thanks Tony for letting me humiliate myself… I mean promote myself 🤣
  2. Wasn’t sure where to put this topic but I decided the best spot was here. I thought I’d start a new topic to keep my stock building free from my layout thread. You’ll see a bunch of different stuff, ranging from kit building, scratchbuilding, painting, lettering, weathering and of course detailing RTR products. I’ve also recently started a Weathering business, Which I’ll post regularly in here and on Facebook (which you can find by searching ‘Weathering by Jesse Sim’). Over the next few days I’ll post up some of the stuff I’ve built. Let’s start off with the new Bachmann V2 and a Heljan O2 conversion. The V2 has had nothing more then a weather, some real coal and the supplied detailing added on. This O2 was started by Tony Wright back in 2018 and it’s finally finished. This has a GN tender and cab and a new buffer beam. It’s also been lettered, numbered and weathered by me. Stay tuned to see more.
  3. Would you sign my bare chest and I’ll get it tattooed. Very Rock N Roll.
  4. Over the last year I’ve had alot of compliments on my weathering and detailing. Having visted two shows in the last few months here in Australia the compliments have doubled and a few people have asked if I weather professionally. So I’ve decided to create a weathering page so people can see the work I do and hopefully would like to have their stock modelled the same way. I’m hoping to offer a wide range of services including weathering locomotives and rolling stock. As well as repainting (rolling stock only), lettering and number changes, fitment of lamps, crews and small detailing parts. If the stars align I’m also hoping to offer detailing of wagons with loads similar to the photos below show. https://www.facebook.com/Weathering-by-Jesse-Sim-108423315206993/ Here is the Facebook page, there are no prices at the moment, but that will all come into play over the next few weeks. If you are interested in enhancing your stock please send me a message on the page and we can sort something out. I know some people do not have Facebook so I might make an RMWEB page.
  5. Being the sentimental idiot I am, I’d honestly be interested to have her on a shelf over looking the new generations work…… I have sent you an email just now Tony about another loco. Could you, in your reply give me a quote? I’ll either cry or say yes please. Maybe both!
  6. I think so too! The NER tender looked to small for such a large engine. So am I! Not to worry my leasing fees aren’t that much.
  7. Ooooft!!!!!! Can’t wait!! She’ll be right at home pulling the parcels train. Such a shame they were often downgraded to such trains, buts something of a sight seeing an A2 hauling a mix of different NPC’s and wagons! Thanks Tony and Geoff!
  8. The signal box that was beautifully built by Bob Dawson arrived today. I’m lost for words. It’s magnificent. Thanks again Tony.
  9. I’ve used the same technique Tony, it’s easily the best way to hide the entrance/exits. One thing I will be doing is painting the inside of the fiddleyard light blocker black to help disguise it even more. Especially on the southern end entrance/exit as there is no scenic break, the trains go straight into a cut out in the back board. Welwyn North portal should be situated here but I’m not going to model it as I feel it will make the scene too cramped. The tunnel was still some distance away and you can’t see it in photos looking south from the viaduct. Painting everything on the other side of the back scene will make a hell of a difference. The Northern end of the layout is completely different as I have the A1 bridge as a scenic break. Excuse the horrible attempt at some mock up signals, but you can see the difference a scenic break makes. At lower angles you can see more, but once painted black on the inside and the long kick back siding to the right is blocked off you won’t know there’s a right curve, well hopefully.
  10. Now that the drain has stopped water from getting into the room it was all hands on deck cleaning out the room, after new carpet tiles and a thorough spring clean I see the railway again. Whilst cleaning I found some Ratio signals I’d purchased god knows when. I decided on knocking up some dummy stand ins until Graham Nicholas builds the proper ones, it gives a sense of realism to the railway with these dummy signals in. I knocked them up rather quickly and painted then even quicker so they are aren’t the best, but they will do for a few months. I hacked, swapped and change between the LNER signals and Southern Signals to get nearest to what was used at Woolmer Green, I worked off photographs. The only signal you can’t see in any of the photos I have is the UP main which sits right next to the UP slow starter, so I’ve guessed what it should look like. I think I’ve gotten the terminology right… Looking North from the end of the Viaduct. Looking North again at the bridge that takes the A1 I believe? This is an interesting signal as it has a big white painted patch on the bridge for drivers to see the signal. Need to get around finishing the bridges… Looking South, the signal facing the camera on the right is the one that is hidden in all photographs I have. The left hand signal is actually imbedded in the embankment. Though only mock ups, it certainly makes a difference.
  11. Wow! Many thanks Tony for suggesting Bob when I asked about getting the signal box made. It truely is a work of art and Bob has done a much better job then I could achieve. Best pull my finger out with the scenery so it can take prime place!! Thanks again to both of you.
  12. Okay Mr haven’t built a layout before. Ruddy southern modeller.
  13. The only added bonus I see for doing scenery, now I say scenery but I only mean the main formations out of foam first, is that if there are any problems with track or wiring I can still fix them.
  14. Small update now that RMWEB is back. The track has been painted, not sure on what to do now. I will either ballast it or start on embankments. I also built the A1 Bridge that doubles as the scenic break. Not sure if I posted this or not… Drains gone in around the room to protect it from flooding, not finished yet. It’s been pissing down rain since we finished it on Wednesday. A few weeks ago I finally finished my Nucast J6. My first loco kit I’ve started and finished!!!!! Pat on the back for me! It’s definitely not perfect but she’s mine. I have been taking the time to work through my locos adding detail, weathering and of course fitting lamps. Here’s a K3 I finished a few weeks ago.
  15. Thankyou My Master. It was such a refreshing weekend!
  16. Apart from the flooded model room, timber twisting due to the monsoonal rains and humps forming from moisture stricken MDF it’s been a rather swell day modelling!! Now I know people will say never use MDF, but it’s served me well all these years using it, as it doesn’t normally rain this much in Australia it’s not normally a problem…. I’m hoping it can all be corrected once everything’s dried up. Anyway… some modelling I spoke of. Two A1s weathered, 2554 in a very dirty condition: and 4476 on the eve of her being cut down to LNER loading gauge in a nice clean condition. She was a KX loco, so I’ve modelled her as if she’s had a clean and is in a nice working look for a loco that’s stretching her legs north. I also decided to add a tarp from the cab to the tender. Which isn’t often modelled, considering I model Autumn, it seemed appropriate. I don’t think it’s turned out half bad.
  17. What a fantastic day today was. Bring on tomorrow! Not tooting my horn, but I was a hit today. So many people coming up and asking many questions on the models I had on show, asking how I did this and how I did that. It was also good to feel a sense of pre-covid normality. I got a few things done but majority of the time (9am-4:30, I left early, I was pooped) was spent answering questions and helping people. I was surprised at how organised I was for the show… shown again here: I tried to take a variety of different things I’ve made, as I stated in an earlier post. A nice little photo of myself with two full sleeves of tattoos (I’m surprised I didn’t scare anyone) and Harley Davidson shirt for some extra razzle dazzle. And of course the BRMA team. @St Enodoc and @RodneyV Such an excellent day!!!! Photo’s taken by my dear girlfriend Rachel who helped carry some things in and put up with me for an hour or so.
  18. Would you prefer the lace or leather? in all seriousness I meant brass! See you tomorrow!
  19. Morning mate, It’s an Oxford machine on a brass wagon of some origin. Not sure who’s it is. I got it part built with a few other kits. Could be DS
  20. All packed up and ready for my first exhibition back! This year is rather interesting, first of all; the Forrestville Exhibition was the last one I attended before covid struck so it feels right to pick back up where we left off. Secondly, I’m amazed and proud of myself on how far my modelling has come these past few years, Comparing the models I’m taking as show and tell to 2020s…. I’m taking a bit of everything, all kits from bras, whitemetal, plastic, resin and 3D printed, with some scratchbuilt ones as well. I hope to demonstrate all stages of building a model with a range of stuff that needs the following: Construction Painting Lettering Weathering Very keen to see some familiar faces and actually get some modelling done. Mojos been a bit low lately….
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