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Jesse Sim

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Everything posted by Jesse Sim

  1. I prefer to learn the smaller ruder words of the UK. I think Tony puts on these big words hoping to confuse me. Hope you weren’t here over the weekend, was a scorcher.
  2. Sooooo I can’t bring two locos I’ve worked on over in March to help get them going?
  3. Is that the P2 that you soldered the motion back to front, followed by many swear words, on the very first night I stayed with you back in 2016?
  4. Or a “my wife’s watching” answer to click.
  5. That’s exactly why I was uneasy about weathering her as Geoff has done such a fantastic job but I prefer her to be as close to the real thing over “oh she’s pretty like that, I’ll leave it”. Not enough models are weathered these days, I feel models are far to clean even layouts themselves. I feel like I just started another debate by accident….. Yes 2576 & 2580 were the two that received the ACFI gear, SHOTOVER was done by Jonathan. I decided to use White Knight as it sounds like a good name and so I’m also not copying JW.
  6. I’m afraid she’s a much dirtier looking A2 now. I was worried about weathering her but decided on just getting stuck into it. Considering for my timeline she was at the end of her working life she still looks almost presentable but definitely tired. If you can’t tell I’m trying to work out where the best position for lights behind a camera are….. I also carried out a conversation of sort to an A1 using Al Turner of Niu Models brilliant ACFI Gear. She just needs a weather and it too will be ready for service on Woolmer Green.
  7. Woah woah no one said anything about unloading and loading? No, I understand what needs to be done and am looking forward to the challenge.
  8. Ahhh I see you’ve played knifey spooney before!
  9. We haven’t discussed payment yet for two days work…..
  10. Come to think of it, I am friends with a lot of 50+ year old grumpy guts 🤣
  11. No, thankyou Tony, the signal box is situated in the centre of the layout so I think getting Bob Dawson to build it was a no brainer! I’m glad I chose to model LNER, the BR numbers nearly sent me mad! I don’t think I’ll be able to do another BR wagon now that I’ve quit smoking (coming on 40 days now smoke free). I could say the same about being friends with a 70-odd year old grumpy git! Worth it though, forget the modelling, look how far my grammar has come along….. I don’t think I’ve ever stressed as much between finding out the A2 arrived damaged and Auspost accepting responsibility and paying out. 2401 is now put her through paces on Woolmer Green hauling a parcels train! Considering she’s at the end of her life I really want to weather her but I’m hesitant….
  12. I found using the Smiths range would become quite expensive so I opted for brass coupling hooks from Wizards that come in a fret. The bonus is the shank part is smaller than the smiths one, so I just drill a hole and super glue them in or if it’s a kit solder them in. I found this to be much stronger than slicing out the bottom of the solebar.
  13. Well keep it down in March, some of us need our beauty sleep.
  14. Ah yes, I’ve been asked this a few times.
  15. Option one was better, LB not being to scale has ruined it for me.
  16. Finally got around to watching it this afternoon Tony, it’s fantastic. I’m honoured for me being mentioned at the end of the video, however I’m confused as I haven’t contributed much to LB. But thankyou anyway. Can’t wait to play actual trains in March!!
  17. Oooh are we back on the DCC sound debate? What about gearboxes? Ill see myself out
  18. We are going to be left high and dry if Wizards stop stocking the mainly trains etch!
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