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Status Updates posted by binesrail

  1. Knock knock Who's there? Epic drop. Epic dr....? WUB WUB WUB WUB

  2. Went to the RH&DR Gala for a day trip yesterday, Just to let you know the RH&DR is 300 miles from where i live!

    1. Chris116


      Only a short journey then! Hope you had a good time on the RHDR.

  3. Who's laughing now?

  4. I wonder how much wood 6024 would burn from london to plymouth? hmmmm...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Michael Delamar
    3. ozzyo


      a lot more than it would burn coal.

    4. binesrail


      it would need one BIG tender haha

  5. Just as i were making a video to show how good one of my stationary engines was so i could sell it, it lost all its compression because the exhaust valve wont shut! Grrrr!

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      Hit it with a big hammer

    2. Boris


      Bisley gun oil is good for stuff like that.

    3. skipepsi


      check the valve springs first but aftes that it is the valve guides might be head off time?

  6. I am i cider drinker, i drinks it all of the day, ow arr ow arr aa!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. waggy


      Don't loose the key for your combine harvester.

    3. Stu from EGDL

      Stu from EGDL

      I got 20 acres and you got......

    4. Horsetan


      Forty three.

  7. I may have made a slight error on my driving lesson by doing 75mph in a 60mph zone!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. QRModeller


      Don't worry, I did 70kph in a 60 zone during my test. You can probably work out the result!!

    3. mudmagnet


      I better keep off the road when you are around then!

    4. QRModeller


      You're pretty safe, I'm in Oz!!

  8. They went about building a train all wrong on Top Gear.

    1. sir douglas

      sir douglas

      they should have used bigger caravans

  9. Cant wait to get onto the roads and mowe down some unsuspecting old ladies!

    1. halfwit


      And they won't be missed!

  10. I overtook a car on my bike going home today! must have been at least 40mph!

    1. halfwit


      I used to like hammering down Elstow Road in Bedford on a single speed road bike on my way home from work overtaking as many cars as I could.

    2. Timara


      Neat! One of the hills near me has speed bumps that slow the cars down, but have no effect on a bike. Fun times!

  11. Is jumping with excitment over the thought of a 1920's terbo charged stationary engine!

    1. Horsetan


      Now that's going nowhere. Fast.

  12. Sent off for my provisonal license yesterday, should here next week. So if you see me me on the road i would strongly recoment that you get into a fortified bunker!

  13. woop woop, this is the sound of the police!

    1. Etched Pixels

      Etched Pixels

      I thought that was Roxanne ;)


    2. keefer


      i remember when it was nee-naw!

    3. darren01


      what you been up yo Biney!!!!

  14. Hope the weather is good tomorow, i realy want to work on restoring one of my Petter A1's.

  15. Oow i o like an Ivatt. :)

    1. darren01


      mmmm wonder why?


  16. I have bought a new loco today, i will give you all 10 guesses to try and guess what it is. :)

  17. Night: "And what can we burn apart from witches?" Peasant: "More witches!"

    1. halfwit


      Live at the witch trials...

    2. Horsetan


      Where is the Witchsmeller Pursuivant?

  18. My legs are on fire!

    1. darren01


      have you droped that parfin lamp!


    2. Horsetan


      Is that the original version of the song by Kings of Leon?

    3. Jon020


      Reminds me of the old saying: "Red sky in the morning, Pilots warning; red sky at night, your engine's on fire"

  19. Every day im shufflin!

  20. I now have a slightly burned nose, as i forgot i fitted one of my 16mm locos with pop saftey valves. Shant be doing that again i think!

  21. This guy is truly great!
    1. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      They certainly gave it everything...

    2. Worsdell forever

      Worsdell forever

      Also, the drummer looks like the hermit in 'Life of Brian'.

  22. I was made to go to the doctors today because i eat to unhealthly, and they found traces of blood in ym bacon stream.

  23. I was made to go to the doctors today because i eat to unhealthly, and they found traces of blood in ym bacon stream.

  24. Need more railways now!

  25. Need more railways now!

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